@Hugh nice. For me the breakthrough with concentration was making sure my blood sugar was steady by getting enough carbs. How many carbs are you eating? I am for 2-3x carbs to protein ratio. Ray said he needed a pint of orange juice per egg to keep his blood sugar up. Have you tried progesterone? That has fixed my libido. Do you have any hypothyroid symptoms? Have you tried thyroid?

Posts made by coconut
RE: I was given HgH for years as a teen
RE: I was given HgH for years as a teen
hey man the same thing happened to me. i was short for my age, probably because i was raised on soy milk (they thought i was lactose intolerant because i had migraines). so they put me on growth hormone from 12-14. i have had all the same symptoms as you, it completely changed my personality and i became an extremely anxious introvert retard for about 8 years. because of that i got put on an ssri. so it ruined my late teens and most of my twenties and it would have ruined my life if hadn't found out about ray peat.
my understanding is that taking growth hormone is pretty similar to taking estrogen or being on birth control, since estrogen increases it. it is a pituatarity hormone so it is stress central.
one thing i wish i had known is that growth hormone is very intertwined with blood sugar and it is known to promote diabetes. chronic administration of large doses of growth hormone can induce exhaustion of the insulin producing beta cells in your pancreas. i was diagnosed type 1 diabetic a few months ago (at age 29) and believe the growth hormone contributed. but i had a decade of chronic high stress, and my diet was basically what you would feed someone if you were trying to give them diabetes. so i know it wasnt only the growth hormone that caused it. women who take birth control are also at a higher risk for diabetes.
we definitely got fucked, but if it hadn't been the growth hormone it probably would have been something else. society is designed to destroy your health and there are many other ways that could happen. i told danny roddy about my growth hormone experience and he said, "at least you didnt get your penis chopped off".
how old are you? have you had any labs done? what symptoms are you currently trying to fix?
RE: Is technology distracting you from good health?
"Ending oligarchy and ending the digital culture are important goals." -RP
(in response to being asked what he would like his legacy to be.) -
RE: Any literature/studies showing that Diabetes is not caused directly by eating sugar?
an important one is by b. a. houssay, who showed that a high saturated fat diet prevented diabetes in rats and a high pufa diet caused it.
"In 1947, B. A. Houssay found that a diet based on sugar as a source of energy was more protective against diabetes than a diet based on lard, while the most protective diet was based on coconut oil. Lard reflects the pigs' diet, and is usually extremely unsaturated, especially since it became standard to fatten them on soybeans and corn. Essentially, his study seems to show that unsaturated (pork) fat permits diabetes to develop, sugar is slightly protective, and coconut oil is very protective against the form of diabetes caused by a poison."
piorry and bud cured diabetics using large amounts of sugar in the 1800s.
"Budd described another patient, a young man who had become too weak to work and who was losing weight at an extreme rate. Budd's prescription included 8 ounces of white sugar and 4 ounces of honey every day, and again, instead of increasing the amount of glucose in the urine, the amount decreased quickly as the patient began eating almost as much sugar as was being lost initially, and then as the loss of sugar in the urine decreased, the patient gained weight and recovered his strength."
the hyperglycemia in diabetes is the liver overproducing glucose , not a build up of unused sugar. diabetics die quicker without sugar.
"Since the first doctor noticed, hundreds of years ago, that the urine of a diabetic patient tasted sweet, it has been common to call the condition the sugar disease, or sugar diabetes, and since nothing was known about physiological chemistry, it was commonly believed that eating too much sugar had to be the cause, since the ability of the body to convert the protein in tissues into sugar wasn’t discovered until 1848, by Claude Bernard (who realized that diabetics lost more sugar than they took in). Even though patients continued to pass sugar in their urine until they died, despite the elimination of sugar from their diet, medical policy required that they be restrained to keep them from eating sugar. That prescientific medical belief, that eating sugar causes diabetes, is still held by a very large number, probably the majority, of physicians."
insulin allows you to use the glucose but it also blocks the free fatty acids
“Diabetes is caused by excess FFA floating in the blood, which blocks sugar oxidation as per the Randle cycle. Niacinamide lowers excess lipolysis/FFA and thus allows the cell to oxidize sugar again. Insulin also lowers FFA and also stimulates the glucose oxidation. This is why it is a therapy for diabetes. Diabetics have high FFA and glucose in the blood but the former part is almost never mentioned by doctors unless somebody ends up in ketoacidosis (driven by excess FFA) and even then the narrative is somehow still shifted to blame the "evil" sugar, while hyperglycemia is just a sign of high FFA.”
https://raypeat.com/articles/articles/diabetes.shtml -
RE: Brother is having month-long psychotic episode after "Peating"
i have a friend diagnosed with schizophrenia who hasnt had any psychotic episodes since changing his diet a few years ago. taking all those supplements with any nutritional deficiencies would probably be catastrophic for most people even if it was just chronically irritating his intestines and lowering his blood sugar. just taking the tyronene without enough carbs could cause something like this.
i wouldn't discourage him from the path he is on, he just tried to take a shortcut with bulgarian research chemicals, i have done the same thing. he will probably realize at some point he needs to focuses on the basics (diet, blood sugar, gut, thyroid) and be patient.
definitely should not smoke weed or drink if he has a tendency towards psychosis.
your brother can recover from this though, 24 is young. my "schizophrenic" friend has really interesting perspectives on life and is one of my favorite people to talk to.
RE: Most bioenergetic country to move to
Ray mentioned the Peruvian highlands, near the equator when he was asked this, I think in a kmud episode.
He also owned property in Bayard, New Mexico, near silver city and the Gila forest. There is a Benedictine monastery there too where the monks roast coffee.
in Mexico he lived in Coeneo de libertad but i heard that is cartel territory and you have to be fluent in Spanish. patzquaro is nearby which he liked a lot.
I agree with TopicalsOnBalls though. Ray said he only lived in Eugene because he could walk to the library from his house -
RE: ray peat Sensory Exercise
this is one of my health markers. if i feel good i naturally want to do these as i am falling asleep.
if my stress hormones are high/gut is irritated i have to listen to a podcast or music to sleep.
the visuals are influenced by what i saw that day, for me they dont work if i spend the day inside -
RE: Bioenergetic Music/Music Theraphy.
"if I were threatened with the destruction of the whole of my works save one, I should crave mercy for the Messe des morts." -berlioz -
RE: Bioenergetic Music/Music Theraphy.
my favorite composers are the ones who didn't play instruments and transcribed their music directly from what they heard in their head, Berlioz and Wagner.
my favorite recordings are pre WWII, recording orchestras with multiples mics and giving them hundreds of takes ruins it and i think thats why a lot of people dont like classical music.
best conductors are the ones who push the orchestra out of their comfort zone. Pablo Casals, Furtwangler, Oskar Fried
Harnoncourt has the best Bach recordings that i've found, his orchestra uses period correct instruments
russian orthodox church music is probably the most bioenergetic, georgy sviridov won the stalin prize in 1946
RE: Aspirin max dosage
my max is also around 6g (18 tablets of gericare). if i take that much it makes my hearing fuzzy and everything feels a little more soft and squishy.
right now i dissolve 12 tablets in a mason jar with water and lemon juice and sip on it throughout the day.