Here is what the pancakes look like:

Posts made by Korven
RE: Tasty buckwheat pancakes (gluten-free) 🥞🔥
RE: Tasty buckwheat pancakes (gluten-free) 🥞🔥
@sushi_is_cringe also one thing that I should have clarified is that it is important to drain all liquid from the soaked buckwheat - otherwise the mix will get too liquidy. It's easy to add some water in if need be but not vice versa.
And ripe bananas tend to work better.
I have been eating these for months and they have been great!
Tasty buckwheat pancakes (gluten-free) 🥞🔥
Here is a recipe for tasty buckwheat pancakes:
Before you go to bed, soak ~60 grams of hulled buckwheat
In the morning, drain excess water and pour the buckwheat in a blender.
Add 1 large banana
Add 2 eggs
Optionally: add 1 tbsp collagen/gelatin
Blend for a few seconds
Heat up a pan on medium high heat and add a lot of butter and pour in the mixture, cook for 2 minutes, flip, cook another 2-3 minutes.
This makes around 8 smaller pancakes, or maybe 4-5 big ones.
Serve with maple syrup or fruit preserves
RE: I have intense cravings for cigarettes
@jamezb46 Thank you that makes sense - does nicotine boost NAD+ levels? Or does cigarettes contain small amounts of nicotinamide?
This could be a very good experiment to run before going all in on cigarettes , I will check if I have some niacinamide left in my supplement pile.
RE: I have intense cravings for cigarettes
@sushi_is_cringe maybe you are correct, the idea of smoking cigs just "feel right" to me, I can't really explain it better. Many people that smoke have good vibes and maybe thats was I am after...
RE: I have intense cravings for cigarettes
@Corngold Hmmm so you didn't get any wellbeing/dopamine effects at all from cigarettes? What were the negatives you notice from smoking?
What is interesting to me is that I have never smoked regularly, maybe only a few times per year. But now all of a sudden I have these cigarette cravings
I have intense cravings for cigarettes
Hi everyone,
I haven't smoked for years but recently I have been having strong cravings for cigarettes.
I don't know how to describe it but it feels like cigarettes have some important nutrient that I'm missing and I am thinking a lot about how good it would be to just have a cigarette.
Has anyone else had cigarette cravings, randomly out of the blue? I feel like it has something to do with the spring weather...
Should I start smoking cigarettes? What do you think? It doesn't sound very healthy
Thanks for your insights!
RE: Increasing caffeine tolerance/metabolism?
Also I have a feeling that butter fat helps with coffee tolerance a lot. I have been eating a lot of butter with my meals lately and been feeling great along with the increased coffee. Maybe the saturated fat helps to stabilise blood sugars?
RE: Increasing caffeine tolerance/metabolism?
I find my coffee tolerance goes way up when I have low gut inflammation and consistently avoid foods that I am sensitive/have slight allergic reactions to. It could be related to better liver function from less endotoxins or something - I am not sure.
For reference, I am averaging around 6 cups of strong coffee per day and feel like I only get the nice thyroid boosting/high vibe/wellbeing effects, without any side effects like anxiousness or jitteriness.
In the past I thought Ray might've been wrong about caffeine but I think it was because my physiology wasn't in a good state and I couldn't enjoy the benefits of caffeine.
Have you tried tinkering with your diet to see if certain foods make you feel better or worse?
My experience is that when I already feel good, I can drink tons of coffee, but when I feel bad (endotoxin feeling) I can not have very much coffee, and it doesn't "work" that well (i.e., I have a cup of coffee but don't get any good feelings or it even makes me feel worse). But the feeling good part has to come first, and for me that is dependent on my diet to a very large extent.
RE: FAO vs Beta Oxidation
@AinmBeo Beta oxidation is fatty acid oxidation, and vice versa, i.e. they are the same thing.
This takes place inside the mitochondria, feeding acetyl-CoA into the Krebs cycle and then NADH/FADH to the electron transport chain.
It is normal, we are always burning some fatty acids and some glucose. I think issues arise when the glucose burning machinery is not working and the body has to rely excessively on fatty acid oxidation for its energy needs.
RE: What's up with the EGCG health potion trending on RPF?
@cs3000 Thanks for the warning, indeed looks like there are quite a few case reports of liver toxicity from EGCG.
I already knew this formula was insane (upwards of 1 g EGCG per day, 3 mg molybdenum and more) but I was kinda curious what people thought of it
What's up with the EGCG health potion trending on RPF?
