Pro Metabolic Substances Tier List
@sushi_is_cringe 4g a day (chicken breast) currently. I have avoided it for nearly 4 years, but I still ate eggs and salmon a bit for the first year. I went to a close to zero PUFA 2 and a half years ago when I removed eggs and salmon from my diet, and I did a zero fat diet for a year, until last September.
@dht maybe im misinterpreting what you are saying but 70mg transdermal dht for a couple years did lower T in study
@alfredoolivas so you eat about a lb of chicken breast skinless a day
@sushi_is_cringe sometimes 2 lbs it depends on the day
@sushi_is_cringe im sure dht is suppressive at supraphysiological doses that's why I plan to continue supplementing the upstream hormones rather then continuing to use test esters
@alfredoolivas Gilbert Ling spearheaded the idea, he's who I'd start with. but anyone in the bioenergetic tradition tastily opposes the sodium receptor theory. Ling, Szent-Gyorgyi, Selye, and Warburg are all researchers whose work opposes the idea of a cell membrane with receptors. not sure if you're just new to the space, but this is something many "peaters" who go beyond simple dietary or supplement recommendations talk about, peat has talked a lot about it in interviews as well. If I remember correctly he even wrote to Ling in the 50s asking for career advice and talking about the difficulty he had integrating into the rigid platonism of academia.
if you search "membrane" or other related terms here you'll find plenty of clips of peat speaking on the subject -
@dht ah ok i re read your post and i overstand it now
@dht Haidut was ahead of the time, he made these posts nearly 10 years ago, long before anyone was talking about it.
@sushi_is_cringe @dht DHT was the first real androgen I started with, I used 25mg (dissolved in DMSO) topically a day, and I did like the effects.
The issue is that it is hard to get DHT nowadays, China has had a major crackdown on steroids, and all steroids are more scarce. DHT has basically disappeared and but PPL customer service said they plan to restock it.
@samson Fascinating thank you
@alfredoolivas said in Pro Metabolic Substances Tier List:
Haidut was ahead of the time, he made these posts nearly 10 years ago, long before anyone was talking about it.
@alfredoolivas said in Pro Metabolic Substances Tier List:
The issue is that it is hard to get DHT nowadays, China has had a major crackdown on steroids, and all steroids are more scarce. DHT has basically disappeared and but PPL customer service said they plan to restock it.
There will always be labs in China and Hong Kong to synthesize drugs, banning testosterone raw materials is not real it’s like banning bitcoin
@alfredoolivas said in Pro Metabolic Substances Tier List:
@Hando-Jin thanks for sharing.
Thyroid doesn’t stimulate appetite for me and it might even lower appetite for me, if anything. But not significantly. I already am taking 50mg of exemestane a day, I like it.
Thyroid increases GLP-1, which is why maybe it lowers appetite.
I've also found gelatin to be a really good suppresser of hunger cravings.