Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@CO3 said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@jwayne it has nothing to do with marxism though? where did you even get the idea? You literally think they're communist because of the name?
To say "nothing to do with" is inaccurate. There's 75 years of literature about Chinese Marxism. Even today all land, resources and major economic assets are state-owned.
@jwayne It's not inaccurate. If a state follows a liberal ideology, it is a liberal state. If it conducts itself economically as a capitalist enterprise, however oligarchical, it is capitalist. There's almost not a single Marxist nowadays that supports China's system of using its citizens as slave labor to produce for the West.
If you think state ownership = communism you really need to read more. There's no way around this, especially if you intend to argue with communists.
@CO3 said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@jwayne There's almost not a single Marxist nowadays that supports China's system of using its citizens as slave labor to produce for the West.
This is the difference starting from 1978 that I indicated earlier. Following this time period is an expansion of Maoist education initiatives, elimination of poverty, massive infrastructural development, and so on with all national industries (high-tech, space, etc.). This is very different than a domestic hollowing out export economy or a financial based one without a tangible backing.
@mostlylurking said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@Mulloch94 said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
Ehhhh...I think conservatives are more opened to discourse of opinion on wedge issues, but when it comes to the bare essentials they're just as lockstep as the liberals are. The republican party is basically the cult of Trump. Look at what happens whenever those "Never Trumpers" try to shill for a new candidate....they get crushed, lol. The red wave is a Trump wave. And once Trump leaves politics for good, the conservative party will go back to being just as lame as ever with dinosaur establishment shills like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.
I think the grass roots conservatives, many of whom actually work (instead of talk) for a living, are better able to employ discernment because they have to in their everyday lives. I think you are mistaken; the conservative movement is not just a "cult of Trump". The conservative movement is comprised of a massive number of people in the U.S. who have gotten a craw full. Since 9-11, the political pendulum has veered too far to the left (in a strangely fascist sort of way); now it will massively correct to the right (or the nation will cease to exist). I'm reminded of a quote I read a while back: "Donald Trump was/is not just our candidate, he’s our murder weapon; the GOPe is our victim."
America isn't moving from left to right. It's moving from imperialist to nativist/nationalist. Lefty politics didn't do the country in, America's inherent fascist and militaristic nature did. Lefty cultural politics is just a cat amongst the pigeons while the Department of Defense bankrupts the country.
@Hando-Jin said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@mostlylurking said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@Mulloch94 said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
Ehhhh...I think conservatives are more opened to discourse of opinion on wedge issues, but when it comes to the bare essentials they're just as lockstep as the liberals are. The republican party is basically the cult of Trump. Look at what happens whenever those "Never Trumpers" try to shill for a new candidate....they get crushed, lol. The red wave is a Trump wave. And once Trump leaves politics for good, the conservative party will go back to being just as lame as ever with dinosaur establishment shills like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.
I think the grass roots conservatives, many of whom actually work (instead of talk) for a living, are better able to employ discernment because they have to in their everyday lives. I think you are mistaken; the conservative movement is not just a "cult of Trump". The conservative movement is comprised of a massive number of people in the U.S. who have gotten a craw full. Since 9-11, the political pendulum has veered too far to the left (in a strangely fascist sort of way); now it will massively correct to the right (or the nation will cease to exist). I'm reminded of a quote I read a while back: "Donald Trump was/is not just our candidate, he’s our murder weapon; the GOPe is our victim."
America isn't moving from left to right. It's moving from imperialist to nativist/nationalist. Lefty politics didn't do the country in, America's inherent fascist and militaristic nature did. Lefty cultural politics is just a cat amongst the pigeons while the Department of Defense bankrupts the country.
America's fascist and militaristic "nature" is top down, not grass roots. We are now witnessing a massive house cleaning of the evil that has infested our government. But this is a global thing, not just America, although the power elite's tentacles that emanate from D.C. are spread far and wide.
The evil has complete control of the mass media. The internet has provided an alternative.
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@Hando-Jin said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@mostlylurking said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@Mulloch94 said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
Ehhhh...I think conservatives are more opened to discourse of opinion on wedge issues, but when it comes to the bare essentials they're just as lockstep as the liberals are. The republican party is basically the cult of Trump. Look at what happens whenever those "Never Trumpers" try to shill for a new candidate....they get crushed, lol. The red wave is a Trump wave. And once Trump leaves politics for good, the conservative party will go back to being just as lame as ever with dinosaur establishment shills like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.
I think the grass roots conservatives, many of whom actually work (instead of talk) for a living, are better able to employ discernment because they have to in their everyday lives. I think you are mistaken; the conservative movement is not just a "cult of Trump". The conservative movement is comprised of a massive number of people in the U.S. who have gotten a craw full. Since 9-11, the political pendulum has veered too far to the left (in a strangely fascist sort of way); now it will massively correct to the right (or the nation will cease to exist). I'm reminded of a quote I read a while back: "Donald Trump was/is not just our candidate, he’s our murder weapon; the GOPe is our victim."
America isn't moving from left to right. It's moving from imperialist to nativist/nationalist. Lefty politics didn't do the country in, America's inherent fascist and militaristic nature did. Lefty cultural politics is just a cat amongst the pigeons while the Department of Defense bankrupts the country.
