@gloryus I didn't have it on my radar that biotin is strongly needed for B6 activity. When I had read those high doses of biotin I though these guys are going to get crazy carb cravings.
indeed I've noticed that biotin+P5P leads to decreased hunger for me. Whereas biotin alone drives it up a lot. I appreciate to have been made aware of this connection.

It's super wrong, though, to regard pyridoxin merely as an inactive form of B6 instead of a dirty antagonistic precursor.
And I reckon the huge amounts of biotin are not needed per se but may be serving as a crutch for sulfur to feed the molybdenum-dependent sulfite oxidase.
Then there's another question: If an increase of uric acid through molybdenum-dependent xanthine oxidase is indeed important for renal copper excretion are all the people doing this going go get intense feeding frenzies for meats or mushrooms so that they can replete and maintain their nucleotides?
However I haven't seen anything on uric acid binding to copper, but only on uric acid being protective against cuproptosis i.e. copper-induced cell apoptosis together with NO. So does the uric acid only protect against the damage from (temporarily) increased free copper? And should arginine be taken along with it?