I’ve removed fibre and starch from my diet which really helps a lot of things. Following dr Sydney v haas type diet for celiac (cooked bananas, curds, ground meat, gelatin, fruit juice) but I’m struggling really badly with gastro paresis.
I tried taking thiamine yesterday but then struggled to fall asleep and had a restless night. And it only slightly helped (200mg hcl and 100mg Thiamax)
My appetite is now really poor. Cascara doesn’t seem to be budging much but I’m only taking a small amount.
I take 1/2 grain armour am and pm but worry I’m not getting enough calories in now that it’s causing a slight stress response
Would the next step be trying antibiotics? I crash hard from all die off so would have to be worth it. I have most antibiotics at my disposal - considering minocylcine because I have gastritis too and erythromycin hasn’t helped heaps in the past…
Does anyone have any other ideas?