Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
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have you tried the carrot salad?
It's crazy that the best answer is sociological, in that, we're studying people who are essentially studying "us," the public of the world. Apparently the peasantry exists outside of a social contract, or, rather, within an unwritten social contract which contains harassment/ experimentation, physical, mental and otherwise.
The "enslavement" angle doesn't make much sense because the master/slave dialectic largely reveals how useful the slave is to the master. Now, changing what is good for the slave and the type of slave would factor into this. The economic angle on this is huge but too complex to address. In short, raw labor is still needed, but with outsourcing and "de-growth" policies, as well as technology, I think less labor is being done by humans. This means the new "labor" of the masses must be something futuristic or metaphysical and not purely extractive (though it could be reversed easily). Whether or not the Kalergi plan is real, it certainly seems that something very close to it is indeed taking place. Easily controlled mongrel populations.
Again, the experimentation / poisoning angle goes back to the question of who is running the experiment. Technically it is the oligarchs, to whom this physical Earth more or less belongs. The experiments of geo-engineering, EMFs, cloning, vaccines, etc., all of these things resemble a sort of ur-sacred "science" that leads me to the cringey belief that it is very secretive ancient worship as suggested in Egypt and Sumerian times. It is a common idea that those blood-lines are still in control. No way of proving it, but consider that all American presidents generally descend from England and are all distantly related. That's only 300 years. Did Rome ever "fall?" If wealth generally flows in family lines then, sure, this is probably somewhat accurate, as enemies are never entirely, 100% vanquished (ex: Germany after WWII).
It's an insidious answer... evil just is. "The show must go on," as they say. The saying "who controls the past now controls the future" is all about authorship, chronicling, history, thought, and language.
At some level it seems to be about maintaining economic control at any cost. The number of the beast is all about money, and money is all about alchemy, alchemy is about transmutation and control. So I guess it's all their "playbook."
@Corngold Fuck that was a good read I'm still a normie to some degree so to hear something like you said is very interesting
@gg12 yeah I'm unplugging from this stuff intentionally. It's exhausting and I spent a long time researching these things
Ultimately it requires belief which is why research is pseudo-religious just like secular scientism/globalism, or actual religion or politics.
@war4512 Funny you mention jews when Claus Schwabb is literally a Nazi. That is a huge misunderstanding about this. They are not jews. They are satanists and have less jewish bloodline than the avarage person. Not saying jews are anything special either. They are the same as the rest of us. The bloodline of these people in power are simply a highly incest serotonergic bloodline of people who think they have the right to rule the world because they are perhaps "closer related to de Amanaki or whatever they are called" The potential creators of humanity that the religious books are about. They were homo creatures like humans, but they were not from earth. They created us. Also racial differences would take longer than humans existence, this is one of the paradoxes of evolutions point of view. In my belief we do evolve that is obvious, but our races is simply branding to make it clear what type of the Amanaki the people followed. This ties in to the "we used to have 48 chromosomes but in a short period it turned to 46. The reason for this is genetic manipulation by the Amanaki. I might spell their name wrong not sure. In most religious texts you can find references to them and their home system. A starsystem which since then literally has been found. Pyramids also might have to do with them. Its also just funny seeing people talking about jewish people as if they are a different race when avarage jew has less than 1% jewish blood.
@natureman Exactly they are just evil people that likes satanism. They are not christians, jews, islamic, buddhists or anything else. People focus way to much on the wrong this because of their serotonin...
@war4512 thats not true, I am swedish, we can have children with whoever we want lol. The reason it looks like jewish is populating so fast is because if a mother was jewish the kid will be called jewish. The jewish bloodline is literally dying out. Avarage jew is less than 1% jewish. People are more Neanderthal than jewish.
The basic premise is secret societies have always been running the world. Jews don't believe in an afterlife so their glory is on Earth, except the Kabbalists who think the year 7,000 will usher in the 7th age when Yhwh reigns, a belief influencing the profitable Christian evangelical dispensationalism and later Zionism. Nearly every dialectic or binary can be seen from a Jewish angle. -
@Corngold So do you tell your friends about this or what? I mean things seem bad like the fear mongering and censorship but we aren't being deliberately abused. It is like we are given enough pleasure to not complain via social media video games drugs etc. And I can think if plenty of injustices in the world like blocking out the sun or destroying a peoples race but when it is done it appears as a virtue:
Global warming is bad so we are fixing it by blocking out the sun!
We are stronger when we are diverse!
Vaccines save lives! So you better take it!
Black lives matter! Racism is bad!
Hate speech hurts people!
Disinformation and misinformation hurt democracy!These are all very virtuous things to say and the average normie would think they are a good person for preaching these things.
However there is a dark truth that the normies don't realize about each one of these statements.
Because last time I checked censorship isn't very democratic.....
All leading to a totalitarian goverment or something idk im still young and naive gotta read up -
@Corngold said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
Jews don't believe in an afterlife
I'm neither a theologian nor Jewish but I don't think that's accurate.
