Glucose loading cures everything?
Are you experienced in being able to discern whether that much glucose fed your infections or whether it acted directly immunostimulatory on your preexisting infection levels?
Either way there'd be more immune activity involved, but the first would be bad whereas the latter - if kept in a sensible and safe range - could be regarded as a necessary evil to go through?@S-Holmes
That was a suprisingly easy fix for you to simply dilute your glucose in more water! I wonder, are you perhaps generally prone to not drinking sufficiently every day?For a couple of days I thought I could lower my dextrose servings to 50grs (down from 80-100) as an effect of the H202. That was wrong and much too low, I noticed. 70grs work well, though.
A few times I've now blended my dextrose serving with the diluted H202 in distilled water and must say: That's refreshing! Takes away the slight "taste" of the H202 and it feels like an enhanced way to take glucose. Curiously, so far, it even completely removed every hint of nausea by the H202. They don't seem to react with each other and by what I've read all the H202 IVs are usually being done in glucose solutions.@GlucoseOrBust
Any news on the effects of your megaservings? -
No how could i? But there is always a reason for inflammation no?
all i can say is that energy is better on it with the downside of increased inflammation/accelerated aging.
Some symptoms are better, some are worse.
If it were acute sideffects i might consider pushing trough, if it is making existing issues worse then i have no reason to believe that "pushing trough" is the right course of action. -
Hi to everyone. I am new to this forum and signed up just to reply on this thread. This is a l-o-n-g post.
I started the glucose protocol about 2 months ago, and found this forum after googling to find information on others trying the same thing.
Really appreciate all the valuable information and insights shared here
. I slowly worked my way through from the beginning to the end.
This is my experience so far:
Starting my third month on dextrose. 55 year old woman. low carb-ish for many years. Intermittent fasting, lots of cardio etc etc. (I know I know !!) Was strict carnivore for about 6 months, up to about 5-6 months ago, when came across Ray Peat, and slowly started introducing fruit and honey (built up to about 50-75g carbs a day).I don't recall any concussions, but had traumatic and abusive childhood.
a) long standinghypothyroidism (with most of the symptoms eg low basal temp, extremely low pulse, cold hands and feet, high cholesterol, eye-brows, etc) low haemoglobin hyperhidrosis dysregulated nervous system. Chronic survival mode
b) started in my 40's
brain fog** hair loss/thinning** low energy, fatigue** xanthalasma lipoma on the side of my neck hyper pigmentation in face Excruciating itching after shower or bath (started with cold plunging and then started happening even with warm water). No sign of rash or red skin or any other outbreak weight gain mind going blank, can't recall words, names for a moment high ferritin
** resolved or reduced with other interventions before glucose
c) Psycho-emotional symptoms
Unworthiness, toxic shame, hyper-self criticism and self condemnation. Punitive self talk Chronic anxiety Depression
lugols iodine NDT (slowly reducing dose. Currently on 1/2 grain. was as high as 4 grain) Magnesium powder and potassium powder epsom salt foot baths calcium (egg shells) infra red light therapy circadian biology practices (eg block blue light, sunrise/sunset , sun exposure, eat only in daylight hours, grounding, etc) sauna Meditation/yoga nidra
take in small amount of water, plus lemon juice and pinch of salt
roughly followed his book recommendation, starting at round 24g X 4 times a day..adding about 8 -10 grams per week, or depending on how I react switched to 3 times a day experienced slight nausea occasionally, briefly after consuming glucose, but it would disappear after a couple of days. Noticed fasting glucose was decreasing (i was normally about midway of normal range). but now it was slowly moving to the lower end of normal. reached 80g X 3 times a day, and started experiencing unsettling symptoms about 40-60 mins after consuming glucose and meal: headaches, jittery, brain fog, weak, ravenously hunger after eating a large meal plus glucose). I was randomly testing blood sugar, and saw my blood sugar was plummeting, as low as 3.2. I must admit it was freaking me out. Would wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweat, pounding headache, mind racing, ravenously hungry, gripped with fear, etc). Then realised these were hypoglycemic symptoms and that cortisol spike was waking me up. Please note that I was consuming the glucose drink with meals (animal protein and animal fat). Also dissolved in milk before bed sometimes.
