Latest posts made by guts
RE: framemaxxing general
@donovan clavicle bones don’t fuse until late 30’s so I have lots of time.
@Lukey noted
@pilky not a claviclecel but there’s room for improvement. Shirtless I look good because of small waist, but ideally want to fill out tshirts better
RE: Pollings
@LinDaiyu retard
@Rex I disagree, I think it could be useful. For example a recommendation with many thumbs up could be thought of as higher quality. Or a shitpost could be identified by lots of laugh reacts
RE: framemaxxing general
@donovan big deltoid muscles yes. but I am trying to discuss ways here to literally grow and expand the underlying bone.
literally took these from google. bottom two dues clearly workout and have built lots of muscle, but something just doesnt look right and that has to do with the underlying bone and frame.
I think reeves mentioned that the deadlifts put pressure on the clavicle and caused microfractures, rather than the effect it has on trap growth
RE: what is the cure to hairloss / male pattern baldness?
@CatlikeLantern in general whenever a "BowTied" user is selling a product I immediately assume its a grift
RE: framemaxxing general
@donovan but I see plenty of gymcels with impressive lifts (i.e OHP) who still have narrow frames, there must be things that can be done for the sole purpose of framemaxxing
one thing that comes to mind is the reeves deadlift. not sure how to incorporate into regimen though
RE: Pollings
@Rex feel like there also needs to be a "react" option with different emojis like the thumbs up, laughing face, angry face etc etc
RE: what is the cure to hairloss / male pattern baldness?
@CatlikeLantern yeah one of those annoying substances that is either extremely overpriced, or seems to be a low quality formulation
framemaxxing general
frame is easily the most important part of bodybuilding. You will never look good with a shitty frame
Lets start a thread on everything to do with framemaxxing; nutrition, supps, exercises, anecdotes, anything.
RE: what is the cure to hairloss / male pattern baldness?
I have heard that topical GHK-CU is supposed to work well. Supposedly its also very good on the face. Will probably try over the next few months and report back