@gg12 said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
And I can think if plenty of injustices in the world
I don't mean to interrupt but you can find the propensity for them all over the place, in almost everyone, at every level. I don't mean this in a cynical way it's just the human condition, it's tricky. You can just avoid letting it become you.
@gg12 said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
So do you tell your friends about this or what?
Here and there but not so much because it requires following a lot of news, politics, media, and it's a good way to make people look at you like a crank.
but I don't give af.
Lately I think all of this stuff is like a series of Noble lies per Plato. All of these agendas are a noble lie. Everyone has to believe it. If things can't be changed via voting, lawsuits, etc, then there's really no point in blowing the whistle and being the "accuser." Satan means accuser, but since the masses don't accuse, don't question, anyone who does is seen as the accuser, and that's evil, right? But I think this also applies now to deboonking and "exposing" and all of this conspiracy cottage industry. It's a massive discredit-by-association operation, whereby all questioning will be discredited. This is the real role of the RW and alt-right, evidently, as the RW is basically the left, and the left is basically Communism. At the end of the day, we want to be reassured that somebody knows what is going on and will tell us the truth.
You're right about "enough" pleasure. Yes, bread and circus has increased exponentially. The picture of our society is really sick and we can't face it. Sort of like Dorian Gray, literally: botox, ozempic, hair transplants, rhinoplasty, facial reconstruction, etc. I'm not a luddite, just pointing out that if a technology or medicine can be used for profit, it will 1000% be done so in the USA at the expense of regular people (and we're already very poisoned as it is).
Again, depopulation would, to me, only be true if replacement is true. Why all the talk on H1Bs and illegal immigration for the last 8-10 or 20 years?
If replacement is true, then it becomes "replacement of who?" This then means looking at the French Revolution, US Revolution, Russian revolution, Young Turks, etc., Communism and Judaism. I'm not a "Nazi," after all, they make some funny TV shows. But at this point I really think someone would have to be willingly blind not to notice patterns via who is pushing replacement, who is benefitting, who is gaining power, who is causing unrest in the middle east in order to regain lost territory as described in their book. Just my 2 cents, and still, evil isn't limited to one people or one race or anything. -
@ThinPicking said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
I'm neither a theologian nor Jewish but I don't think that's accurate.
Me neither, but good luck finding a straight answer. It's not like Hebrew is intended to be read by non-Jews, or that Judaism is a religion for all races, or that their beliefs are unified at all, or discussed or disseminated among the masses, outside of the limited package of select books and ideas from the Old Testament within Catholicism and to a lesser extent Protestant sects.
Again, just my view but the Renaissance was also about Hebraism. Read Michael Hoffman for more in this area.
@Corngold said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
good luck finding a straight answer
I found one from a reliable source on the internet but obviously that doesn't count. I will try to get a real one from a real one at random the next time I'm in north london. While sufficiently energised to mind my intention and manner in asking. And prepared to make light of dismissal.
@ThinPicking good luck. Just my opinion, but I haven't found anything similar to Catholic ideas of afterlife in the religion of Judaism. It seems most ideas are going back to kabbalah and basically occultism/hermeticism not the sort of Manichean Christian ideas.
To borrow from various perspectives I've heard on this, those involved with these progressive agendas fall into camps of varying degrees of progressivism; but, the most devious perspective is, that which is satanic (as others have stated) which seeks destruction for destruction's sake. It could be akin to the bored and spoiled child that breaks his own toys, or worse yet, those of another child's, simply to create the drama and get the reaction, and to be the author of anything, even if it is just destruction. Underlining that destruction is jealousy and envy, which are arguably rooted in all great evils. -
there is no winning depopulation agenda . in fact one level of âelitesâ (bad definition tbh) is concerned with too little population growth. just because a sect of âpowerfulâ people âin controlâ of certain interests thinks this doesnt mean they are winning or likely to win. even their most potent weapon which by all reasonable accounts had a negative impact couldnt even achieve anything other than a temporary negative effect. the idea of a powerful depopulation agenda is out of developed countries experiencing slowing and negative population growth because people have less kids when they get educated and financially secure, which ironically clashes with the idea that people have less kids just because of less economic opportunity
@Mossy itâs funny because youâre implying, i think, that liberalism seeks to depopulate when the evidence is the nationalists in the 20th century depopulated the most through wars. outcome usually trumps intention. an âevil globalistâ arsehole who brings le immigrant who end up innovating and raising qualiy of life long term for the most people is probably better than a âgoodâ and based hitlerman who triggers the death of millions via their based and redpilled intent of glorious victory for le master race. 90% of talking heads including the based and redpilled alternative groups are dishonest liars even when they dont realize they are lying. theres like 8 people on the planet who legitimately try to depopulate with realistic means (which are so far from success i shouldnt even call them realistic) and the best thing for them is to be held upside down in a toilet stall so their heads are dunked in the water, and then to flush the toilet. this is known as a swirlie.
@the_black_jew Gonna have to disagree with this one but you do you