The pro-metabolic effects of ultrasound
@lobotomize-me it's in the name of science's ok .
@Mauritio - Dr. Peat has a positive story about using ultrasound over the liver.
it would be a good change of technology to use to switch over to ultrasound. A friend of mine who was for a year or more had had liver enzyme elevation and signs of hepatitis or developing cirrhosis had a very prolonged ultrasound examination of her liver and a couple of weeks later went back for another exam and her liver had completely recovered. I suspect it was from that very half an hour or so of looking around with an ultrasound imaging device.
I had ultrasound long ago when I had knee surgery, (I don’t ever have knee problems anymore). I’m following this thread with great interest. Anyone find any info on ultrasound for the thyroid? I seem to remember an old study @haidut posted on the old forum about heat alone regressing tumors…
@Mauritio Let us know how it goes
@DavidPS Thanks!! Super cool. will try it out over the liver/ gallbladder.
I sometimes have cholestasis-like issues and hope it will help.
This study looks promising. It seems to help short term and long term with gallbladder contractility.
"LIPUS treatment obviously enhanced gallbladder contractility in response to CCK-8 stimulation and accelerated bile crystal clearance. It also reduced inflammatory cell infiltration and tissue edema, and promoted new capillary formation in the gallbladder, mitigating the progression of CGS. Furthermore, LIPUS restored CCKAR expression and improved the thickness of the gallbladder smooth muscle layer, providing a structural basis for increased smooth muscle contractility."
Intensity: 800 mW/cm²
Frequency: 3 MHz
Duty Cycle: 30% -
@evan-hinkle i think I saw a study successfully using high frequency ultrasound for thyroid nodules , but can't find it right now.
Peat mentioned 50-100 000 Hz as an effective healing frequency.
They noticed that it would heal infected tonsils as well.
It seems to generate more mitochondria in muscles . Which makes me wonder if it helps with exercise recovery and muscle growth ?!
"We conclude that absolute increases in UCP-3 protein content in the early adaptive phase were associated with the genesis of mitochondria containing a normal complement of UCP-3. " -
Ultrasound has an anti-catabolic effect in this study inhibiting myostatin."LIPUS promotes exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy by facilitating protein synthesis and inhibiting the protein catabolism pathway." pulsed ultrasound prevents muscle atrophy induced by type 1 diabetes in rats Modulates the Inflammatory Response and Promotes Muscle Regeneration in Injured Muscles -
@Mauritio may we ask what calibre that device is and why you chose that particular measure?
@16charactersitis Sure. I tried getting the one that the women on X was using, but it costs 100€ shipping to germany. So I bought this one, which is probably slightly more powerful and a bit more pricey.
It has 3 different Intensity settings:
80mW/cm2 (low)
800mW/cm2 (middle)
1600mW/cm2 (high)It uses 1 MHz.
To replicate most studies the lowest setting will suffice. They mostly use 20-80mw/cm2. But for example the gallbladder study used 800mW/cm2 so the second setting works perfectly for that.
I mentioned the respective ultrasound settings they used in most studies or you can see them in the images.
I'll follow this thread and your experiences with using your US device.
Something in me says that all this can't be right in general, although I know that US devices are even regularly being used on muscles and ligaments in physiotherapy. I find all US applications hugely uncomfortable and these feelings of something disturbed in my tissues lasts for days.
The adequate selection of applied frequencies (or even their pulse pattern wrt to peaks and sharpness at the edges, ie the device's hardware) could play out to be crucial. In contrast to simply "blasting ultrasound energy" into tisssues.
I find the graph of the first posting above unconvincing or at least inconclusive, not least because of the short time period of observation as I remember studies which very clearly found that long enough ultrasonography (only 5-15 minutes iirc) on the testicles leads to infertility for about 1/2 year due to profoundly impaired spermatogenesis.I would suspect the benefits may be similar or downright due to the concept of mitohormesis. I.e. the US puts stress into cells and tissues whereupon - if not overdone - the body overcompensates by becoming more resilient to "proper" stressors.
In which case the adequate dose in mW/cm² would be strongly dependent on the individual, overall physiological condition and the bodily reserves which can be activated and mobilized to support such overcompensation and anabolism. -
@CrumblingCookie said in The pro-metabolic effects of ultrasound:
on as I remember studies which very clearly found that long enough ultrasonography (only 5-15 minutes iirc) on the testicles leads to infertility for about 1/2 year due to profoundly impaired spermatogenesis.
