EFA defficiency protects against EMF
A recent study showed that EMFs oxidize the unsaturated fats from seed oils, harming the organism.
Removing seed oils will make you resilient against EMFs. Vitamin E can help too.
THIS is insane!
Have you read The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg?
It's a must read.
For example, he notes that electricity entered homes / became widespread in the 50s and 60s. Seed oils began to rise around the same time, so by the 80s and 90s both seed oils and electricity were ubiquitous.
Then, enter obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc. If this is accurate, then my, oh my, his case is stronger, and Peat's case is stronger.
Incredible stuff. -
Its not even just the seed oils and emfs there are a ton of their bear traps that kids today fall into:
SSris/pharmaceuticals to "treat" mental health
Retractive orthodontics causing small jaws and sleep apnea
Theres a ton more.
As I become more active in this community I hope I can spread awareness to people abut others things that are terribly effecting their health besides just diet. The one I hear talked about the least is improper jaw development/retractive orthodontics/mouth breathing.
Main stream health just doesn't talk about it. -
1000%, yes, it actually is all connected in complex ways.
Peat is one of the first people I've found who connected dots instead of specializing in types of dots, so to speak.
I don't think Invisible Rainbow talk a lot about vaccines, but it does mention seasonal flu epidemic being related to the solar cycle, and that "seasonal" flu is probably also connected to electricity sickness (5G / Covid hypothesis). Makes a good case for microwaves / radio waves causing stress and disease but also mentions some of the good uses of it.
Interestingly the solar cycle has been measured as 11 year, 22 year, 40 year, 80, 200, 400, etc. In fact... if you extrapolate the major "cycle" periods astronomers have measured you find that these periods increase at a rate very close to the Golden Ratio phi which is 1.618, and that this also aligns with noted "Milankovitch cycles" (11k-yr, 25k-yr, 41k-yr, 100k-yr, etc). By the way, I'll add that you should check out the Tychos model (it is not FE) if you are interested in astronomy or if you've ever found problems with heliocentrism: https://www.tychos.space/
In the thread on communism and Peat it is worth mentioning Alexander Chizhevsky who was a Russian astronomer and biologist studying solar cycles and human civilization. This is all "very Peaty," in my book.
I'm skeptical of vaccines at this point. Seems more like a poisoning or control mechanism, and nothing to do with healing.
Agree on SSRIs and other pills - read Robert Whitaker "Anatomy of an Epidemic" for more on the prozac/depression drug complex - I'm sure you already know the whole scam. Glad I never took any of that, but was pressured many times.
Agree on orthodontics - I've seen people deal with this. The causes also seem to be processed food, bad posture, possibly fluoride or fluoridosis, etc. Yeah as you say this one is pretty strange, but mouth vs nasal breathing is immediately changeable and do-able for people, but nobody ever hears about this.
I would add weather modification, but nobody can change this one. However, most people do not believe it's real.
-smart watches and over-use of phones and computers (whoops)
-rap music
-tackle football -
Oh dude I've been paranoid about the weather modification I live in a very liberal city so i wouldnt be suprised they are for it to fight "climate change". Very strange cloud movement patterns. Makes me live in fear.Also its not easy to switch from mouth breathing to nose breathing if someone has a narrow palate, ressced maxilla and tongue tie. however these can be fixed.
But please explain how running, rap music , and tackle football are bad. Also what if its not mainstream rap like drain gang like its just creative music not stuff to make people dumb.
@Corngold said in EFA defficiency protects against EMF:
Agree on SSRIs and other pills - read Robert Whitaker "Anatomy of an Epidemic" for more on the prozac/depression drug complex - I'm
Yeah you definitely doged a bullet I was put on them at 14 and im 17 now and they lowered my test so much during those 3 years and now I have wide hips. But also within weeks after I finally tapered off them I started growing again I may have stunted my height growth from them but I am now getting hair all over my body and some beard hairs. Although this could be coincidence. I finally am starting to get my emotions back and being able to connect with people again its nice.
@gg12 said in EFA defficiency protects against EMF:
But please explain how running, rap music , and tackle football are bad. Also what if its not mainstream rap like drain gang like its just creative music not stuff to make people dumb.
Yes, it's pretty bad but I'm happy they've taken a vacation lately...clear skies for once, at least so it appears.
Idk, the hardcore running thing goes back to Peat - lactic acid elevation / wasting/exhaustion, cortisol. I really used to think running and catabolic work would be good for me, and the opposite is true.
But it is touted as healthy, people want to run marathons, etc. All of the play is taken out of the exercise. Soccer can be fun, but actual competitive soccer is just another running over-exertion. Even at a healthy weight, my energy was even more sapped, my ankles and knees were hurting more, etc. I'm not convinced it's good. Hiking or a long walk is probably better. I think the running supremacy is just like a military march, it's just pumping out drones to fuel Nike and Adidas who keep making worse quality foam shoes that cost more than ever!Yeah, mainstream music for sure. I'm half-joking... at this point rap is mainstream, so yeah, much of pop culture. I like some rap... but not often and not mainstream junk.
Football because of CTE and concussions. It's a risk people take but I think the culture is also a bit warped. Biased because I simply don't care for it and it is second only to politics in terms of "priorities" in America.
@gg12 said in EFA defficiency protects against EMF:
Although this could be coincidence. I finally am starting to get my emotions back and being able to connect with people again its nice.
That's terrifying. I've heard of the zombification and used to know people who took different things for bipolar, schizophrenia, and depression. It makes me pretty angry how many normal people are treated like dollar signs because their lives are stressful and their genes are not 100% helping them, nor their doctors or insurance. Recovery is possible though; all of the gas-lighting involved is sickening.