Yeah that seems like it.
I like the idea of iodine displacing fluoride. Would you say that it displaces fluoride at a 1:1 ratio? 1 mg of iodine removing 1 mg of stored fluoride?
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
Yeah that seems like it.
I like the idea of iodine displacing fluoride. Would you say that it displaces fluoride at a 1:1 ratio? 1 mg of iodine removing 1 mg of stored fluoride?
I wonder why Ray was so cautious about high dose iodine therapy.
Dr. Peat: “A dosage of 150 mcg (micrograms, not milligrams, e.g., ug not mg) is a safe amount of iodine. There are excellent references describing the effect of a moderate iodine excess (even below a milligram per day) on the thyroid. An iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism (rare now), but so can an excess. Iodine deficiency is an unusual cause of hypothyroidism, except in a few places, like the mountains of Mexico and China, and the Andes.
Very large amount of potatoes considering potatoes are one of the lowest fat sources of carbs you could possibly find. Potatoes can have up to 10 - 30 times less fat than bread or pasta per weight.
Lots of white sugar/coca cola . Sugar is litteraly 0 gram fat.
1 quart of 0,1 % or 0,2 % ultra low fat milk
Something like 400 gram carbs or more + 5 gram total fat + below 1 gram PUFA ?