Hi, thanks for creating this. Nice domain too
Quick suggestions
Scientific Studies
Supplements / IdeaLabs sectionWhile I'm not for censoring views or opinions, there's clearly going to be necessary moderation and reorganization for this site to encourage participation and contribution from intelligent, productive, and good-faith posters. If it's just going to be a forum of edgelords, 4chan, and /pol/ memes drowning out genuine discussions relating to bioenergetics, peat's ideas, and improving health and quality of life in general, it's not going to be legitimate alternative to RPF regardless of how nutty charlie gets because the wealth of knowledge that has been shared there over the years will still make it a valuable resource.
While I'm on that, if possible, importing valuable RPF posts and threads to this forum would be great, if not only to have them publicly accessible and open for discussion and not behind a paywall.
Thank you for setting this up, @brad -- Wishing you and everyone good health
@natalie @hammerandburner @henkboogaart014 @kylma @john @Coriander @MFF @twig @max @Groypeat @austen @ThinPicking @linkchad-btc @abe @gugenmungus @stag @Bob_Snarky @ProgestTee @Charger @herayclitus Welcome! Thank you all for joining.
@Charger Good suggestions for subforums, I'll make those. I agree with your second point as well. Everyone should feel free to report posts or posters they feel are unnecessarily degrading the experience. On the third idea, there are some people who are creating a searchable archive which I would be happy to link to, but I don't think I can host it here.
@Charger Products and Literature Review sections
what is this four chan
@brad needed to be done, thank you for your work
You are a legend, brad. May the peatsphere keep rising!
@brad understood the mission.
May your orange juice be sweet, milk fresh, and your body warm
We're so back -
@brad Thanks for putting this together, it was much needed
@brad Thank you Brad! The forum is looking great so far
Love the forum design.
P pilky pinned this topic on
Hello and thank you for the great work!
Hi everyone,
I will from now on post my threads here as well as in the RPF, since it doesn't take much effort to copy and paste once they are written.How much Im going to contribute outside of that also depends on the vibe around here, so we'll see.
BTW what's the origin story of this forum and who is the person behind it? Was it in the making for a longer period of time or a reaction to recent events? How is the power distributed?
I think those are all questions people are interested since it's become obvious that power in the hand of one person can be a bit ...tricky.Greetings and Good luck!
Perhaps a sign up questionaire could be a good idea as it would deter trolls and low effort posts. Seems there is a lot of them at the moment no offensive to anyone.
It's called #Meritocracy
Thanks for putting this together Brad! Great to see the energy here
Hi, @brad and everyone.
Props for taking the initiative and thank you for the much-needed breath of fresh air.
I suppose that members would be glad to support the project through voluntary donations. Could you create the means for it early on? In case the money raised isn't enough, as you know, people respond well to transparency; if you explain your problem, you'll probably be understood and offered solutions.