Need help with bowel movements
currently only going once every other day on average & need a quick fix (can't get on thyroid right now, and don't wanna use cascara)
does the carrot salad work every time, even if done twice a day? (also how many carrots / what size do you guys use?)
has anyone had consistently better bowels with megadose B1 for acetylcholine?
has anyone on here gotten to multiple bowels a day whilst on low dose cypro, if so how?
@James good dattes
raw carrots do work imo
raw pineapple as well
I wouldn't take cypro if you have constipation already
emodin (extract of cascara or aloe) works, probably just like cascara
ever though about a coffee and a cigarette? -
@James said in Need help with bowel movements:
currently only going once every other day on average & need a quick fix
Are you taking 30 g fibber every day. you need 8 - 10 portions vegetables and fruit + water 1.5 liter.
Your bowel movement is lazy. Get informed on MMC.
Make the difference between urgent and usual. If you take carrot salad or cascara or cypro on a usual base, you're going to make things worse. Why? carrot salad is OK but only once a day (chelation) but it won't solve the constipation. Cyproheptadine has anticholinergic effects, which is counterproductive.
I cite:
Cyproheptadine is an appetite stimulant and antihistamine medicine. It has additional antiserotonergic, anticholinergic, and local anesthetic properties.Make a search on things able to improve transit.
bowel movement vagus nerve and constipation => -
@James Carrot salad doesn’t help me either, I find oat bran in the morning really helps. But also increasing your fruit intake, fresh & dried. People often say that well cooked mushrooms & bamboo shoots are a better way to produce a bowel movement.
@James carrot was a bit mixed for me too. i got more success adding a meal of whole wheat pasta/spaghetti (rinsed before and with sugar added + milk balancing the phosphate) + 150mg bromelain a day empty stomach. (but bromelain can lower mucin so i dont think its good to take every day, maybe 1d on 1d off). before mine was extreme routinely going 1 week without any movement
also a couple 10 minute walks a day, 1 in day 1 in evening can see if creates a move -
Nicotine pods.
@cs3000 milk no balance P
I find that simple coffee gets my bowels moving. Seems like a fine quick fix if it works for you.
Well cooked mushrooms work very well for me and same with Cascara, I have been taking Cascara for a year since sleep deprivation made me constipated. I tried eating lots of dates for a month or 2 and it also helped.
@Turk also, try this:
spinach are all relatively high in bicarbonate. If you’re already having those, i guess you could add a little
baking soda in your juice or on your eggs or spinach instead of or along with table salt. Cooking with
coconut oil (eg frying eggs) or adding it to grated
carrots (one or two, once or twice a day) would probably also help as would adding a little
olive oil or butter to your food. Adding
vinegar helps and makes it tasty.
Salt too. When you don’t have time, munching on a few
pre cut mini carrots will do the trick.most importantly try to avoid supplements. Seems their impurities and excipients, more often than not, confound the problem. Lo dose cypro shouldn’t be a problem. Probably helps.