The Ray Peat Forum is DEAD - Mike Fave video
@Jayvee I was a member on the Ray Peat Forum for a few months but never posted. For two years prior I had tried to sub to the forum, but registration was blocked due to some lame excuse(something about malicious signups, maybe?). I learned a lot reading old threads but could never engage. Once I was allowed to register, the forum had started to go downhill.
Anyway, Mike's video is how I found this forum. Hoping for the best here.
@Jayvee Great video.
You rock Mike!!!
So much respect that you did this. Proving Ray Peat lifestyle builds cajones.heehee. I got called an "OG".
I still tend to believe that the demise was/is an operation larger than lil Charlie.
Great video, thanks for sharing.
@Jayvee Off topic but he looks healthy! Such a big difference between a Norwood actively in the Norwood state of being and one that got out of it.
Even more off-topic but these bioenergetic niggas gotta get some better style going on.
Does that say 'ME'?
What's with the plant placement?
White plant pots?
Why is the shelf half empty?This better be an AirBnB or he is in BIG trouble.
@CO3 said in The Ray Peat Forum is DEAD - Mike Fave video:
Does that say 'ME'?
Pretty sure it's his initials "MF".
@zawisza said in The Ray Peat Forum is DEAD - Mike Fave video:
Pretty sure it's his initials "MF".
Wow. That means thought went into this 'set'. Makes it a lot worse.
@CO3 It's MF for motherfucker.
Great video by Mike as usual!
@CO3 said in The Ray Peat Forum is DEAD - Mike Fave video:
some better style going on
I had some ideas co3, what do you think. Had to redact the artist and make the vid title more ironic.
(Just kidding. Don't hurt me.)
@ThinPicking Better use of space and colors. I'd suggest something like this;
Hmm I like it. That's certainly more my style. The producer may tone down for wider appeal or lesser distraction.
Also damn it co3. Now I want to drink all the Kentucky Straight and talk all the shit. But it's Tuesday night and I have a baseline test tomorrow morning.
@Benjo I had been reading the forum on and off for several years and was just about to make an account to be able to ask questions to help my dad out, and it was the exact week this crapshow unfolded. Registrations were blocked and I wasn't even able to read posts for a while as a non-member.
Glad I found this place.
@zawisza I thought it said “Home” - though the “O” is missing.
Sad how the RPF has gone weird and just downhill, the amount of time and effort everyone has put into contributing and discussing ideas and helping each other out etc., thankfully it’s been backed up and I’m hoping there’s a way for us to access the zipped backup without having to go onto the actual RPF.
Anyone have any idea about the above please?
@Mauritio kindly told me about this new forum back in January, though I totally forgot about, partly cos we were all still using RPF (somewhat). Shocked at how quickly it has dwindled into doom
@evan-hinkle kindly reminded me about the forum - thanks buddy
@Peatly thanks buddy, much appreciated. Just realised I had bookmarked this site via Brad’s twitter post in February - totally forgot about it.
Btw, is there an app by any chance that we can use to access this forum?
It is bigger than charlie. I don't doubt that a bit. Charlie can be like GW for his "clarity of vision," but he isn't patricidal nor fratricidal. But now that he is eating his own and being cannibalistic and suicidal and all, he has been eaten whole by a shapeshifter. My thoughts and prayers for the Charlie we knew.
Has this video been shared on their forum yet? I did a cursory examination of the first few pages and I don't see it. Bet you'd get banned for it, lol.