New "Mission" of RPF
You see he is saying it is still requiring a paywall to post on the forum but he is reducing the price. Think the forum will continue to die which is a shame because it was once a great space.
Hope someone has saved all the posts and discussions somewhere because there is some great stuff there.
I hope the bioenergetic forum continues to grow.
@Verdad said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Hope someone has saved all the posts and discussions somewhere because there is some great stuff there.
It looks like all the forum content has simply been moved to the new site.
Ya know though, he’s still got that “Perceive,Think, Act” banner on his new forum.
Wasn’t that phrase attributed to Peat?
Edit: it’s NOT a new forum. He still has ALL the same old posts. He simply changed the name.
What he SHOULD do is start over completely, get a new forum and build on his new crackpot theories.
I see he’s STILL using Peat and he’s STILL using forum members and he’s STILL using anyone from the past who contributed their thoughts.
Geesh he SO SLIMY!
@wrl said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@Verdad said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Hope someone has saved all the posts and discussions somewhere because there is some great stuff there.
It looks like all the forum content has simply been moved to the new site.
No it hasn’t been moved to a new site. It’s the same ole forum. Just has a new name.
Yeah, just a domain switch.
Would be good if all the "famous" posters from over there that contributed a lot took their content down, admin doesn't own it, and judging by the "Low toxin" nonsense, he doesn't want it either.
Users own their content, he doesn't have any rights to it.
@Hearthfire said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Yeah, just a domain switch.
Would be good if all the "famous" posters from over there that contributed a lot took their content down, admin doesn't own it, and judging by the "Low toxin" nonsense, he doesn't want it either.
Users own their content, he doesn't have any rights to it.
I agree. No one’s “owning it”. Particularly Lion dude forum moderator. No one’s taking responcibility for the way it was handled. It’s one thing to have a change in approach which obviously he did. Fine, believe what you want. Anyone can have a change in one’s perspective. That’s not the issue.
What is the issue is the way he handled it in such a dismissive, disrespectful, tactless way which is an insult to all the people who invested time and energy into it.
And those folks who still hang around there who didn’t call him out and gave him a pass. They’re guilty too. They look like controlled subservient little yes men and woman.
Brainwashed…….it’s just sad.
Anyway, I’m addressing the elephant in the room, but I’ll say what most of the former forum members are probably thinking but not saying here…
it really isn’t fair that the more well known posters and not so well know posters who contributed a lot of good information, and who are pro Peat in outlook, still have their previous information now lumped into a so called new branded non toxin forum (wherever the hell that means) which is the antithesis of Peat’s ideas.Because of course, since Peat is now becoming more mainstream, someone new might have recently visited that forum and thought, hey, all these previous informative posters are down with this so called new non toxic approach.
Which again, is the antithesis of Peat’s ideas.
As I said before, it’s all so very disingenuous.
It was handled the totally wrong way by Lion dude and leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Especially for people like Peat’s partner Katherine. It was good she contacted him. It was necessary.
The abrupt sudden about face and behavior of Charlie not addressing the “change” in a respectful manner was/is like a slap in the face to her and others associated with Peat and his work.
Disrespecting Peat, yet using Peat at the same time. You let it go on too long.
That’s shitty. Way to go Charlie.
There, got that off my chest.
@Butter-Girl here here
Well said. I always say, there's nothing of value on any of these social media sites except for the users. No one cares about the code structure that makes up Youtube, for example. Take Youtube's content and put it on any other video platform, and Youtube dies. The users are the value. They post the content, they bring the ideas. Which is exactly why people should take their content with them when they leave RPF for example, and don't allow greedy assholes to gain monetarily from continuing to have access to it.
@Hearthfire said in New "Mission" of RPF:
The users are the value. They post the content, they bring the ideas. Which is exactly why people should take their content with them when they leave RPF for example, and don't allow greedy assholes to gain monetarily from continuing to have access to it.
Exactly. We were the Ray Peat Forum. I’m not thrilled that my content is on a forum I no longer align with, but I’ve had members contact me here who were suffering, saw my posts, and made the decision to change course and are now healing so I’m willing to leave my content there if it means someone is helped by it. That’s why I continued participating on a forum that I stopped resonating with years ago.
@Jennifer I respect it, if you know people are being helped by your posts there still, that's good. I think people will naturally find their ways to the replacement forums that were created though, there's three or so with potential including this one. I searched around after the "low toxin A" incident, and quickly found this place.
Seems like the content is no longer available to unpaid users. I can no longer search posts without upgrading my account.
It's a cookie based limit, easily gotten around.
@Sippy you can use a search engine like duckduckgo or google. Just add the site parameter, ie: pufa
'seem to be doing pretty good'
I found myself on the Low T forum yesterday and read some interesting posts. Charles said he went grey bc of too much milk and cheese. On top of that, the aforementioned excess milk and cheese caused his blood pressure to rise. I cannot take this guy seriously on any level.
@ThinPicking Garret is angry and seems like he hates life. Georgi is full of joy. I can only surmise who has a better quality of life and a better metabolism.
Probably a result of testosterone toxicity (charlie/Garret got it high). Ray warned against it. No wonder RP forum went downhill.
@risingfire said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Georgi is full of joy. I can only surmise who has a better quality of life and a better metabolism.
People who think otherwise are just out of context and/or trying to take a pop. Appearance wise he might have a mildly expanded ECF but I'm sure I'd run that too if I had kids and side business.