I managed to get a brief slot with Dr Stephens, who suggested that I need to eat more (I had tried to reduce non dextrose calories because of weight gain), and also that I possibly moved up too quickly to 80g.
I reduced to 60g x 3 times a day again, and increased food intake. I am eating almost normal calorie food PLUS dextrose.
Then slowly moved to 80g again, and the hypoglycemic symptoms returned.
Thanks to this thread, I found an article on REACTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA, which is what I believe was happening to me. I wonder whether some of the symptoms being noted by others on the protocol could also be due to REACTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA. Please note I am not diabetic.
I then decided to try increasing the frequency of dosing. I am now at 70g x 5 times a day. with no noticeable hypoglyemia symptoms.
I am tracking body temp and pulse. My waking temp is currently 36.3C (it was lower before), with daytime temp rising to optimal 37.0 to 37.1C. Even though it drops gain after sunset, this is very encouraging! All while reducing NDT. The curious thing I've noticed is that even when daytime temps are normal, I still experience extremely cold hands and feet (we are also coming out of winter in my part of the world).
My pulse has not improved at all. Its low to mid 50's, sometimes going as low as 47.
I have not yet had relief of the physical symptoms. Regarding the psycho-emotional issues, they are so subjective, I'm not sure (yet). There are times when I feel a more positive mood, but not sure if this is due to the glucose or other interventions (eg therapy).
On the downside, I have gained about 6-7kgs over the last 2 months of dextrose. This is the heaviest I've ever been, and it feels very uncomfortable. Part of it may be water retention - I do feel very bloated. Not sure if my carnivore, low carb history is a contributing factor here.
Comments and insights welcome!
@marmalade_cat Thank you for your post! A lot of good information! I will try to post an update and maybe a little insight soon (fwiw).
Look forward to it. -
So, after 3 to 4 months of trial and error (and weight gain and/or swelling) here is what I'm doing (for now). 6 Tbsps of glucose 3 times a day. Fruit ONLY for breakfast, a la Fit for Life, plus a caffeine pill (and aspirin if needed). No coffee or other food until noon. No glucose until noon, with lunch. Charcoal caps (10 per dose) Saturday and Sunday, plus cascara sagrada as needed. No eating between meals and last dose of glucose is taken before bed, usually in fat free chocolate milk.
I'm still cycling through and retracing symptoms I haven't had for decades. Dr Stephens says the well fed brain will prioritize healing from most important to least important. And sometimes it will work one area, shift to another, and later work on the first one again.
I'm not yet near the end of the great glucose experiment but staying with the program.
Thank you. I'm still reading all the experience. It will be an important thread to look up if needed in my opinion. -
@happyhanneke said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
Thank you. I'm still reading all the experience. It will be an important thread to look up if needed in my opinion.I wish health and happiness to all friends here. Many of us have been on a long and difficult journey and if glucose is the answer or at least an important part of our healing process I really hope those who need it will find it.
Thanks for the update @S-Holmes .
I am happy to hear that you are proceeding with the glucose experiment.
Notwithstanding my alarming weight gain, and the lack of symptom resolution at my current dose which already feels like its a lot (70g x 5 times a day) I am also for the moment persevering with this experiment. I must admit it's not easy to stay motivated though.
I have a few follow-up questions if you don't mind:
- Have you now lost the weight that you initially gained?
- How would you say the amount of food you currently consuming (non dextrose calories), compares to the pre-dextrose food consumption? I find that if I reduce my food intake, my temperature drops, and I do sometimes feel hungry.
- I recall you did mention in previous posts, but could you explain more about the symptoms you are recycling?
- What would you say is the key factor/s that is keeping you motivated to continue?
@marmalade_cat said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
Thanks for the update @S-Holmes .
I am happy to hear that you are proceeding with the glucose experiment.
Notwithstanding my alarming weight gain, and the lack of symptom resolution at my current dose which already feels like its a lot (70g x 5 times a day) I am also for the moment persevering with this experiment. I must admit it's not easy to stay motivated though.
I have a few follow-up questions if you don't mind:
- Have you now lost the weight that you initially gained?
- How would you say the amount of food you currently consuming (non dextrose calories), compares to the pre-dextrose food consumption? I find that if I reduce my food intake, my temperature drops, and I do sometimes feel hungry.