I still check in on the RPF from time to time and the current obsession is a cocktail of EGCG and various vitamins + minerals, touted as a health potion to cure all ailments.
Has anyone here tried it and what has been your experiences?
It sounds totally ludicrous... but I am also a little intrigued
RE: Thyroid Log
@GreekDemiGod said in Thyroid Log:
Having consistently good temps and pulse in the winter on Novothyral. Brand/ product matters a lot.
I was getting inconsistent results when taking Levotiron from Turkish brand (abdi ibrahim).Current doses: 2 daily doses of 50 mcg T4 and 15 mcg T3, totalling 100 mcg T4 and 30 mcg T3.
Note: NovothyraL has 100 mcg T4 and 20 mcg T3 in a pill. I split the pill by half and add 5 mcg T3.
Hi @GreekDemiGod , do you get your Novothyral prescribed by a doctor, or do you have a source in EU? Thanks
Synthetic thyroid (Cynomel/Cynoplus) vs NDT (Armour, Tyromax) - which one do you do better with?
Hi everyone,
I have a question for y'all:
Which type of thyroid supplement do you feel and function best on, natural desiccated thyroid e.g. Tyromax or Armour thyroid or synthetic thyroid e.g Cynoplus?
I recently tried taking Tyromax again because I've been feeling increasingly hypo this winter, but since starting thyroid supplementation I have NOT been feeling good. It's not so much that I am overstimulated (though my sleep has been worse), I just feel bad, kind of an off feeling, slight nausea. Initially I did get some nice thyroid effects and a temp boost but now I just feel crappy. I was taking 5 drops, so not even 1 grain. I am sensitive to gluten so maybe it's the small amount of gluten from the tocopherols in Tyromax that is problematic (derived from wheat germ oil I believe), or is my body just reacting negatively to NDT for some reason? Is there anyone here who does poorly on NDT but feel good on synthetic thyroid?
I just bought some Novotiral and will give that a trial once it gets here from Mexico
Oh, also, Merry Christmas
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@DonkeyDude My apologies Sir.
You're right, it was the toxic Ray Peat diet that caused stomach ulcers all along... The toxic bile gets so full with toxic "vitamin" A that it literally oozes out of the stomach and burns holes in it. And when you stop intaking the toxins they will instead ooze out of every pore in your skin; it's a glorious sight to behold. This new paradigm gets rid of all the nuances, it is a simple way to health, you only have to eat beef, beans and bread and buy the "Big Five" minerals from Life Giving store. After every new detox wave you feel like a new person. I am 4 years deep and detoxing copper right now from the crazy space weather! Happy easter (without the toxic eggs!)
#garrettsmithrightagain #toxicbiletheory
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@Hando-Jin To be fair that is probably the only time I have ever agreed with Charlie banning someone - that guy seemed like such an asshole.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
Lmao the activity level on RPF has dropped off a cliff.
The only "posters" left are Charlie and his army of burner accounts.
I mean look at this post by Sebastian B - it is so stupidly obvious this is just a means to fill up the empty space with useless "low toxin diet" posts:
So... you're telling me that you are unable to eat apples because of the "the high-toxin Ray Peat cancer diet." and have to eat apple powder?
Riveting content!
RE: Chronic Acetylcholine high
@Highserotonin What does your diet look like?
Some individuals are more sensitive to the solanaceous glycoalkaloids in nightshades (e.g. due to BChE deficiencies). Of course there is also the problem of non-organic food and pesticides which act as cholinesterase inhibitors.
RE: Beard growth?
@Cristiano To answer your question, no I don't think DHEA will help much at all.
There is some evidence that topical testosterone (and presumably also DHT) applied to the beard stimulates vellus to terminal hair conversion.
Haidut posted a study where an old grandma used topical T on her face for months and grew a "beard". There's also this study: Maybe topical testosterone or DHT combined with dermarolling, applied consistently over years, could be a good way to get a thicker beard.
RE: Beard growth?
@Santosh Have you tried applying T or DHT locally to the beard area?
I have been doing this some time and have seen more terminal hairs, but it is somewhat slow progress. I saw the most beard growth from permanently cutting out gluten from my diet (no cheating ever). However I think I am celiac or have NGCS so I doubt everyone will get the same effects from removing gluten.
Minoxidil is also effective but gives me terrible side effects,