New "Mission" of RPF
@zawisza said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@C-Mex And you still have to answer how it is possible to scrape RPF org. address when it's redacted on ICANN? Where did Zoominfo get their address from?
If you can't answer that then your entire theory is trash. (It is.)
Because most websites use a name service to protect their identify. ZoomInfo uses business records and other data for their reports.
Here's another forum similar in format to RPF, Websleuths. RPF uses Namecheap, but this one uses Identity Protect. These are identity protection services.
Here's Websleuths ICANN lookup:
Here's Websleuths Zoominfo. They get their info from business records, just read Zoominfo's website and they describe this. And please don't suggest that they found Websleuths' address by scraping user content.
Here's RPF's ICANN.
@AkJono said in New "Mission" of RPF:
I think that YOU BOTH are on to it
I don't know about that Jono. This chap seems to have a problem with my position. And I couldn't care less at this point.
Nor for these wonky organisations and their desperate attempts to craft new bullshit.
@C-Mex This is not at all comparable. Websleuths is owned by Websleuths LLC that is officially registered. RPF does not have any official ownership AFAIK like that.
Also it seems to me (although I haven't looked deep so I might be wrong) like they got the address wrong. There are only two LLCs in Texas with "Websleuths" in name: WEBSLEUTHS TCN LLC (active) and WEBSLEUTHS. COM, L.L.C. (inactive). Neither is registered under that address.
@C-Mex said in New "Mission" of RPF:
They get their info from business records, just read Zoominfo's website and they describe this.
I have read their blog How ZoomInfo Gets Data: Top Privacy Misconceptions Debunked and they never mention "business records" or anything similar. What they say is "Our teams collect data that is relevant for business professionals to connect with one another."
They collect business relevant data which is NOT the same as "business records" and it does not clarify anything about what and where from they scrape. From blog I first linked, they scrape the all web (not just "business records") and, as corroborated by their blog, they scrape free-tier subscribers' emails.
So, in the end, my hypothesis that they got RPF address from user post still stands above your conspiracy theory.
Facebook post where Matt Stone first mentions the low Vitamin A theory:
Garrett Smith’s response:
That was May 2018, but by November 2018, Garrett was suddenly the expert and recording a podcast about it: if you go back to the first Facebook post, a comment was added by 180 Degree Health mentioning he was now “regularly emailing” with Grant Genereux. Not sure if that’s Matt or if Garrett was posting under 180 Degree health too.
@C-Mex I have not said, or even implied, that the connection between RPF and Cambridge University could be a ‘mistake’, after all it was me who first brought up the psychology department. I linked the project because I believe that the RPF was approached by Cambridge. I have my suspicions as to what happened next but they are just suspicions at this stage. As for “eugenics and world domination topics are Topic Dilution” or “another diversionary tactic” – that is opinions you are entitled to. Eugenics is not a topic to toy around with. I take it seriously. It’s happening even if you deny that it is. No, I won’t stop posting about it! If anything, I think it needs its own thread.
You said, “ridiculous. I have to wonder now if they're going to try to create some kind of phony 'record' to try to explain how the Ray Peat Forum shares a business address with the Wellcome Trust.”
Ridiculous Indeed. You have no idea how ridiculous.
I don’t understand your suspicion
I see what I see. I make connections and I decide for myself who I think is legit on this forum and who is not. It occured to me yesterday that this member-moderating that has been attempted toward me more than once (once by private message) by invoking God or decency is yet another form of intentional distraction and an attempt to silence and I will ignore all of it and carry on. I have made no personal attacks, and I reserve the right to call BS on an argument when I see it. People can contact the moderator if they see a problem with people's posts, that's what the report function is for. Good day.
Cry harder. This ain't Twitter.
Vote for RFK Jr if you want to see an end to the surveillance/mind control globalist state, and some accountability for dark ops on the American people like the Ray Peat Forum. Tell everyone you know.
Democracy does not begin and end at a polling booth.
And the emperor has no clothes, that aren't written on pieces of paper in legalese.
God bless.
van der Linden, Head of the Social Decision Making Lab at the Psychology Dept in Cambrdige is also associated with this group.
I forgot to highlight this passage:
Thank you Mr Mex. Interest has improved.
"identifying the seeds of misinformation within communities" they say.
But projection is ill-advised in the Babylonian Talmud and the New Testament. What a muddle they've gotten themselves in.
Whenever you're ready Mr "Charlie". Bygones be bygones and all.
Just looking at this list of publications by the Iris group ought to alarm anybody. Imagine a whole quasi-academic world network built to convince you of the 'truth' using whatever means possible. I'm never getting near another vaccine in my life. After that, take a look at the 'qualifications' of the staff.
Folks, be sure to check your computer and phone for motion sensors and access to your microphone, camera, and location (these settings are for the Google browser). Turn everything off that looks suspicious, as they may be able to use this data for their 'research'. In addition, I'm including an advisory for turning off certain location services for mobile phones. Read up on security. I'm going to buy some liver and oysters and re-read everything Ray Peat has ever written.
@C-Mex said in New "Mission" of RPF:
I see what I see. I make connections and I decide for myself
Connections do not imply guilt. Guilt by association? Etc, etc., ... .
Mathew Crawford is freshly on a 3 hour vid with Mathew Ehret and friends... he has mapped out tons of the 'Blob'.... the web of connections between various Banking/Occult (was Theosophy now Scientology and friends)/CIA/Health Freedom Movement
etc.. .
These multitude of connections alone does not imply causation: ie-entity A is working for B.Your connection made via the Cambridge University on a mailing site is interesting, but also kind of tenuous via the avenue you arrived at this information.
"Remember, Zoominfo gets their information using a web scraper (and not from business registration documents submitted to the government). THIS IS FROM BELOW:
The entity in ? is shady, and shifty, and obviously hiding something by not allowing wayback machine to do its' magic.
So, you are both onto the Shady bit.
But, yes, Cmex is in hardcore Rhino mode, "my way or the high way". Too bad for him.
Intelligent discussions could lead to enhancement. -
@ilovethesea really hard to believe that a person can actually look like that LOL
@AkJono said in New "Mission" of RPF:
hardcore Rhino mode
Thank you for assisting my inner world with a humorous frame. Good sir.
Almost joyous. That Mr ddjd and his missus have resolved their "covid" conflict enough to have a spot of grey hair discovered as she cuts it be their current issue in life.
OFC the minus points for "toxic bile theory" are a bonus.