Thanks @LetTheRedeemed @Mossy. Sorry this may be a silly question, do you need the pair the baking soda with an acid to release the co2 into the water or could you just use baking soda which would absorb into the body and from inside the body release co2?
Latest posts made by josh
RE: Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?
RE: Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?
@BioEclectic said in Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?:
Potential issues would be the source of ascorbic acid, if it's contaminated with metals as it often is, and would they absorb through the skin. Another concern with standard Vit-C is the toxic mold remnants from the manufacturing process and if they would cause any issues transdermally.The same questions and concerns would apply to citric acid as well.
I'm guessing you're not using Quali-C in the bath as that seems prohibitively expensive.
Thanks @BioEclectic. damn! Didnt realise citric acid has the same issues as ascorbic acid, there goes the bath for absorbing co2, though it makes me feel so good in the morning, think ill try the co2 bin bag again.
Yeah unfortunately not using quali-c for the bath, just orally, probably cheaper to bath in Perrier.
RE: Ideas for getting more CO2 into your everyday routine
@Ecstatic_Hamster said in Ideas for getting more CO2 into your everyday routine:
Control pause gets worse within 10 or 15 minutes of eating anything, especially protein, and especially foods you aren’t tolerant of. The CP diminishes for 3 or so hours. I have heard it has to do with ions soaked up in the process of creating hydrochloric acid for stomach digestive stage, and these ions are then picked back up into the body. I doubt this is the best explanation but it kind of explains why meat lowers CP more than eating fruit does.
It does not explain the food intolerance part.
As far as the Ray Peat diet (whatever that is) resulting in weight gain I find that when I limited sugar consumption and consumed more starch, I was able to easily lose body fat. That is the way most of the thin world eats.
Thanks @Ecstatic_Hamster i missed this earlier! Iv always noticed an initial lessening of symptoms immediately after eating i think from the pleasure of it, then followed by a worsening of symptoms about 30mins later as energy is taken for digestion. Interesting to see how this patches in with cp!
RE: Low dose naltrexone
I used it for about a year gradually making my way up to 4.5 mg. It did increase my feeling of dopamine, but You do need to grade up to 4.5 mg slowly.
I was told at the time that it worked by briefly blocking your dopamine receptors causing them to overcompensate with more dopamine. If you take too large a dose straight Away your dopamine receptors will be unable to respond adequately to the stimulus.
A really good resource with many Interviews of people who have taken LDN for different conditions is the: I stopped the LDN because I didn’t want to be on it for too long a time and I wanted to know how I felt without it. One of the good things about LDN You can stop it Cold turkey without having any withdrawal symptoms because your dopamine levels remain at a higher level post usage.
Sorry, I am unfamiliar with the use of LDN to reduce endotoxin, but it would make sense With its anti-biotic properties.
RE: Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?
Thanks @BioEclectic yes sorry i do mean grams.
Just out of interest, I have been doing co2 Baths recently, using a mix of bicarbonate of soda, and citric acid. Well, I’ve run out of citric acid and found a spare tub of ascorbic acid (vit c). My thought was mixing ascorbic acid and sodium bicarbonate would make sodium ascorbate. Anyway, i’m sat in it now as I write this and it seems to work just as well, Skin is going pink! It seems to take more ascorbic acid than I would normally use for citric acid, But an added benefit is im sat in the bath full of sodium ascorbate to absorb transdermally plus co2?
Could this be a useful way to bypass the gut and absorb more vitamin C for say a cold, would i actually absorb that much transdermally? Avoiding the problem of bowel tolerance. I’ve heard an IV Vitamin C can go up to 200 grams, so thought would be okay from a toxicity point of view, can anyone see any issues with this?
RE: Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?
Ah sorry newbie, my link doesnt work, but a search of “dr sarah myhill vitamin c” should bring it up.
RE: Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?