@Mauritio said:
“When we treated the rats in the study, it only took two weeks to shut down a process that is essential to the survival of any species,” says Tsuruta. “Males produce millions of sperm every day. So it’s a very, very robust system. To be able to turn that off — we are really excited to learn how this actually works.”
Ultrasound generates heat by physically vibrating tissues with sound waves — similar to the way that microwave energy shakes up water molecules to heat up food. But the sound waves may also be working at a deeper level to change the tissues they affect; Tsuruta says when he compared rat testes exposed to ultrasound to testes heated to the same temperature without ultrasound, the ultrasound-treated testes showed a 10 times greater drop in sperm concentration.
Research by other scientists suggests that ultrasound may disrupt the proteins in cells and even their gene expression, leading to alterations in the way these cells work. “Ultrasound can definitely change [the cells’] state,” he says. “So to learn whether any of these things are happening if we use ultrasound as contraceptive is going to need future studies.”
In the study, the rats’ testes were exposed to high frequency ultrasound at 3 MHz for 15 minutes each, two days apart. The sessions were enough to kill the existing sperm in the testes and stop the development of additional sperm. The first study to look at the effect of ultrasound on sperm production, in the 1970s, showed that the depletion was temporary, and Tsuruta hopes his studies will show the same result."which probably reports on this study:
Therapeutic ultrasound as a potential male contraceptive: power, frequency and temperature required to deplete rat testes of meiotic cells and epididymides of sperm determined using a commercially available systemThe current treatment regimen provided nominally more energy to the treatment chamber than Fahim's originally reported conditions of 1 MHz ultrasound delivered at 1 Watt per square cm for ten minutes. However, the true spatial average intensity, effective radiating area and power output of the transducers used by Fahim were not reported, making a direct comparison impossible. We found that germ cell depletion was most uniform and effective when we rotated the therapeutic transducer to mitigate non-uniformity of the beam field.
The latter raises more potential questions as it suggests that the composition and uniformity of the ultrasonic field may be just as decisive as the energy intensity. Sort of like with mobile phone radiation (and with ultrasound, we are up in similar MHz ranges) where trees directly next to the antenna often appear alright but those at a farther distance (much lower energy intensity) can show thinned growth and early loss of leaves on one side clearly pinpointing the direction to the next radiation tower.
In this other study the greater effectiveness of the "cup-method" also suggests a significant impact of a (uniform) ultrasonic field.
The applied energy intensity was high at 2.5W/cm².
The efficacy of ultrasound treatment as a reversible male contraceptive in the rhesus monkey"Two methods of ultrasound exposure were used, either the transducer probe at the bottom of a cup filled with saline (Cup) or direct application to the surface of the scrotum (Direct)."
"Semen samples from all males, regardless of exposure method, exhibited a decrease in the percentage of motile sperm following ultrasound treatment. There was an average reduction in motility of 40% the week following treatment. Similarly, curvilinear velocity and the percentage of sperm with a normally shaped flagellum were also reduced in all males following ultrasound treatment. A significant reduction in the total number of sperm in an ejaculate (total sperm count) was only observed in males that received ultrasound via the cup method. Following treatment via the cup method, males exhibited up to a 91.7% decrease in average total sperm count (n = 2). Sperm count did not approach pre-treatment levels until 8 weeks following ultrasound exposure."
In this next study they used an astonishing 25W/cm² yet only for 30 seconds. It's still a lot of heat flux on such a small area. Yet it is to be assumed that focussing only on heat damage will lead to the same false and destructive narratives as in the EMF radiation/mobile phone/WiFi business.
Morphological changes to mouse testicular tissue from in vivo ultrasonic irradiation"It appears that spermatocytes are affected earlier than spermatogonia, contrary to the situation following ionizing radiation."
This other one from is a specific "fringe" application of tissue cauterization below the skin when combined with topical cooling.
I'll put it here anyway for future reference and the need to better all watch out if you ever encounter US devices with surface contact cooling."The vas deferens are located and a plastic clamp is used to hold them in place in a pinched fold of the skin. Built into the clip is a device that produces five watts of ultrasound. A pulse of ultrasound is fired for between 20 and 50 seconds, heating the vas deferens to over 50C.
This kills cells in the tube wall, which coagulate and obstruct the tube. "I imagine that healing up of muscles by inducing some collagen intrusion will show mostly no disadvantages and that induction of tissue restructuring caters much more for the liver than for fine microstructures as in the brain or the gonads.
