ACNE and ACNE SCARS are ruining my life. I have tried literally everything!
@Jennifer I havent tested for bacterial overgrowth nor taken antibiotics. I thought we should stay as far away as possible from them. But symptoms ARE pointing at bacterial overgrowth, I just dont understand why this is the case since I dont eat gut wrecking foods and consume gelatin etc. for my gut lining.
I have not tried completely eliminating starch since I cannot even come close to eating the same amount of carbs from fruits as an active athletic guy, I would have to eat 5kg of fruit a day. But eating rice as my main carb source is only the case since last summer.
Before that I was eating less and different starch yet the skin was the same.
Body Temp first thing in the morning is around 36,2°C based on multiple measurements. Evening Body Temp is between 36,8 and 37°C
I dont think my issue is due to consuming something I'm not digesting well, since I've changed up my diet drastically over the years with my skin issue staying the same. Only thing I still eat that I ate 2 years ago is eggs and fruits. I tried eliminating both, my skin issues stayed the same.
It might be a bacterial infection that I've had for years which hasnt fixed itself by eating clean now.
@White I'm also dealing with acne, one year ago I had a similar acne on my jawline/neck like you and this product (LL Neroli Glow Polishing Cleanser - expensive but it last 1+ year for me) eliminated it. I only use this topically on my face. I still have one or two pimples here and there near my face but almost not anymore near jawline.
I also used to have huge acne and scars in my back. I tried colostrum (Now) and without telling my ex, she told me a few weeks after my back acne is disappearing. My brother also have acne in his back and I told him to try colostrum (he used another brand): exact same situation a few weeks after - his gf noticed less acne. So maybe try Colostrum or Lactoferrin (although I saw you seem to not have an iron overload problem but we never know...). I've made a video about my colostrum experience related to acne if you want to watch it
I know my solutions are not targeting directly the root cause but that's what helping me
how many times a day do you poop? Even if you feel your gut microbiome is healthy this could be the issue. taking something like carrot salad daily to control overgrowth and endotoxins, as well as taking cascara sagrada or something adjacent to keep everything moving could be beneficial. Also daily aspirin to help deplete excess estrogen. Any major stressors in your life? are you overly anxious or stressed etc? These things can play heavily into it. I've been helping my gf figure out her acne naturally as well and its been a bitch for sure but anytime she has something that spikes her cortisol/serotonin it gets much worse. Doing what you can to avoid unnecessary stressors could go a long way.
@Cearrson This. Forgot to mention to op but when I started to have more regulare bowel movements (2-3/day instead of 1) I saw a MAJOR difference on my acne. For me, magnesium glycinate and movements (even if it is just walking) increased my bowel frequencies
@White said in ACNE and ACNE SCARS are ruining my life. I have tried literally everything!:
@Jennifer I havent tested for bacterial overgrowth nor taken antibiotics. I thought we should stay as far away as possible from them. But symptoms ARE pointing at bacterial overgrowth, I just dont understand why this is the case since I dont eat gut wrecking foods and consume gelatin etc. for my gut lining.
I have not tried completely eliminating starch since I cannot even come close to eating the same amount of carbs from fruits as an active athletic guy, I would have to eat 5kg of fruit a day. But eating rice as my main carb source is only the case since last summer.
Before that I was eating less and different starch yet the skin was the same.
Body Temp first thing in the morning is around 36,2°C based on multiple measurements. Evening Body Temp is between 36,8 and 37°C
I dont think my issue is due to consuming something I'm not digesting well, since I've changed up my diet drastically over the years with my skin issue staying the same. Only thing I still eat that I ate 2 years ago is eggs and fruits. I tried eliminating both, my skin issues stayed the same.
It might be a bacterial infection that I've had for years which hasnt fixed itself by eating clean now.
I suppose the safety of antibiotics depends on who you ask, but the two used to treat SIBO—rifaximin for hydrogen producing bacteria and neomycin for methane producing bacteria—are typically well tolerated, and a food doesn’t have to be gut wrecking to develop an overgrowth, though, overgrowths can damage the gut. That’s why I mentioned digestion. Poor digestion and SIBO (and histamine symptoms) tend to go hand in hand and fuel each other—poorly digested food feeds bacteria and the bacteria’s lipopolysaccharides or “endotoxin” can cause systemic issues, including damage to the lining of the intestines, leading to poor digestion of food. If you experience any other digestive related symptoms besides the GERD such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and/or smelly stools, you might find it beneficial to get tested for SIBO?
It can certainly be challenging to get enough calories as an active person when replacing starch with fruit. For years, I consumed over 3,000 calories of fruit, and fruit currently comprises the majority of my diet. I’m a mountain climber so I’m active, and half of my fruit calories come from whole fruit (mostly bananas and dates) and the other half from juice.
I can see the type of starchy food playing a role in allergies, since every plant has its own compounds that one may react to, however, if you have trouble breaking down polysaccharides in general, they could be feeding the overgrowth. You may be totally fine with starch, I just thought I would mention it as a possible cause, since I know quite a few people whose SIBO was exacerbated by it.
Your temp is a little low in the morning but not too bad, however, have you taken your temp after eating? I only ask because poor thyroid function is a common cause of SIBO, and adrenaline, which compensates for the thyroid when it isn’t functioning well, raises the temp so if one is running on stress hormones, their temp will usually go down after eating.
@edouard good i think the flow of digestion as well as controlling endotoxins and making sure youre body is getting rid of them is key so they dont get reabsorbed causing more issues.
Using a dry brush, rebounding, sweating and other things that are good for lynph flow can help. For products ive noticed benefits from topical caffeine, naringenin, and vit E. I like to keep my skincare simple though so i just use beef tallow and raw honey.
@Sugarnotsnow I tried dry brushing but I sticked to the Big 6
Lymph Reset in shower
@edouard Have you tried rebounding. Skipping. jumping on a trampoline, jump roping etc.
I've got some mild bacne and I'll be trying hibiclens, supposedly should have results in a week. Foid told me about it. Could be worth a try.
Carboxytherapy should be considered
@Sugarnotsnow I do a bit of rebounding on the balls of my feet at the end of the big 6 lymph reset
Are you getting enough magnesium? It's necessary for cellular metabolism. Eating a lot of white rice could deplete thiamine and magnesium, you need both.
Also, I agree with the others that starch might be feeding SIBO. Maybe consuming more carbs from fruit juice would help. I had similar cystic acne, and consuming more simple sugars actually helped reduce it by a lot.
@White Did you say hot showers were good for your skin?
That's surprising to me. Hot water is consistently bad for my skin. The colder the water is the better looking my skin and hair usually gets.