@Fenômeno if you want to build muscle and maintain high metabolism while gaining weight i think liver is essential . dont go low fat but also get lots of carbs

Posts made by Dulkadir
RE: How to gain weight fast help me
RE: How to gain weight fast help me
Google nucleus overload and hsp method without the 's'.
caloric surplus, high end protein and lots of carbs, digestible starch. liver and oysters -
RE: Forum reformatting
@brad i kinda liked the bigger avatars with their own dedicated section next to post on the old forum , i think that really added to the vibe of the place idk if that would be applicable here though.. the similiar posts section after every thread was also really helpful but considering how new this forum is it would be kinda useless for now
RE: Mild Vitamin A deficiency decreases DHEA and Pregnenolone by 40%
that means it's working. ur body is detoxing, you just have to wait 40 years for the amazing effects to show themselves
RE: Reducing/eliminating myopia
@niggergroyper88 I'm guessing the patch method works by reducing ciliary muscle strain, same reason why people report the most improvement on endmyopia in the first few weeks to months.. But it by itself won't really allow you to go full way.. to reduce myopia fully you need to reverse axial elongation which you can really only do thru myopic defocus .
Did you reduce by 0.25 diopters everytime you dropped? if you print out a 6m Snellen chart and the 20/20 line is generally devoid of blur from 6 meters away then it's probably time to drop unless you have strong unresolved double vision or like some other nuance like wanting to drop astigmatism prescription down a notch or somthing -
RE: Seriously, how to make adrenochrome?
@Cristiano @SVVAYED talked about this on twitter
Phytic acid in coffee
Does anyone know if the phytic acid content of coffee is significant enough to impair zinc or calcium bioavailability when paired with milk or muscle meats? Never hearing Ray address this even though he has talked about phytic acid in beans and such makes me think it's not an issue. Maybe some preparation methods like roasting decrease the content . Any input would be appreciated
RE: Bonemaxxxing
@Ghost-Head Add bag breathing as co2 is important in bone formation and lactate increases resorption
RE: Reducing/eliminating myopia
@Coriander yeah printpushing works I heard. Many people as well as ray hve mentioned how their eyesight improves in higher elevation and after bag breathing, makes sense since co2 displaces lactate among other things, maybe helps clear up muscle spasm. I would also try putting an incandescent bulb somehwere around your work area & computer, would probably help as well
RE: Reducing/eliminating myopia
@vajra @Coriander that guy also runs a discord channel centered around this community which I think is helpful , since the original endmyopia forum is paywalled as well.. good place to get your questions answered and further read on the topic
RE: Reducing/eliminating myopia
@Coriander The reduced lens endmyopia method seems to be genuine, being a product of cumulative trial and error w/ many stories of improvement as well as a semi-complete model of how myopia develops, but the information on this method is so horrendously scattered and incomplete and probably by intentional design, as its figurehead Jake Steiner is first and foremost a businessman who over the years has taken numerous steps towards paywalling most sites and almost paywalled the endmyopia wiki page.
So as far as I understand it, closeup viewing makes the ciliary muscle tense up in order to focus light correctly on the retina and if a person has low energy production and/or mineral deficiencies the muscle, being in closeup mode for several continuous hours (not uncommon in our times) gives out and spasms, you have probably noticed your vision being worse after a long day of closeup work. This stage is referred to as pseudomyopia. After a person gets prescribed glasses which are usually overcorrected and wear them at close distance, eg. looking at computer screen, the ciliary muscle has to work overtime to keep the light from reflecting behind the retina, since it's already spasmed what usually ends up happening over the course of time is the eyeball growing slightly in length to compensate for the muscle, a process called hyperopic defocus. When you look at the distance in this condition with the eyeball having grown and the back of the eye being slightly further back the light now focuses in front of the retina. You buy a new stronger pair of glasses and the cycle repeats until you end up at -7 diopter range.
As far as I understand the eye is dense in mitochondria and the blue light emitting from screens definitely enhances the problem by making the ciliary muscle less resistant to stress.
To reverse myopia you basically have to get rid of 'blur adaptation' which is a subconscious phenomena, similar to learned helplessness and most likely driven by serotonin, Ray mentioned too that serotonin induces myopia in animals so keeping it low is very important in this journey.
For the details of improvement I think this guy explains it well
https://youtu.be/XPIGDSY_xBs?si=ech3YHJ7x6ZiBWn_ -
RE: High-dose Thiamine therapy
@Fructose @tolstoy
"Second, oral thiamine hydrochloride when given over a 1-week period produce blood levels that approach those obtained by intramuscular and intravenous administration [31,32]"
That's good to hear, thanks for the reply
RE: High-dose Thiamine therapy
@tolstoy does anyone know the absorption rate of thiamine hcl?
RE: Race and IQ
@Sugar frequent race bait threads will be the consequence of the new forum containing a bunch of twitter users..
IQ is probably a bad measure of individual intelligence as Ray mentioned, although it may generally work on a population level. But it's not inconceivable how certain environments would prioritize and select for the limited energy & nutrients during pregnancy to be redirected towards certain features such as a robust immune system over brain size or intelligence. Probably certain inherent factors determine the extent to which something gets prioritized over something else so It's doubtful something as simple as increasing energy production in the immediate would have a drastic effect, but could see that working over one or multiple generations. Implying modern day endocrine disruptors, EMF, toxins and vaccines won't cull mankind in the coming decades I think a big part of the developing world w/ better nutrition andindoctrinationeducational facilities becoming more prevalent and accessible will have higher IQs closer to the mean, although whether that will come with an increase of actual intelligence (instead of the serotonergic number test concept of intelligence we have now) hard to say imo -
Suggestion, votes
Proposal to remove upvotes and downvotes as it incentivizes herd mentality and discourages every subsequent viewer from making up his own mind autonomously. Let's keep this site in spirit with the old forum and less like reddit