How Come I can Gain Strength, but not size?
Been training for over ten years, used to be super skinny and now I am 215 with around 12% BF. for me at least, training 6 days a week doing chest/back one day, squat the next, arms next and deadlift last has worked more than any PPL bro split I ever did. I do lots of reps and squat heavy. 425 squat max, 405 deadlift max, 355 bench max. Just lift heavy ass weight frequently and eat a lot of food esp if you aren’t taking any help
@pannacottas I just watched this video: am I supposed to be increasing weight on excerizes every week? I'm not sure if I can do that...
@ricksaban When did you start?
@Pooooop 2014, I am about to turn 27