@Sugar He's using ZOG, he's getting better

Posts made by Love_The_Blacks
RE: When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?
RE: When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?
@Sugar I feel like a lot of the solbrah type people are mentalcels with good jobs. Anyone getting snatch on the reg isn't worried about soap.
RE: Can we get a Bitter Hatred category?
@peatyourmeat said in Can we get a Bitter Hatred category?:
normiEMF radiation
Things I hate:
Pajeets (all castes)
Race Denialists
Armenians -
@Kilgore said in HEIGHTMAXXING - LOG 1:
@Kilgore This experiment is staring out terrible. I used a measurement I had like from a year ago at the doctor, but as I was measuring hand,feet,skull and bones I also measured my height turns out its 5'8''. Talk about bad omens....... Anyways I sleep now. Its 9 PM.
I grew from 6'2" to 6'3" over the ages of 18-23 natty
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@Sugar this guy hates the fact I want to start peating and the fact that I want a clean, safe well functioning society that's properly ordered. Sounds to me like he's an insecure and sickly man/trans-woman.
the argument I have for arresting black males when they commit crimes is common sense.
the reason I have for not giving money from the productive members of society (whites) to the unproductive members of society (blacks/SomeMexicans) is that it disincentives the productive members of society and BLOATS.
It's really not that complicated.
You want me to allow lawlessness, absurd levels of wealth redistribution, discrimination in hiring, etc. in favor of those who hate people like me.
People like me say no.
You then break out some theory that has never worked.
The ruling class is atrocious. The same philosophy that you love is the same philosophy that mindfucks 115IQ insecure midwits into literally believing a man who puts on a wig and castrates himself is now a woman...
Your ideas sound cool but they have no basis in reality.
You dream of a global nursing home run by angry lesbian mulattas, castrated mentally ill men wearing wigs, and 85IQ sheboons.
RE: Peating made me more attractive to women?
@Kilgore I don't believe in race mixing, unless it's white men impregnating non-whites and then gtfo of the 3rd world. I am a proud member of the #Bleach_Right which is a eugenics movement working towards creating a ruling caste of mulatos on the african continent so that they can rule themselves somewhat functionally.
RE: Peating made me more attractive to women?
@Kilgore @Aryan_Racist lol haters stay mad cuz I know what I like. #MelaninMagic
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@Aryan_Racist or he's a nigger and just mad cuz I cruise through his hood propositioning his female relatives / baby momma.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@CO3 said in Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?:
You should be grateful to the Red Army for liberating your family from the murderous Nazi collaborators. I hope you'll be happy when there's portraits of Bandera in the streets of Lviv. You are a disgrace to your family!
ya, half "ukrainian" (not a real ethnicity) half polak, (so just a catholic slav) work on ur reading comprehension "muh 6'3" germanic" lmao. (this confirms ur manlet status btw) if the judeo-bolsheviks didn't act up in the first place the great goyim uprising wouldn't have taken place. Hitler fought for europe, the red army fought for the judeo-bolsheviks.
Tell me again why u support the left?
RE: Black don't crack
@Norwegian-Mugabe I'm willing to bet the biggest factor is their melanin makes them more resistant to the sun. Blacks in Africa have faces like worn leather. I think another factor has to do with us just not noticing minor facial developments that come with age as much when looking outside our race.
I don't know what other reason there would be. Black does indeed crack, it just takes more UV exposure than white.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@CO3 please study a bit more Russian and what language tends to be spoken in Lviv. You're arguing transliteration of a Russian word into the Latin alphabet with someone from Lviv, JFL.
Yeah I know you're not slavic ur likely a 5'4" muslim manlet from chechnya or some other 3rd world mountain shit hole.
And what's ur point? You support the enslavement of all goyim to central planning?
You don't support eugenics because you wouldn't be allowed to reproduce. I don't support negative eugenics because I like black women, we are not the same.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@Aryan_Racist lol I used to be really insane until my mid 20s. I have a big looks halo tbh (used to be a well-paid male model) so I could get away with it.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@S-Holmes without property rights and the promise of getting to keep what you produce why not just stay home and jerk off all day or joing a crime syndicate? It would take millenia of harsh eugenics to make everyone kumbaya enough to be okay with the nursing home like life that leftists envision. I hate these people.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@CO3 I grew up in Lviv u fake slav, if you do speak russian upload a picture of your short squat subhuman 5'4" face u caucus mountain incel.
There was 100% a genocide of "Ukrainian" Kulaks just like those same Ukrainians then tried to then genocide my mothers side (Polish, from Western Ukraine also). I texted my uncle the name of hare island he texted me back the russian word, i copy and pasted. Did cyrillic scare u?
You're clearly arguing in bad faith. You're a troll, and I hope one of those niggers you leftists love so much and like to keep as pets turns on you because of a 2% reduction in their gibs.
RE: When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?
@Sugar said in When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?:
@Love_The_Blacks Probably his instagram followers, bored middle class "dissident" young people with expendable income. I'm sure the people who paid to go had to split a certain amount of food amongst each other and all sleep on floor mats. Activities included shirtless wrestling and crawling in the wilderness. I hope they feel ripped off lol. I bet solbrah and his scammer friends felt really happy that idiots were willing to pay bank for something marginally worse than a boy scouts trip.
He's getting flamed for allowing those 2 indians hahahaha
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@Love_The_Blacks zayachai island was Lenin, point still stands
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@CO3 I'll respond to this tonight in full, but the intellectual cope here is funny.
The Kulaks (which was a very loosely defined term in practice, while maybe not-so in theory) of Western Ukraine, an area I've been intimately familiar with since well before this "war."
Not to mention Заячий (Zayachai) island whose people surrendered but were deemed to unruly and inherently counter-revolutionary.
The Left in it's current incarnation is a force of evil. Not everyone can PEAT their way towards becoming competent enough to rule even themselves, never mind others. Leaders have always existed and always will. I understand what you wrote as more anti-natural coping from a leftist.
Are you familiar with elite theory at all?
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@Peatly I'm not a neurotic conspiracy brained peasant who sees messages in his soup. I could care less if our president was a Jewish WEF chairman as long as he deported all the migrants and got our country back on track.
RE: American presidential election 2024
@Shar_to_the_dae that's really cool. I met an old American guy in Nigeria who used to go to Madagascar for sex tourism. Says it was great.
@Norwegian-Mugabe I find it hilarious, I cannot wait for the schadenfreude I will feel.
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@Peatly by attaining power and within a fortnight bringing things back to the way nature intended them to be.
The right is Bukele cleaning up El Salvador in 1 month and being beloved by his people.
The Left is Stalin exterminating entire classes of people hoping that a utopia would henceforth be ushered in.
Leftists need theory and endless mental masturbation to cope with and explain away why they keep fucking everything up in horrible and novel ways no one ever thought possible outside a science fiction novel.
Before you bring up the holocaust and ascribe the gas chamber as the inevitable and logical end-state of "reactionary politics" think about what type of politics opened up pandora's box by trying to literally eliminate entire classes and groups of people first. (It was the Left!)