Might be a bit stupid, but I want to grow my own veggies and fruits. But the soil I get from stores dont feel authentic (I can't really put my finger on it but it feels nutrient deficient). How do I enrich the soil? should I just buy some shilajit and mix it with water to enrich the soil? it might seem like a waste and it probably is a waste but I want whole foods and not rely on supplements much. would this way limit the heavy metals in shilajit? I was thinking of adding eggshell calcium and fruit scraps to add to the soil. I have never done gardening in my life before, so I appreciate any and all suggestions.

Latest posts made by PeatyICT
Shilajit to grow veggies
@Kilgore Hi. Thanks for consolidating the information. At 22 you can still grow, via epiphyseal plate in spine, given you don't have any present chronic hormonal imbalances.
I believe RPF had a post about how protein quality and not quantity affects growth. So you can consider adding in collagen/gelatin (20-30g/day), and Taurine.
to add to the regimen, you can also consider the rustom stretches. I did it for a month and had temporary increase in morning height. I gave up because it made me uncomfortable to sleep deeply.
All the best in your endeavour
RE: building heat tolerance
@fucker hi. where in Asia? if its SEA, It could be just humidity exaggerating the effect of heat, so a dehumidifier could work in your room.
@Growtallerpast25 Wolff's law is more so for the bones though. I was referring to cycling being an effective stretching force for the posterior chain of muscles.
this blog has some cool entries. I tried it like a year ago for a month, but got caught up with personal life.
RE: What should I Keep track of when taking NDT?
@ElijahKrings Thank you! I had not heard about the Achilles tendon test before, will definitely test it out before the NDT arrives, and compare later on. I have become hypo after eating Macs for lunch and dinner for the past 11 years (2012 -2023). Found Peat's principles in mid 2023, and just cutting out the pufa made me feel and look so much better. Still a lot of junk to clear out, so thinking NDT will help in accelerating the process.
@peatarianpeatler GOMAD, Gelatin, vitamin C would make sure that you have sufficient nutrients to facilitate growth. Look up on glucosamine and hydroxyapatite.
Apart from that, tension makes it easier. Stretching the fascia would be helpful, and there was a Russian Athlete who would use bands while sleeping to stretch his tibia and grew about 10cm in his 20s. I think there was also a blog detailing cycling techniques to grow taller too. I am thinking inducing micro fractures like Muay thai style to trigger stem cells and to facilitate bone formation.
Good luck!
RE: What should I Keep track of when taking NDT?
@salicylicacid22 thank you for the article!
What should I Keep track of when taking NDT?
I've ordered some NDT and it is yet to arrive. This would be my first time supplementing NDT. I've read somewhere that when taking NDT I need to supplement Magnesium. I'm not sure of the reason, I would appreciate if any one can tell me why. Is there like any other things that I should take note of when supplementing NDT?
Not sure if it matters but I'm balding NW2.5 but it's been stable since I started peating.
Thank you !