@Nabokov I've written a long article on the subject here: Navigating the Vaccine Question.
Some quotes from Ray:
Vaccines & Immunity 1 & 2 KMUD, 2014. Ray Peat, Andrew Murray.
Ray Peat: People writing about the economics of immunity often refer to vaccination as the “economically viable method”; they acknowledge that sanitation and nutrition prevent disease, but they say it's cheaper to vaccinate [chuckles]. And the World Health Organization around 1970, I think, did an experiment in Central America in which they had a medical team with vaccinations and all of the [usual] regular medicine [providing] help to one village; another village, they didn't do anything to; the third village, they didn't provide any vaccination or medical help, but they provided clean water and a nutrition supplement to pregnant women and [to] the young children. And doing that, for several years, they came back [to assess]; and the health was best in the nutrition and clean water village; [it was] better than the controlled village. The health in the medicalized and vaccinated village was worse.01.20.20 Ray Peat Honest and Uncensored, January 20, 2020 [746757790]
In 1986, the government passed a law saying that drug companies would have no liability at all for any harm done by the vaccines, and the Department of Health Human Services pledged at the time that they would check and work with the drug companies to improve the safety of the vaccines and would report every two years. But 30 years later, a lawsuit when Freedom of Information didn't get the information, they sued them. And finally, the Secretary of HHS admitted that they had done absolutely nothing over those 30 years. And when you look at these studies, the pressure is put on the journals so that critical articles have been retracted and denounced as fraudulent just because they were criticizing the dangers of the vaccines. But many of the studies supposedly testing the safety of the vaccines used the word fraudulence. As a control, the whole vaccine minus one antigen, the control contained the most toxic understood part of the vaccine, the adjuvant, and so they were comparing a known toxin against the vaccine and saying the vaccine...wasn't much more toxic than the toxic components of it. A completely crazy, crooked way to do science. But those articles, no one has pressured them to be withdrawn, even though they're essentially fraudulent.Thyroid Function _ Pulse Rate | Weaponized Culture | Finasteride as an "Insane Decision" [AOmIfzvasr0].mp3-transcript.txt
And the huge campaign in Italy and the U.S. last year to push influenza vaccine on old people, according to the results of these several studies, people who were vaccinated against influenza. According to their arguments, had somewhat less cases of influenza, maybe 45% protection. But they were as much as five or six times as likely to have other respiratory infection.01.17.22 Peat Ray [1198355269].mp3-transcript.txt
and all kinds of stuff. Yeah, for example, there's evidence that the kids who had normal measles... are relatively resistant to developing cancer later in life.
Vaccines were very questionable as a preventive or as a harmless measure in the, starting fairly early, the beginning of the 20th century, there was evidence that injecting anything intramuscularly, anything irritating especially, predisposed kids to getting paralysis of the area that receives the injection, so if it went in their right hip, that leg was more likely to develop polio paralysis, or the left shoulder, that left arm was much more likely to become paralyzed, that has been reported now for over a hundred years, and there were very, very well-publicized studies in the 1950s, that pretty well turned everyone who is at all informed against the vaccines, and that effect of the area affected by polio is still seen in Africa today, you can, the frequency of paralysis of a particular part of the body corresponds closely to the site of vaccination.#38: In Defense of Mexican Coke | The Authoritarian Metabolism | Symbols of an Alien Sky | Astrology [LKsogI7Hu9E].mp3-transcript.txt
They don't list it as an ingredient naturally, but it's there because of the general contamination of the culture medium. Do you think the aluminum that has replaced the lipopolysaccharide as an adjuvant, do you think it can trigger some of the same symptoms, the paralytic symptoms? Yeah, it's very powerful. Some of the aluminum shows up in the brain. An English professor has done a lot of research on that and produced very consistent convincing results that the aluminum is reaching the brain and causing a variety of symptoms. So basically, don't get the vaccine, right? Because it's definitely going to have at least aluminum in it. Yeah, yeah.He also wrote an article about it specifically, Contexts for Vaccination.
