@alfredoolivas I wasn't advocating for the use of DHT without an estrogen precursor. The few people hyping up DHT Enanthate on twitter are using exogenous T and E2 alongside DHT.
Whether if it is just "hype" or not, estered hormones are going to out perform non estered hormones in its effects every single time.
I don't think it is that simple. The rapid peaks of base DHT saturates 3a-HSD and 3b-HSD enzymes which leads to immediate conversion to the inactive metabolites. DHT Enanthates esterification leads to a slower release into the bloodstream, reducing the peak concentration, prolonging the duration and increasing free DHT levels. This slower release means 3a-HSD and 3b-HSD enzymes are not overwhelmed with a large bolus of DHT at once, which would rapidly convert into the inactive metabolites. Instead the steady release allows DHT to remain active longer, as the enzymes are not as quickly saturated, leading to a higher free hormone level and a greater androgenic effect on tissues compared to the base form. Essentially the ester out competes the inactivation of DHT which is probably why these body re compositions are not being achieved on high doses of base DHT dissolved in either DMSO or Tocopherol.