The Future of Europe
@Martiño Disagree.
The EU in its economical sense is absolutely crucial to European states in order to resist outside influence. You can see how fragile it is even now with Serbia and Hungary pacting with China.
Reforming EU and maintaining the EEA, alternatively another form to keep the OCA theory in practice would prevent a sharp economic downturn - one that would happen should the EU dismantle itself.
I agree that EU as a political entity is corrupt and hostile to the native European but removing it altogether makes little sense. I think even if you did, there would be efforts to bring about a similiar entity to fill the void.
Europe needs to fix its demographic crisis by stopping the disordered and evil use of contraceptives, as well as simply focusing on the family. This would all be a byproduct of repenting and returning to the Catholic Church.
It’s quite ridiculous to complain about an immigration “crisis” without realizing the main reason so many immigrants are coming is to fill the void in jobs that should be filled by young people. See what would happen to the economy if you had no immigration and did not increase birth rates.
@dan-saintdominic I hear this quite often, and I believe it to be a simpleton take. Yes, Europe needs to fix its demographic problems, but how should one fix it, and why did we end up with these problems?
Contraceptives as you mentioned are important. Further, I believe the "liberation" of women, putting them in the work-force, devaluation of our currency, more expensive housing as well as the youth spending their years in institutions like universities, etc. is at the societal root of our demographic problems. One could also say that the general health of the average European is not what is was 100 years ago, with a lot of ultra processed food lacking various nutrients, combined with the always-online stressful lives of the 21st century altogether making us less fertile.
You may find it ridiculous to complain about immigration, but the question you should want to answer is why are people not having children? The reasons, I believe, is listed above.
Next, is it possible to solve this without immigration? Yes.
Would it not be just as economically feasible to invest in the current generation of could-be parents in Europe? What about offering low-interest mortgages, where every child up to 4 children, the government would eliminate 1/4 of the mortgage? Seeing that these children one day will enter the work-force and pay taxes, it's a net positive for the government in the long term. The problem is the myopic belief that population stagnation and decline can only be solved though immigration. We humans are literally replicatory machines, capable of replicating ourselves. The solution of course lies in giving us humans the possibility to replicate ourselves, not enslaving man and female forcing our lives to be an institutionalized journey.
By the way, Immigrants are not free either, and they too have their price, in the form of integration, education etc. A lot of immigration is not what one would call productive immigration either. They bring their entire families, and I'm talking about several generations of family to the country they emigrate to. This is not economically feasible, because old people don't work. The females that emigrate to western countries are also stay-at home moms, so they don't directly contribute to the overall productivity in the country either, besides making non-euopean babies, and eating up tax money, which is what we don't want.
So, why do the governments of Europe push immigration?
@NateHiggers jooz.
@dan-saintdominic This is utter nonsense. There is a high youth unemployment in Italy, so there is no need to import braindead unskilled scholars. There will never be a need for any third world migrants as they are always net negative for both the economy and the society. The mass immigration happens because of white guilt. We need to ensure that being against migration is the moral high ground.
The "le jobs" argument is my least favorite one to hear. Europe was crumbling under the weight of its own homogeneity, and needed to mass import browns to save the dying labor force. Brilliant!
@Norwegian-Mugabe I agree with this sentiment. Speaking for Ireland, we are loosing our "Irishness" by means of dilution. You are more likely to meet a foreign national on the streets of Dublin than a native, and it is clearly accelerating
Fire against fire... Time and time again, I tell this statement from under the fold of history's balance and pendulum:
May the strongest win. -
@DairyMilk I believe you, and can say the same about Oslo. Go downtown in Oslo and count foreigners vs native Norwegians, it is absolutely abysmal. I get the feeling of being a tourist in my own country. Foreigners already make up 33,4% of the population in the Norwegian capital. and it is most evident when looking at the younger generations, where the distribution is 1:1.
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societiesThis wonderful lady sums it up the best
"Without that transformation, Europe will not survive.."
what do you think of the possibility of war against Russia? Every nation in Europe is planning to arm itself like crazy in the next 10 years. I think that America would like to take out Russia, weaken them, or did a regime change, but they want Europe to fight the war, and best time would be right after the war with Ukraine is over, and their resources are depleted. Even if not in the next 10-20 years, I don't see how there isn't going to be a major conflict with them and possibly with China on Russia's side and its likely that is going to take place in Europe.
And if something like that occurs, who is going to fight? won't be the migrants...
@bronzeagepeater If it happens, it will be the final blow to Europe, especially demographically. It's funny how the media went from "Russia is done / The west sanctions Russia to its knees!" to "We must prepare for war with Russia / War with Russia likely within 5 years" kind of thing. If you ever wonder what's next, just look at what they pushing
@Norwegian-Mugabe Look at the German Turkish worker program. Over 2 million immigrants into the workforce at the almost same exact time that Germans adopted contraception- a rejection of the Catholic faith. And on Italy, the immigrants take jobs below the legal minimum wage in America and displace native, I wouldn’t be suprised if it’s the same in Italy. Also the average age in Italy is almost 45 which you didn’t address.
@Hitler Look up the German Turkish worker program, which happened at the same time Germans were adopting contraception. If no one was hiring the immigrants then they wouldn’t be coming as fast as they are. It’s the same thing here in America, immigrants get hired at a cheaper price than natives.
@NateHiggers yes, pro-european leaders are treated like shit, they are threatening Hungary now, because they refuse to let aid go through their borders to help Ukraine. Right decision, see these maffias making millions in the Netherlands for example since war began.
There is indeed fear of Europe becoming aware of our nature, will to keep countries as centralized as possible because this way our inmaterial richness that is cultural diversity stays ignored and destroyed in so many cases. People becoming aware of who they are would go against globalist plans that indeed, are running free all over Europe. If we take a look over the fence... Let's say it is easy to connect the dots, across the Atlantic and back.
@alpine-raspberry from my point of view there was never good intentions behind the creation of this current Union. It was all done to be able to control Europe through the Dollar. If done right and preserving sovereignty we wouldn't be the beggars of world's economy, we would be in fact strong partners with anyone that wanted to stablish monetary relations. Things could have been done right... They were not because of transatlantic interests i believe.
I'd really like to thank Hitler, AdolfHitler, NateHiggers and HateNiggers for their fruitful threads and discussion thus far into the forum.
@dan-saintdominic There is never a need to mention the average age of a nation in this context. The people who come to the west are unemployed and need healthcare. The NHS problem in Britain for instance, have gotten worse and not better because of mass migration. Mass migration worsens everything, and there is no excuse for having mass migration of apes from the third world. The ones that can work, should not be welcomed to do shitjobs either, as some retard degenerate might mate with them.
@dan-saintdominic Do the "just go back to church" bros not understand that if that was the solution society would have never gotten to the point that it is?
@hypermensch Go ask them cause I didn’t say “just go back to church”. That would help as a start point, but Many People were/are going to church for decades without being educated of what the right thing to do is and/or choosing to do the wrong thing.Its about adopting the whole truth of the Catholic faith. One of the main complaints is about declining demographics in Europe, yet one of the main driving forces in this is both birth control, abortion, promiscuity, and the excesses of free market capitalism. All of those have been condemned for ages by the authorities established in the Church by God, and, not only have they been refuted, but there’s a perfect point by point rationale and human logic behind all of it.