@annis The name of our company is NeuX Technologies, www.neuxtec.com . We are launching a new website soon. The one we have now is rather vague and incomplete IMO :).

Latest posts made by thebodyelectric_
RE: Direct Current and ATP
Direct Current and ATP
As I have mentioned to everyone on here before, I helped start a company that uses pulsed direct current and alternating current. The company is in part inspired by The Body Electric, Dr. Robert Becker and of course Dr. Peat. I recently found this bit of research that talked about the pro-metabolic effects of direct current and wanted to share:
There is good evidence of ATP increasing significantly from direct current stimulation. This paper implies a 500% increase in ATP in tissue being stimulated by direct current: https://storage.googleapis.com/production-domaincom-v1-0-6/726/1538726/LwkZW1ni/dbfd8ddd813f487a955b54ac66a87189?fileName=1. Ngok Cheng - The Effects of Electric Currents on ATP.pdf
An individual had asked us if calcifications could be effected by direct current which I think may be possible per the following excerpt from Dr. Peat (Not medical advice) .
" Much of the intracellular magnesium is complexed with ATP, and helps to stabilize that molecule. If cellular energy production is low... cells tend to lose their magnesium very easily, shifting the balance toward the lower energy molecule, ADP, with the release of phosphate. ADP complexes with calcium, rather than magnesium, increasing the cells calcium content." I think this suggests calcifications can come from low ATP and thus the pro-ATP effects of Direct Current may be helpful.
Anyone with thoughts/comments?
Concentric exercise and "bio-electric" direct current
Ray's comments on concentric exercise were super impactful to the way I understood our technology and "bio-electric current". I think the culture is essentially so-maladaptive and people have such movement dysfunction , that they simply cannot move in a generative way. This leads to poor posture, chronic pain, and general low energy conditions. I think if Ray's work has a weakness, it's that he misunderstood just how poor people's movement patterns are and that to restore healthy metabolism and a high energy state it is often necessary to actively engage in "constructive" exercise and activities to remedy those issues. Essentially, our tech is able to acutely locate and identify those tissues that are not able to concentrically contract efficiently and stimulate them to do so. It is then beneficial to pair those contractions with good movement patterns like yoga flows, body weight movement that is conscientious of "good" position and recently I have become a big fan of the GOATA system as well as Primal Movement, I think it called. Similar to the way Ray saw the culture as so maladaptive that we may need things like progesterone, I also think we may need interventions like the retraining of movement patterns (of which there are many different ways up that mountain like yoga, for example), and potentially therapies like "bio-electric" current when injuries or chronic dysfunctions need to be quite literally shocked into some level of normal functioning.
Note that I think stretching in this sense is the agonist actively shortening while the antagonist stretches and lengthens.
@suchsaturation (from the old forum) had some great content on this very subject.
" The organism is a multi-way system. A muscle cell can use ATP to cause a contraction, and it can use a stretch to create ATP. The stretching and pulling as well as the ATP are a structural part of the essence of the cell, they aren't just fuel and effect.
When the cell runs out of energy, it takes on a shrunken, contracted form, which on a large scale looks like a cramped muscle. The normal state of the cell is energized and ready to contract if needs be, but not contracted. It can do it if it needs to do it. Its normal state is instead much more relaxed.
If it is asked to contract more than its energetic potential permits, it not only cannot return to the relaxed state (it isn't that it needs the energy to return there, the issue is that energy is an integral part of that energized state and you can't be in that state without the energy that is part of it), but takes on a disorganized, spastic contracted state which will turn out to be anything from a cramped muscle to an epileptic seizure.
Stretching will provide a form of energy that will take on the shape of order in the cell, like the gluten in dough when you stretch it, and atoms in the steel when you fold it. The ATP molecule is just a tool to store even more of this energy. Physical changes in the shape of ATP can provide twice the energy than the more well known chemical breakdown of ATP.
When your muscle is cramping, it has been asked to do something that it has not enough energy to do.
When you stretch the muscle, you are basically having all the other muscles chip in a little bit of their ATP to pull the cramped muscle out of spasm. It is a system of redistribution of energy that works through outside channels, it has to go through your conscious decision to stretch and it has to go through the outside of your body, for example from your arm to your cramped leg when you go to push against it during the stretching exercise. It operates on a higher level than the normal internal ways in which a muscle re-energizes itself."
RE: White tongue
@CO3 I don't really. I think perhaps I don't eat it often enough? I eat chicken livers probably every other month or so, sometimes more and sometimes less.
RE: White tongue
@CO3 In my experience penicillin can get rid of it rather immediately, but then comes a point where it doesn't and then I have to not take it for a while and then it will get rid of it again but it always comes back so is just curious and trying to figure it out. It also seems to coincide with dandruff. Both things that I've never had before until I got them and they just haven't gone away for a while though they do ebb and flow.
RE: White tongue
@CO3 I'm crying at brain wrecked by "trauma of circumcision", haha.
@santiagotrad oh yah, that is a good idea! Am down to try it.
@NangaParbat Yah, I have been wondering if that is effecting me since I live in dense EMF city.
RE: How do I get thin again, Peating fixed my health but made me put on a lot of fat
I think walking is the best
and lowering fat intake. Try just having at least one meal a day that is pretty low fat and high in calcium. I find it difficult to reduce fat so that is something that has worked for me just focusing on one meal a day to really get fat intake lower.
RE: Do you use condoms?
The pullout method is solid and also learning their fertility cycle. Combined is quite effective.