- I recall you did mention in previous posts, but could you explain more about the symptoms you are recycling?
- What would you say is the key factor/s that is keeping you motivated to continue?
It is certainly difficult to stay motivated if there doesn't seem to be any improvement. I'm on day 5 of only eating fruit until noon so too soon for any weight loss (and I have no scales for weighing). I'm eating 2 regular meals a day and my temperature is still reaching around 98.6 to 99 by late afternoon.
As for retracing, I've had migraines, bad nausea, bad heartburn, lack of appetite, very painful frozen shoulder (shingles), back pain, leg pain, constipation and more. Symptoms appear and then disappear, usually in less than a week. The last time I had frozen shoulder (15 years ago) it lasted months and I finally had to see a doctor for ultrasound treatments to resolve it. This time was more painful but it only lasted a few days and was resolved with glucose and homeopathic remedies. My motivation is that my depression is much better, and I always give a new experiment time to work. Dr. Stephens says 4 months is usually the minimum amount of time required. I've had CFS/ME for many years so it may take me longer to be 100%.
@S-Holmes said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
Dr. Stephens says 4 months is usually the minimum amount of time required. I've had CFS/ME for many years so it may take me longer to be 100%.
Thank you for sharing your updates, @S-Holmes and @marmalade_cat
It's interesting to me that he says 4 months is usually the minimum amount of time required. I got the impression from watching his interviews previously that some people saw pretty major improvements basically immediately. As in, they even felt their brains turn on at the first dose. I know that doesn't mean 100% resolution by any means. But I guess but the overall experiences reported herea and at RayPeatForum (some positive results, some negative, some neutral) aren't seeming to quite line up with how it came across from his interviews (e.g. my impression was: it works great 100% of the time if you stick with it, you'll notice it working right away, and eventually it will resolve basically all ailments). But it's very interesting to follow.
All in all, I'm encouraged by some aspects of what people are reporting, discouraged by others. I'm sticking with the protocol for now. I'm fortunate to be in good health but have a few minor symptoms I'm watching out for (e.g. dandruff, foamy urine, white tongue at the back of tongue). No change in those symptoms but my subjective experience has been neutral-to-subtly positive so far. I'm a little over 2 months in (started mid-June with a 2-week break for travel in late July/early August).
@S-Holmes I wonder if these symptoms are related to decalcification of past injuries due to elevated body temps. Ray or Georgi talked about that happening to people when their temps elevate on thyroid.
@LetTheRedeemed Would it be possible to provide a link?
@S-Holmes I'll see what I can find
@LetTheRedeemed said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
@S-Holmes I'll see what I can find
Thanks! It's interesting that my temps have been good for a few years now without taking thyroid. (I took Cynomel for about 3 years but temps didn't respond.) I've been taking 10 mg of famotidine for about 4 years so maybe that's helping with displaced calcium? The glucose is definitely helping with mood swings and attitude. I don't bottom out when something mildly upsetting happens. As for the physical stuff, still working through it, but the direction seems promising.
@S-Holmes nice. I'm having trouble finding it. it was an offhanded comment I saw in a transcript
@LetTheRedeemed said in Glucose loading cures everything?:
@S-Holmes nice. I'm having trouble finding it. it was an offhanded comment I saw in a transcript
No worries. Just if you come across it again the context may be helpful.
@S-Holmes for sure
Quick update. I'm still on 6 TBSPs of glucose 3 to 4 times a day. I've been taking my temperature again lately and am amazed. My afternoon temps are running 99° to 99.3°. I used to take thyroid (T3), maybe 10 years ago, and my temps were still in the dumpster. The thyroid didn't do much for me. So I've had an aha moment. In order for thyroid to work it must have enough glucose. (RP101), so the glucose therapy is restoring thyroid function. I have never restricted sugar, never done the keto diet, but apparently my high stress levels and PUFA's were enough to wreck my metabolism. Glucose to the rescue!
Another quick observation. In my part of the world, ragweed is giving everyone grief right now, and yesterday my eyes were really burning. I remembered Dr Stephens said to take glucose until symptoms subside, so I took an extra dose. Within minutes my eyes stopped burning. I continue to be amazed.