It's all reversible. Low pregnenolone creation from cholesterol is associated with wrinkles and fatigue, and your inefficient liver from lack of thyroid creates circulating estrogen and excess cortisol (which probably adds onto the fatigue). I've read glucocorticoids thin the skin, so that makes sense yours is thinning. Ehlers Danlos symptoms are a cause from estrogen and lack of vitamin K, and probably high PTH (from lack of vitamin D and calcium).
Not sure what you CAN eat but if you go on a diet of 2Ls of low fat milk, 1L of OJ, and an egg or two a day with some salt and you'll be generally okay for the time being for nutrients.
Progesterone directly suppresses cortisol and opposes estrogen. I'd definitely get progest-e. The rest is just restoring thyroid function, so this means no polyunsaturated fat intake, eating more foods with cholesterol, and if you're not into supplementing thyroid then vitamins B1 (high dose)/B3/B7 midday and the aspirin in the evening should be a game changer.
- Fix your diet (see above)
- Calcium (from milk), Vitamin D and Vitamin K for ehlers danlos symptoms.
- Progesterone to lower cortisol.
- Vitamin B1/B3/B7 and aspirin to make sure you're using sugar properly.