I second Quali-C, i recently took a dose of 15-20mg a day for one week to get over a heavy cold(worth noting that bowel tolerance can be reached!). Cold has now gone. I now regularly still take 5-10mg as its cold season here.
Some interesting info from dr sarah myhill here:
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
Thanks @S-Holmes, when you started did you put 30g dextrose in your hot chocolate? Do you use a lesser dose now you are more used to it?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
Thanks @S-Holmes and @gentlepotato, your replies show alot of care and i really appreciate that :).
Thats really interesting about how Ray Peat says tinnitus is from dysbiosis in the gut, i will look into his work on this.
Thanks @gentlepotato i think you are right that i struggle to keep my blood sugar high enough through the night. During the day i eat very regularly to make sure my blood sugar stays up, but the night i am definitely still having problems with. Iv tried a few things to get me through the night without waking, and i think milk and honey with some fruit at bedtime gave my best results. Actually the glucose supplementation iv done recently has worsened my sleep i think because maybe its entering and exiting the blood too quick. Have you had any luck with anything to keep your blood glucose up through the night?
Im now trying to use the glucose supplementation in an intuitive way, like first thing in the morning or if symptoms show up.
Thanks also for the experience on how important blood sugar regulation is, it gives me hope im on the right track. Trying to work out the different effects of sucrose, glucose, fructose and lactose atm.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@gentlepotato said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
@josh said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
Is it because the HPA axis becomes more sensitive with every trauma, and more ready to switch into sympathetic mode, stress cascade and ultimately more fat metabolism, inhibiting glucose metabolism. Maybe flooding the system with glucose stops the stress hormones from needing to be activated and slowly over time this makes the HPA axis less reactive through neuroplastic pathways being desensitised.
Do you have any sources for this understanding of the HPA axis? That the HPA axis "becomes sensitive", what does that mean? The neuroplastic approach is a very mental one, often seen mentioned by people who believe in the biopsychosocial model. I'd say it's very far from a bioenergetic approach.
Sorry from a technical standpoint i am fairly unqualified. i have had an intimate relationship with trauma though over the last two years. Iv tried to take knowledge and see how it sits and feels on my own body, staying open minded.
I believe in the bioenergetic view of increased energy makes you more able to deal with stress and trauma. I have felt things that trigger me become easier to deal with as i have more resource, using bioenergetic principles. I also know triggers of hardwired stress responses to pretty innocuous things still remain as i feel the adrenaline effects of them everyday.
So from my basic understanding, i think the hypothalamus can send false flags to the pituitary, and each time the pituitary fires off the adrenals, this down regulates your metabolism. This in turn makes your HPA axis much more sensitive to firing as your resources for stressors such as false flags becomes much lower. I can see where i was confusing, in a way the hpa axis isnt more sensitive, its just doing its job, its actually due to low energy, and the hpa axis is filling in the gaps.
It funny (it really isnt) but i notice this in the morning when my temps are low im super reactive to triggers, whereas in the evening i barely react to them. Inversely if im being triggered alot, after the adrenaline has settled my temps will drop. It just shows how bidirectional the relationship between stress and energy ate.
Iv tried the 4x 25g dextrose for the last 4 days and on the first day my tinnitus went for 6hrs in the afternoon which was a big deal. The next 3 days my tinnitus didnt go. What i think happened is it is having an effect, but naturally after day one i felt a bit better, and pushed myself a bit harder, hence lost the gains, and adrenaline(cause of my tinnitus) stepped in again. Will give it time and hopefully will start to improve my brains carb metabolism. This alongside experimenting with increasing co2 which has been super helpful.
Btw i do think if you can boost your metabolism and be less reactionary to triggers. I believe we all have triggers, but this less our bodies react to these triggers the less important they become to the brain and slowly fade away like old memories, and you dont re traumatise yourself each time there is a trigger (book:the brain that changes itself). i think there is room for neuroplasticity alongside bioenergenetics, but this is only my opinion