Why are you all so religious
@Tahodama said in Why are you all so religious:
Frankly I'm amazed no one's mentioned the elephant in the room, which is that high metabolism individuals will feel strained from only 1 meal and 2 snacks per day during fasting periods, and how little Catholic authorities will do to accommodate this.
They don't want anyone to rejoice to early! Prepare, prepare. The Sun won't reach equinox until another week or so. Then by Easter we can say "he is risen!" as the Sun will continue to rise until the summer solstice.
I don't buy "ancient" stuff but this is exactly what it is. It's ancient whatever Babylonian-Sumerian-Judaic astrology at a high level. Fasting is a way of depleting our energy. -
A Jehova's witness dude came to my door the other day, he was nice and friendly, and I didn't feel threatened or scared of him, though I noticed his eyes seemed reptilian. It could have been the sun being out fully that day, but idk. I'm not judging him, I rather like him tbh, I just noticed this.
With humour.
@sushi_is_cringe said in Why are you all so religious:
I noticed his eyes seemed reptilian
@sushi_is_cringe said in Mind reading algorithm - How to rid Microchips Nanotec etc?.....:
I live in my own imagination
@sushi_is_cringe I’ve seen this in certain people before, quite intimidating. Could possibly apposing spirits.
@GlucoseGal he wasnt frightening at all and actually gave me a token which i guess could potentially be harmful as ive taken bad luck tokens from others before but this time it means nothing, i dont think their things effect me to a significant degree anymore
@sushi_is_cringe said in Why are you all so religious:
I noticed his eyes seemed reptilian.
I mean, those eye charts with the psychotic one, where the whites are showing (JFK / Tony Soprano eyes) seems like an explanation for "crazy look" in certain religious types. I don't know what is meant by "reptilian" other than "less human" or "cold and evil."
Many "nice" priests and pastors have these types of psychotic eyes. They also use lots of psychological tricks on their brethren - who woulda thunk it???Jehovahs and Mormons are usually very nice. Their beliefs are crazy though.
@sushi_is_cringe said in Why are you all so religious:
i dont think their things effect me to a significant degree anymore
That is an essential requirement of religion. You have to endow objects and words with specific meanings. When the crucifix no longer has terrible power it becomes banal. The Appian way was said to have thousands of crucifixes... look at the old wooden telephone lines stretching for miles. Its the exact same archetype in a different age / medium.
Here's the question: why "White-Caucasian?"
Why "Proto-Indo-European?"
Indo is India - Indos River. Is "Indian" mythology actually very old "white" or "Aryan" mythology? Does this mythos pre-date Sumerian culture?
Also just asking because you left out Hinduism which seems to stem from a very ancient mythos. Remember that Sumerian and Babylonian, Egyptian, and Akkadian etc cultures came before the Greeks at least from 4,000-6,000 BC if not longer. -
@Corngold they looked literally reptilian, like vertical pupil. even the color was as below
@sushi_is_cringe I haven’t heard of these tokens but I’d be throwing it away. I’ve seen some men, particularly in my village with eyes fully black, not even white of the eyes.
@Corngold I simply do not know enough about Asian history to understand the circumstances of how Hinduism emerged. Same reason I didn't comment on Buddhism or Confucianism.
@Corngold said in Why are you all so religious:
@sushi_is_cringe said in Why are you all so religious:
vertical pupil.
I think this is bullshit.
I know a woman who has one vertical pupil, other one normal
*...as George Steiner said, one of, if not the most, advanced theoretical minds of the Western civilization in the 20th century adopted this particular course and he did it because he believed that you cannot have a society where death has no meaning, because life has no meaning. And you cannot have a society which bases itself upon the absence of the religious urge, however you define that urge and whatever system you use. Because if you do the reverse you will end up with a society which has two values beyond subsistence. And that could be seen in the title of a grubby play produced in London a couple of years ago called "Shopping and Fornication". But that is all that life is, if you do not have spiritual levels based upon that.
People will always be completely divided about the forms and the language that they use to talk about cardinal matters. But in a way, in a quite moving way really, Heidegger is attempting to get people to face in early modernity what it means to have a civilization and, not to be human, but to live with profound and real meaning. There’s no doubt that this theoretical postulation and this extreme abstraction is quite alien to certain elements of the Western civilization, certainly our own quadrant of it during the last couple of hundred years (Britain). But it is an attempt, not to aestheticize life, but to place life, ultimately, at the service of God, even and most especially for people who either don’t believe in him or can only approach such numinence through endless tiers of theory.* - Jonathan Bowden.