New "Mission" of RPF
I definitely have my reasons not to support lifegivingstore and lowtoxinforum but I wish Charlie well so I don’t need to go looking for more things he may or may not be doing wrong
@risingfire said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Basically going to try to change everything Peat has said
Ok, but can anyone seriously tell me where Roddy and Dinkov came from? How did they just emerge as Peat's two lone disciples from the ether? St. Daniel the Mexican and St. Györgi the Bulgarian spreading the gospel of Lord Peat?
Why are they pushing supplements?
Is the Peat triad a clever psyop run out of D.C.? -
@Corngold go away Charlie
I'm mostly joking. Nothing against them, I think they're doing good work and are honest from what I can tell.This is only to say the viewpoint seems to be that Ray was infallible, or that his messengers were, too.
This really bugs me about the whole Peatosphere. There's no questioning allowed. If you point out errors or inaccuracies, people sperg the fuck out.
True, this is one of my irritations.
It's a net positive overall because a lot of these ideas aren't supported anywhere else, and yes, obviously a lot of the science was from Eastern Europe and Russia and is dated and suppressed in the West, until the military began doing similar studies. Anyways, I am not a dogmatic Peatard.I get that sometimes good things need to be gate-kept, but then the Peaters all paradoxically become the philosopher kings which theoretically would be health bureaucrats, and would be despised by the true P-rol-eat-arian.
I think Peat is an analogue of Pythagoras; there seem to be basic levels of initiation and authority even in the online sphere, clearly... isn't it all mostly online though?
@Corngold I don't agree with everything Ray said. Though, through real life experience I can say he made my life better. That being said, I'm not sure what your argument is
The thing that always gets me is the people that question Ray have never read or really listened to Ray. It's a sad state of affairs
I'm just saying occasional pufa is not going to kill anyone, and all food is poisonous to some extent just as Paracelsus said. I've read most of Peat's articles and it's helped me a lot.
@risingfire ,
Nutritionists have this power of persuasion. Some of them literally can persuade you to eat cows' poo like Aajonus if you listen to him for too long.
I think every piece of Peat's writings has been thoroughly chewded upon by many people because once you start reading him it is impossible to stop and then follows endless browsing of RPF and spending money on magical pills.
And Char... took it all away just by banning people, I guess many have withdrawal symptoms, some will be clinging on RP's ideas up to the end because ...Peat is the most misunderstood person in history -
Interesting. I'm thinking sugar and carbs will have drawbacks but it's refreshing to hear a sane opinion about fruit, sugars, carbs these days. That said I think Peat's paradigm would be super-nutritive in like 1900 vs today with so much pollution and mechanized food production. But it is far more rational than carnivore, keto, paleo, etc. I don't understand taking supplements unless somebody is sick. I speculate that the alt health and homeopathic world benefits by inventing illnesses they can sell vitamins to cure. Yes it is a sick world but not only in a material sense.
@Corngold it was Peat who said stay under 4 grams of PUFA a day. And if you eat a high pufa meal take aspirin or vitamin e to negate the effects
Does aspirin actually combat the pufa or just combat the symptoms?
Forgive me... the chemistry is all very complex. -
Combats most of the inflammatory effects. Read this article by the man himself
@Corngold it combats both. Taking aspirin reduces free fatty acids in the blood stream that wreak havoc on your body. Aspirin allows pufa to bind to albumin in the liver to be excreted being attached glucuronic acid via urine.
@Jakeandpace don't stress this stuff is incredibly complex and takes most of us a rather long time to digest and learn.