What is considered a impressive body temperature?
@Ray-Peat-Fanboy 111.1F
JK, in my experience, the 99s is as high as I can go without feeling exhausted. I'm still holding out for that possibility that one can obtain a sustained higher temp with zero pufa in their bodice and eat 6000 calories a day of icecream and become Nietzsche's Superman
@Ray-Peat-Fanboy I started reaching 99+ when i was taking 12 drops tyromix daily. I cut my dose in half since then and still am able to reach 99+ but im usually in the high 98 range. My TSH is below 0.001 and my T3 is almost over the range. Any doctor would probably tell you this is hyperthyroidism but to a peater this is probably a dream come true.
@Sugarnotsnow do you ever have energy issues in the 99’s?
@LetTheRedeemed No, sometimes it feels a little uncomfortable being so hot and sweaty especially if im active. But energy wise its through the roof. Im always super productive when im warm and social
@Sugarnotsnow how did you take the 12 drops?
@BeamsOfEnergy basically 1-2 drops every hour until i reached 12
@Sugarnotsnow nice.
I think one thing I didn't account for when doing my high thyroid experiments, was keeping cholesterol up. I'd like to try it again and get my temps back up in the mid 99s without having a cholesterol crash -- I bet I'd do a lot better.
@LetTheRedeemed Yea at the time i was guzzling down raw eggs and milk to keep my cholesterol up and even so it was still on the low end of the range
@Sugarnotsnow wow. Thank you for sharing!
@LetTheRedeemed Of course!
@Serotoninskeptic how much eggs did you consume on average during that time?
@NokiaDrift up to a dozen a day
@Serotoninskeptic oh crahwp
@LetTheRedeemed ikr