@of Hello, based on your original post, the origins of this paranoia may be more psychological than biological. Try exposure therapy by going out and cold approaching women or at least try to talk to women in your life, since they seem to be the main concern of your paranoia. Good luck!

Latest posts made by caudillofranco
RE: paranoia
RE: Homemade SolBan
@Cicero Excited to see how it goes, since SolBan is relatively expensive relative to the ingredients...
RE: PEATSPHERE is dysgenic
@PEATCEL Agree with this... When I first read haidut I thought he was going to be a BulgARYAN Nietzchean Superhuman... Highly disappointed when I saw his face...
RE: Pro Metabolic Substances Tier List
@alfredoolivas Solid tier list, but ozempic at top is questionable... Glad it helped you lose weight though
RE: Sleeping Less
@NARINGENIN I first heard about this from the ceo of wordpress (Matt Mullenweg), who coded the website while sleeping only 2.5 hours a day. I believe he said on a podcast (tim ferriss if I recall correctly) that he felt great while doing it but he had to stop when he got a girlfriend. (https://sleepreviewmag.com/curated/sleeping-6-times-day-wordpress-founder/)
In terms of complete freedom from sleep cycles, that is new territory altogether. I think it would require an intense meditative practice...
One anecdote that I can share is that, while doing a meditative practice known as "yoga nidra", I could perceive myself consciously entering sleep, and remaining asleep while still being conscious. I even dreamt during the period I was asleep.
I remember reading about this yogi called Swami Rama, who could enter sleep at will but still remain conscious. Let me know if you find anything re: useful meditative practices!
RE: Sleeping Less
@NARINGENIN What some people do is that they do alternative sleep patterns that allow them to reach deeper stages of sleep more readily than they would otherwise. On the extreme end, this means sleeping 2 hours a day in 20 minute naps separated by 4 hours each — people who do this report being well rested despite getting literally a quarter of the recommended 8 hour sleep.
You may find this website useful, as it outlines dif. sleeping schedules that you may be interested in.
https://www.sleepphones.com/blog/what-polyphasic-sleep-and-eight-hours-shuteye-really-necessaryAdditionally being health (non hypothyroid) and taking magnesium or glycine before going to bed has helped me achieve a more restful sleep.
RE: Curing Homosexuality with Ivermectin and other anti-parasitic drugs
@theB02 interested in seeing how this plays out... Good luck!
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
Have you tried pct? To my understanding there are bodybuilders that blast T for a decade and then get off it using clomid or other such drugs, and their T levels are only slightly affected. This may be useful for getting to a reasonable baseline for endogenous production for t.
RE: DHT as an alternative for TRT
@jamezb46 said in DHT as an alternative for TRT:
@ooopilled Yes, androsterone is an AI and converts to DHT. I think 3-4mg inhibited aromatase by 90%.
Quite interesting, will check out!