Main takeaways I learned by thoroughly researching this topic:
There are no pre-licensure controlled studies with an inert placebo for any vaccines on the schedule. They test against other, older vaccines (which contain adjuvants and are therefore not inert).
While vaccine advocates claim vaccination is responsible for the elimination of infectious disease throughout the 20th century, the mortality rate of those diseases largely collapsed before vaccines were introduced, and even diseases that never had a vaccine fell at the same rate, strongly suggesting the improvement in mortality rates was due to improved sanitation and nutrition.
- There has never been a comprehensive study of health outcomes comparing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children conducted by the government, even though they've been promising one since the 1980s. However, every independent study that I've found on that topic has shown vaccinated children are at a higher risk of chronic diseases, allergies, and developmental disorders (autism, ADHD).
A bunch more charts and graphics I've collected on the topic.
@brad This is excellent, thank you
@Nabokov In addition to Brad's overview: you have to weigh the risks and the benefits.
Do you have a big risk to get Diphteria or HepC. If you live in a fairly clean country you probably have not, unless you are in a medical field.
And if you are healthy and well nourished, these dieseases probably are not that hard to overcome.
But if you travel to foreign countries with strange foods, specific vaccines would make sense. E.g. I got no Diphteria vaccine, but I would consider if I*d travel to a tour of India.All vaccines have risks, which are hard to quantify. Hence it is better to overestimate the risks a bit.
Also, many vaccines are not really good in preventing the disease. Usually they use a different pathway than virus would take, they elicit different antibodies, and may interfere with inherent immunity.
If a vaccine needs adjuvants, it just means that the immune response against the antigene is not really working, and there will not be real protection.The tubercolis vaccine is very efficient, because it uses real bacterium, thus has a comparable immune response to a real infection. The same for smallpox.
@Andreas I have no risks or worries about any diseases, I am only forced to reckon with vaccines because I think my medical school will refuse to let me complete my degree if I tell them I will not get the full list of vaccinations needed to do clinical rotations
@Nabokov Personally, I would probably take the vaccines you listed then. In a medical setting they makes some sense, and it is hard to argue against it.
I would see it as a gamble, with a fairly low risk, but a high benefit (becoming a doctor).
I would try to not take them all at once, and make sure I have a good metabolism on these days.IMO, the bad side effects are mostly for small children, where it messes with their still undeveloped immune system. And they get so many all at once at such a young age, it is madness.
But if you are grown up, with those vaccines the risk is not so high.The mRNA is very different from those vaccines, it is the active Spike protein that creates so much havoc. The "traditional" vaccines have not an ingredietn which is active in that sense.
@Andreas Put in any vaccine of your choice in the search engine on VigiAccess and look at the reported side effects. No vaccine is safe. I also believe they are unnecessary.
@brad thanks for sharing all this. It is a comprehensive reference!
@brad Whats your plan living in NYC with a kid?
@brad this is everything
@Dopamine No clue.
@Buckian @Shar_to_the_dae Glad you like it!
@brad Great post!
@brad Impressive! Good work!
@Nabokov If you MUST take the jabs, follow each up immediately with homeopathic Thuja 200C to help mitigate the damage.
I’ve definitely been messed up big time by vaccines. I’m chasing getting heavy metal testing done to confirm this stuff.
I got vaccinated on the day I was born as a premature baby. I just want to keep in mind there isn’t any health problem we can’t overcome even if it seems impossible sometimes. Even though I’ve always struggled with basic stuff in school despite not being stupid etc etc...
Another excellent article by Katherine Watt
Vaccine and related biological product manufacturing as US government-licensed poison manufacturing.
From the article
"The toxicity of vaccines and vaccine-related biological products has been incrementally increased over time.
Injuries and deaths caused by vaccines are falsely attributed to communicable disease, inherited genetic disorders and environmental exposures by the same public health, military and pharmaceutical manufacturing executives jointly running the intentional poisoning programs."