Perhaps it can be really beneficial at a very low intensity with pulse formation and field structures and frequencies lent on nature and harmonics etc. I'm confident that even then the benefits will be dose-dependent just as with red light therapy (LLLT low lever laser therapy).
Maybe you find out for us. Just don't overdo it or make your sensitive parts hurt. -
@CrumblingCookie thanks for the studies !
I have only briefly looked over them.But I think they don't use any reasonable intensities . At least I would hope that no one uses 1-25W/cm2 on their balls lol
The contraceptive study used Intensities from 1-2.2W/cm2 .
The testosterone studies I posted use around 20mW, so the difference here is the factor 100.
surely we can't derive many meaningful conclusions from that ,besides: don't overdo it. -
DAY 1:
Received my device today and immediately tried it at the following setting:
5min, at 80mW/cm2 over liver/gallbladder area
Didn't expect to feel anything. But right after it I felt pleasantly relaxed as if I had drank a beer or two.
1 h later I had a bile dump. Success.
Been having stuck bile issues for the last weeks since involuntary mold exposure.So far so good for day 1 !
@Mauritio excellent! Exactly the lead I was looking for thanks!
@Mauritio said in The pro-metabolic effects of ultrasound:
The contraceptive study used Intensities from 1-2.2W/cm2 .
The testosterone studies I posted use around 20mW, so the difference here is the factor 100.
surely we can't derive many meaningful conclusions from that ,besides: don't overdo it.Thanks for having a look at those studies! Yes now I notice how you carefully presented the applied mW of ultrasound power in your posts.
I take it that the medium and high settings of your device and the commonly used intensities in diagnostic, especially in Doppler ultrasound, are off the menu.
When asked, us technicians routinely don't even know how much their machines emit but it surely will be in the top of the range of the standard 720mW/cm² "ISPTA" allowance to maximize image quality (higher if the device manual considers/lays out the expected extra thermal burden).For further mW/cm² references: Diagnostic fetal ultrasound seems to be limited to 10mW/cm² in Japan. Whereas in the US the basic allowance for diagnostic fetal ultrasound is 94mW/cm², or 17mW/cm² for targeting eyes.
@CrumblingCookie Ok good to know!
Low-frequency (<100 kHz), low-intensity (<100 mW/cm2) ultrasound to treat venous ulcers: A human study and in vitro experiments
Here they used 20kHz or 100kHz in twenty subjects with venous ulcer wounds (not a pretty sight!), with 15 or 45 min per session for a maximum of four treatments at 100mW/cm² SPTP (note that it's periphery, no sensitive organs), with a custom, flexural transducer inside the wound dressing, a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 1 Hz and duty cycle of 50%. I.e. every alternating second there was an ultrasound burst. That's all very, very low frequency in the world of ultrasound.
The lower 20kHz frequency and only 15minutes treatments (∼63 J/cm2) rather than 45minutes proved effective in this very small study:"In addition, it should be noted that the average initial wound size for the five human subjects in the 20 kHz, 15 min treatment group was nearly identical to the average non-healing ulcer in the sham group (4.8 cm2 vs 4.7 cm2), showing that wounds of the same size, when treated with ultrasound did heal, whereas those not-treated did not heal.
Larger doses (i.e., those received by the 45 min at 20 kHz ultrasound or the higher intensity 200 mW/cm2in vitro group) did not show improvements in proliferation or wound healing compared to the lower (633 J) treatment dose. These findings seem to be supported by those reported by Johns (2002), whose review paper explores previously reported efficacy of different frequencies (45 kHz–3 MHz) and doses (2–150 J/cm2) and suggests that different exposure parameters may require unique energy densities or doses to reach therapeutic efficacy.
The in vitro results indicated that 20 kHz ultrasound at 100 mW/cm2 caused an average of 32% increased metabolism (p < 0.05) and 40% increased cell proliferation (p < 0.01) after 24 h when compared to the control, non-treated cells. "
The lower the ultrasound frequency the more it encroaches on LESWT / LI-ESWT (Low Energy Shock Wave Therapy / low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy), which appears marvellous for healing cardiovascular systems. Typical LEWST frequencies are 120/minute, i.e. a mere 2Hz.
There's successful therapeutic overlapping between very low frequency low intensity pulsed ultrasound and LESWT e.g. in the context of diabetes and erectile dysfunction: there's of course "bass-therapy" of listening to loud, deep, rythmic music. Which lifts depression. And I am confident could strengthen bones to the marrow similar to yet more fun than LESWT in an ortopedics office.