I would say Al Gore's "predictions" were never predictions but a script handed to him as the dullard, puppet-boy he was to repeat an agenda that the elite knew they would use as crisis for the future 4th industrial revolution that is occurring as we speak. All crises in fact. Or, "crises." From bullshit pandemics that never were to so-called climate change. They use it all to implement change (that would otherwise be met with aggressive resistance by people if too abrupt), legislations for control, and cultural shifts. All this being tied together by powerful technology that satiates the complacent public as they get their memes, porn, and social media nonsense, which then said technology will be utilized for a powerful, centralized technocracy. You can always see the clues to that. You notice how Elon Musky Musk has become a "bad guy?" They love flipping the script so the sleeping public is never the wiser that certain individuals are banded together by this agenda. By the way, it was literally called agenda 21 that was pushed form the 90's til now. It included fake pandemics. They gave rise to even more recent events such as Event 201 that took place in NY at the end of 2019 talking about what would happen if a virus shut the world down.
Latest posts made by bio3nergetic
RE: AI Data Centers Massive Electricity Demand and EMFs
RE: Is insulin generated from sugar intake anti-anabolic?
This is a massive myth that growth hormone is anabolic in the sense like steroids. Growth hormone, as mentioned, is a stress mediator. To a certain, controlled degree, primarily by good thyroid function, some GH secretion is necessary as per the repair process. In young people, with epiphysis bone not having fused, it is primarily responsible for growth in that stage of life. By far however, insulin and T3 are the primary anabolic sources. Having sufficient vitamin D and carbs, in the context of oxidative metabolism, is what ensures lean tissue maintenance. With good OXPHOS, the weight loss is usually in the form of fat.
RE: New Method to Treat Hernias in Elderly Men with Progesterone Antagonists
@DavidPS Thanks, and as always thanks for the supplementary info, that's perfect.
RE: New Method to Treat Hernias in Elderly Men with Progesterone Antagonists
I am afraid this is another sleight of hand trick the industry likes to pull. I have spoken on this forum several times about progestins which are not real progesterone and essentially do not serve the same functions, other than occupying so-called receptors or the proteins that house either estrogen or progesterone depending on the organism health status. There is one important idea to understand and why the terms estrogen or progesterone "receptor" are misleading. Since, in one state the very proteins that had progesterone occupying them can be analyzed and used as a point of reference for estrogen and vice versa, again, depending on the health of the organism itself. Therefore, guess what they do?? Use the receptor reference interchangeably! So where estrogen is truly causing an issue, it can on some twisted technicality be referred to as "progesterone receptor."
But at any rate, what substances are they using we must ask?! It is NOT progesterone. So in many of these studies where they investigate this idea of blocking estrogen AND progesterone to help hernias, they are using "P4 analog."
"8658 Role of Progesterone Receptor in Skeletal Muscle Fibrosis and Hernia Formation in Mouse Models and Men with Inguinal Hernias"
Funny enough, these charlatans ALSO love using interchangeable terms to try and convey an idea of ONE thing, when it is not ONE thing they are referring to. SO, in these studies, they are using progestins, under the guise of P4 analog, and you will notice, such as in the study I posted above, they casually and IRRESONBILY mention P4, progesterone and P4 analog throughout. But because they are using progestins and asserting that estrogen is the culprit in hernias, it is safe to then and logical to conclude it IS all about estrogen and nothing to do with progesterone other than the imposter progestins.
The next thing to take note of is WHAT they used in using this study as an example, referring to this hernia issue. That is RU486. The substance that although has anti-progesterone activity, is also a major cortisol inhibitor. SO much so, that even Haidut had shown several articles about how it is used for several ailments, but due to its cortisol blocking action and consequently, its heavy estrogenic blocking ability what can see AGAIN, this has all to do with blocking estrogen.
What this hernia bullshit is, is just another way to demonize progesterone, because the truth of estrogen, AS THEY THEMSELVES admit to when you read the article in the OP, is becoming clearer and clearer. Aromatase and estrogen are the true players in developing hernias. They clearly state that. Rather than trying to stop that, the better method is public obfuscation and vilifying progesterone as well. And that is what sets up a confusing study.
It is a funny thing I remember Dr. Peat mentioning in an interview how DHEA, and progesterone and pregnenolone should be first line defenses against hernias!
RE: Getting desperate with this debilitating and super weird symptom (hypersalivation)
You sound hyper cholinergic. Have you tried methylene blue and/or adamantane? Even if it is a utilization issue, SIBO can cause elevated serum B12 but meanwhile actually causing a b12 deficiency, perhaps not allowing full utilization of choline. Try something like those things, then approach the gut with the basic stuff: carrot salad, vinegar, coconut oil, charcoal, flowers of sulphur.
RE: LA fires?
In my blog of making predictions thru occultism, mostly active from 2020 to roughly 2023/24, I had stated a few times they would want to squeeze people out of the coastal areas. I think they started with FL destruction already, and Cali. I would predict in the next 5 to 10 yrs, we'll see something for NYC, as a big one. The first soft run for that was COVID CON, making a lot of fearful sheep run out of NYC.
RE: Progesterone therapy in men (transgender women), does not significantly effect, testosterone, libido and weight
@alfredoolivas it appears you are correct on that one! Finally, real progesterone.
RE: Progesterone therapy in men (transgender women), does not significantly effect, testosterone, libido and weight
Actually the study tells us nothing about true progesterone since unfortunately they use progestins.
RE: Apigenin
It really isn't even a matter of "black or white," but the lack of distinction. It is meaningless to throw around NOS without knowing what type in what context. Apigenin can increase eNOS and improve circulation. In a inflammatory context, it can inhibit iNOS, which is what we need to keep in check ultimately.
RE: Mortality in the United States, 2023
Probably trickery best explains "decreased death." After all, from 2020 and on (in which the end of 2019 THE toxic thing that started the clusters of strange illness and death blamed on convid virus) they killed a good amount with more toxins, so-called meds, setting people on "fire" with forced high pressure o2, vaccines, isolation, psychological despair, etc.. By 2023, what was left to kill? Now, talk in real numbers i.e. maiming, unoptimal health, verge of death, sickness... that'll make the picture look entirely different. I bet we will see another rise in overall death in the next 10 years or so when the effects of those who were not killed off (yet) will start to show.