Advice on tinnitus - UPDATE
@BioEclectic thank you, I appreciate it.
Something I came across on salicylate foods, which most sites on salicylate levels don't seem to mention!"...on the basis of recent studies, classified as salicylate-rich (e.g., oats, buckwheat, cauliflower, rice)."
(I'd guess that refers to brown rice)On the rpf, there's info on endotoxin contributing to tinnitus. Try this google search, finds all mentions of tinnitus on rpf tinnitus
@wrl thank you so much. My staples are milk and cheese, fruits, honey, gelatin, meat, eggs, shellfish, liver, homemade nixtamalised tortillas and some potatoes..and some parsley and basil and occasional kale broth.
I found this too: -
@ThinPicking said in Tinnitus remedies?:
Tinnitus results from electrolyte disturbance in endolymph. Auricular function is extremely sensitive to variations in the constitution of that fluid.
And I don't consider Ray's attributions to hypothyroidism and endotoxin inconsistent with the normalisation of fluid balance.
Can you try this? Is this a remedy @ThinPicking ?
@ThinPicking said in Lost the spark of life:
Try an experiment, "thicken up". Reduce any free water you're drinking down to a bare minimum of tongue sized sips, at least a little on top of meals, maybe a little in between. Pack in as many dense, "solid" calories as you can in three feeding windows. Salt your food. Eat over and above your hunger. While your renal function responds, forgive issues with cognitive fog, somnolence and flatter moods.
Any other drinks, thicken them up even more with a teaspoon of sugar and a tiny pinch of salt. A 500mg taurine and 200mg caffeine supplement could speed up your bounce but they're optional (and cheap ofc).
Give it four days and three sleeps. Check yourself. Come back and rubbish or confirm it. If there's restoration of your drive with a hint of aggression, just add (back more) water.
@ThinPicking said in Lost the spark of life:
By all means, give it a go. Nothing to lose from a comfortable enough baseline.
I've moved fluid balance a lot on purpose and found circulatory/renal function to fall in to patterns around my behaviour. Escaping one pattern in to another just involves resisting some compulsions/senses that accompany them. And they feel quite distinct.
Probably sounds a bit woo in conversation without a write up and citation. In many ways I think Ray already said it, I'd just put it differently. If energy and structure are interdependent, what is structure, it's flow, formation and dissolution. Even bone has a high water content and colloid-like structure. And how do narcotic (like cannabis) or other insults disrupt it. A lot can be said.
@Kilgore this is interesting, thank you. I was never a big water drinker - I used to joke about it, telling people that I didn't have any water for days..but nowadays I drink a lot of milk (2 L per day). So do you suggest that milk should be lowered to the minimum for four days?
@Emilia said in Advice on tinnitus:
this is interesting, thank you. I was never a big water drinker - I used to joke about it, telling people that I didn't have any water for days..but nowadays I drink a lot of milk (2 L per day).
Your intuition was right. Milk, yogurt, kefir and fruit juice are more healthy and hydrating than water.
I cant really give you any advice on this experiment since I have never done it but Mr Thin probably can help you more. I just saw it.
Check this out btw this could also be a reason:
Here are the other threads made on this topic. -
FWIW, I've taken boatloads of aspirin off and on thru the years, and acute aspirin-caused tinnitus, seems to have improved. I believe the cofactors mentioned, like glycine, are more important (which aspirin can deplete). So, I wouldn't necessarily drop aspirin if you got your hands on some.
@Kilgore Thank you for taking the time to share these with me. I have looked into jaw exercises on YouTube in the past, and although moving my jaw alters the sound, these manipulations of the jaw didn't help
@LetTheRedeemed Thank you for the links! I really like these podcasts. I've listened to the one you shared but can't understand the name of the drug Georgi is advising for tinnitus.
for sure.
Phosphatidylcholine -
@LetTheRedeemed Thank you
@Kilgore said in Advice on tinnitus:
Is this a remedy @ThinPicking ?
Ah yea, I can confirm. I've given myself tinnitus and remedied it this way many times. And healed my poor ears from the blistering noise of britain's metal scene.
Just don't take it too far. I'm not a 'no water' person. The goal in restriction (to me), and increasing osmolality of other fluids is to draw structure in to tighter arrangement so you can resume dilution, more carefully, from a better place. You've gotta feel it out. And is the case here, hear it out.
I can also get variance in perception of amplitude and tones by toying around with this. Perception of pace by sabotaging or improving my rate in other ways.
(caveat, maybe I'm completely wrong about this)
@Emilia said in Advice on tinnitus:
I drink a lot of milk (2 L per day).
Do you ever add any salt and sugar to this Emi? And are you drinking this around three "solid" meals ("solid" food itself is a colloid, a sponge, an extremely high viscosity/high osmolality fluid).
I wasn't clear in the text Kilgore copied from elsewhere, but I also separate any bulk of liquid from my meals. I started doing this as a rule years ago when looking at (and literally listening to) the way the stomach digests things (a wild subject itself). And felt a lot better doing it. I just take a sip or two of water after the last bite and wait at least 15 minutes before drinking anything else. No matter how much salt or sugar I might have added to it. And the shorter that window, the more gently I'll sip through it, so as not to disturb what's going on in the distal stomach/proximal intestine.
I waffled about it a bit in various places on RPF. Amazing study here to give you an idea of how the stomach changes form to accommodate various situations.
@Emilia said in Advice on tinnitus:
My GP advised me that there is no cure
Nonsense, naturally.
@Emilia said in Advice on tinnitus:
I did get the vaccine due to flying to the US a few years ago..unfortunately!!
Don't worry about it. Just maybe keep your feet on the ground in future. Lest ye are partial to roulette.
Maybe it muddled RRAS and myocardial function for 6 months at best. Who knows. Who cares. It's behind you.
@ThinPicking Thx. Luckily I dont have tinnitus, but good luck @Emilia
@ThinPicking Hello! Thank you for sharing this with me.
Generally, I drink milk on its own. Ayurveda has a similar principle advising not to drink too much liquid around meal times as it can lower the digestion fire (agni).
I don't add salt or sugar to my milk but I would sometimes have raw honey or medjol dates with it. I take salt whenever I 'need' it. -
@ThinPicking thank you
@Kilgore thank you