4chan on Peat
@beastliboi Cool story bro, now address what I actually said. Only animals huh?
"The results were quite clear -- the higher the altitude, the less likely you were of developing Metabolic Syndrome. Interestingly, using information about the participants' family history, the researchers could also assess if those more prone to this health problem also saw these benefits. "We found our results were independent of the genetic background of the individuals," reveals González-Muniesa."
@beastliboi are you an athiest nihilist?
@Mulloch94 It's hard to talk to people like you because that study is speculative at best. It's not even about longevity.
@beastliboi It's hard to talk to me right now because you're just a dumbass. You're here to troll the forum, I've seen your other posts. First you said all other research was dubious because it was done in animals, which is definitively wrong. Now you're moving the goalposts because the data isn't an RCT. Not that would matter anyways. Not even sure how an RCT could be conducted about altitude living. Probably make it less accurate actually (due to the short-term nature of the trial).
Secondly, you claim fasting is the only way to improve longevity, also not entirely true. Certain types of fasting (like IF) is linked to early death. And three, avoiding metabolic syndrome and it's consequences (diabetes, obesity, CAD, etc.) does in fact contribute to longevity. Unless you think avoiding all the leading causes of death in the world isn't important. To which I'd say you have a funny definition of longevity. One that's quite different from mine.
@beastliboi It is well known that fasting raises stress hormones
@Ray-Van-Winkle According to Hans (Amato) serotonin in food is a non-issue because it gets degraded in the stomach and doesn't actually affect blood serotonin. I personally really enjoy bananas and they are a staple for me.
@beastliboi “CICO” is a physical law that applies to closed systems, which the human body is not.
@Sitaruim high serotonin post
@Ray-Van-Winkle At least it wasn't a high retardation post...
@Hando-Jin maybe that explains durianriders manic personality
Raymond Peat is king.