Daniele Ganser published a book last year that speaks to this
USA: The Ruthless Empire Daniele Ganser -
It is over for the West. Lol at humanity. I went to the shopping mall today. The decline is manifest. Outbreed depression is real. Posture does not get enough attention here. people can barely keep their bodies together. They waddle along like obese ametrical penguins. They are neither black nor white anymore. They are just weak ugly fat carriers. People also isolate themselves in public by using their phones at all times. There is no dress style either. Everything is ugly. The architecture is hideous too. People are intensely loud. People talk to people next to them as if they were 15 meters away. The children are invariably crying too. This is a proof of a stressed state. The women are huge and masculinized. The men are skinny-fat with jewelry. I went to the bookstore, and they are not offering serious literature anymore. You could get good books at the bookstore ten years ago. Now they only offer a display of: crime, self-help, SJW crap, and cheap BSDM romances. The decline is clearly accelerating too. The fall from before Copevid to today is likely the greatest fall in human capital ever in such a short time span. Do you think the policies of mass migration and lockdowns would have been approved before the smartphone era?
None of the underlying trends seems to improve. Migrants and outbreeds are an increasing proportion of our societies. People keep getting fatter and weaker. The hormonal quality of humans is also eroding faster than ever before. To my astonishment, I saw several obese women without tits today. This would have been illegal in a sane society. More and more children are born to single mothers. In Norway under one percent of children were born to single mothers before the 80s. Now it is at 12%. That number does not include all the children who will grow up with separated parents or gay parents(satanic). There is clear evidence that IQ, brain size, and jaw width are all reducing at a great pace. Within non-outbreed families, the Norwegian average IQ is falling 0,21 IQ points every year. If you then add the average immigrant at 86 IQ points, then you have a doomed society. Demography is destiny. For upper-middle-class people like myself, the total tax rate is over 70% and is only augmenting. Over 15% is on the dole, and an even higher number has fake public jobs to get people into the "workforce". The average IQ of parliamentarians in Britain is 117. These are the top thirteen-percenters IQ-wise. 77% of Labour parliamentarians did not know the answer to the following question: if you spin a coin twice, what is the probability of getting two heads? The teachers and midwives you are relying on are not nearly that competent. Both health and intelligence will only get worse in our society. Great political shifts like Backmigration and tax cuts for the producers will not be enough to save us. We need a very strong eugenic shift. That is the only option at this point. We also need a completely different school system. Good people have too few children and they have children too late. The worst people are breeding like rabbits. The good people are financing the rotten children. Moreover, every generation within families is physically and mentally less capable than the last. Processed food should be outlawed. Outbreeding should be banned (Sorry passport bros). 80-90% are metabolically sick, while Gen Zers spend 9 hours in front of the screen every day. Babies are increasingly watching screens too, but researchers think that these numbers are underreported. The new normal is an outbreed baby who is fed soy PUFA breast milk replacement while watching the telly while their single mother is taking the SRI medicine. All of this is approved and financed by you guys. Enjoy the downfall.
@Norwegian-Mugabe When you work on your health all this mental illness will fade! Ray talks about this. Not saying it's a pretty image when you go outside, but this type of disgust reaction is one I had when I was messed up hormonally and mentally still a child.
@CO3 I have better health than you. I am extremely strong and have a high temperature. My squat sets are now well into the 200s. I never think of these things on a day-to-day basis. The shopping mall got me into a healthy rage. That being said, it would be totally unhealthy to think it is acceptable that 12% of children are born to single mothers, or that outbreed depression is acceptable. Everything I wrote was correct, even though it is best to avoid the masses and avoid thinking about these things. I am very fortunate to work with a high IQ homoethnic group of wealthy coworkers. I am shielded from average people for most of my life. I am happy with my life, but our society as a whole is literally doomed. You are correct though that our health changes how we view these things. I was angry at the decline a few years ago. Now I laugh at it.
@Norwegian-Mugabe weightlifting is stupid but seeing someone brag about a 200lbs squat is the funniest fucking thing I've seen this week
@CO3 200KGs*. Muscles are beautiful. Muscles increase BMR. Muscles increases competence. You would not be a commie if you had a functional body(or mind).
@Norwegian-Mugabe That is impressive! Many, many guys that are good at lifting a weight up and down that are still mentally and physically completely deranged. As you can see by your depressed pathetic post.
What I don't understand is that you guys have no political philosophy, so I don't see why you're so mad that somebody else does think and read about the subject? It's fine. You can do it too one day!
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
@CO3 I have better health than you. I am extremely strong and have a high temperature. My squat sets are now well into the 200s. I never think of these things on a day-to-day basis. The shopping mall got me into a healthy rage. That being said, it would be totally unhealthy to think it is acceptable that 12% of children are born to single mothers, or that outbreed depression is acceptable. Everything I wrote was correct, even though it is best to avoid the masses and avoid thinking about these things. I am very fortunate to work with a high IQ homoethnic group of wealthy coworkers. I am shielded from average people for most of my life. I am happy with my life, but our society as a whole is literally doomed. You are correct though that our health changes how we view these things. I was angry at the decline a few years ago. Now I laugh at it.
This insularity is hardly conducive to maintaining a high IQ. Wouldn’t exposing yourself to a variety of experiences enhance your intellect?
@Peatly I am sure I would have been smarter if I spent more time watching niggers shitting in the streets.
@Norwegian-Mugabe Lefties really believe that being near 70IQ blacks having a chimp out rap battle while threatening to r*pe a "white bitch" is enriching.
@Norwegian-Mugabe Well, this is not the response I was expecting from someone with high IQ. You bypassed intellect and went straight to a primal reaction.
BTW your country played a role in people trafficking which is contributing to the present situation. Not to mention the many ways the powers that be have colluded to displace people and steal their resources.
David Webb had something to say about rich people being protected. When the time comes I hope your “high IQ” will shield you.
I think that being highly argumentative isn't peaty
@Orindere true! It's a sacrifice on my part
@Orindere said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
I think that being highly argumentative isn't peaty
On the contrary Dr. Peat was incredibly argumentative. Of course, in ways that were productive.