I’ve got a problem with Danny Roddy.
@sneedful said in I’ve got a problem with Danny Roddy.:
I’d like you all to watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eUp0FmFlAhY
Honestly and without sarcasm, do you think someone with a normal, cool, and fun, personality could film and post that unironically and not see how wrong it is? Those meals wouldn’t even meet the human rights requirements for prisoners. They’re utilitarian and disgusting. Can you imagine being served that? What would you do, how would you react? The most reasonable response would be to leave and cut off contact with the person serving those wretched plates. And Danny just rt’d that video and inferred it as an unironic inspiration for peaters. Mein gott.
Never saw this video
Thx for postingYou don’t have a isolated problem with what he eats or the video-
You have a problem with him overall
Correct?Am I reading that right?
If so
Do you want to expound on why?I used to be super critical of him
For pretty valid or objective reasons imo
But have softened…. -
@yerrag how do you define a good acid base balance? Should the urine and saliva ph be neutral?
I swear half the people on these forums have never paid any attention what Ray said and then complain
@risingfire said in I’ve got a problem with Danny Roddy.:
I swear half the people on these forums have never paid any attention what <insert name> said and then complain
Welcome to earth.
(With humour.)
@VehmicJuryman said in I’ve got a problem with Danny Roddy.:
@yerrag Liver is one of the dishes in the video.
I don't see what OP is complaining about. Cheese and collagenous meats are tasty, simple and Peaty.
I overlooked the liver part. Thanks.
@GreekDemiGod said in I’ve got a problem with Danny Roddy.:
@yerrag how do you define a good acid base balance? Should the urine and saliva ph be neutral?
Urine is an excretion, saliva is a secretion. So always, urine is more acidic than saliva. The rule of thumb is that saliva pH is higher than that of l urine by 1, which means basically urine has to be 10x more acidic than saliva. This describes a system of balance that is working well, where excess acidity is cleared out of the body (in urine) in order to retain the alkalinity in the extracellular fluids (saliva).
During the day, there are processes involved that create acidity, such as digesting meat, drinking Coke, taking drugs, that unavoidably is an acidic load and would make urine more acidic than usual. But if one has very good sugar metabolism, one makes plenty of carbon dioxide, which would keep the ecf and blood from becoming too acidic, as CO2 can become bicarbonate and buffer (or minimize) the pH fluctuation from the introduction of acidic loads. The lungs also act as a quick response mechanism by exhaling CO2 in order to reduce acidity from the carbonic acid in blood. When the body is running on glycolysis, which produces lactic acid, the urine would be more acidic as this acidity is excreted thru urine. This paints a picture of what goes on in determining the acidity of urine during the day.
So urine is always acidic. At its worst, it could be be as low as 4.5 in pH. At its best, it could be 6.4 to 6.6 during the day. It could be even higher, if one were drinking a lot of baking soda beyond what is needed. But it would still be considered fine to have a that low an acidity as long as the saliva pH is one point above that of the urine pH.
Let us say your urine pH is 5.5 and saliva pH is 6.5 during the day. And when you see this change to 6.5 and 7.5, respectively, at night when you wake up to pee in the wee hours, it shows the kidneys at work as you sleep as it catches up in balancing the body's pH. This is a body able to maintain its acid base balance. It is excreting a lot of acids during the day, as it is supposed to do, even as its ecf becomes temporarily acidic, but it is able to make its ecf turn alkaline back at night, because its lungs and kidneys are doing their job well.
In a perfect world, eating acidic foods such as meat is the only reason your urine would not be at its best acidic pH at 6.4. But when we take drugs, when we have toxins and infections in our system, when we have trauma like wounds, immune and repair processes are at work which would add to the acidic load internally to make the urine pH go lower. It would be even lower thanthe 5.5 pH shown on the Hydrion pH strip (pH ranging from 5.5 -8), but it would not be great cause for alarm as the kidney is doing its job excreting very acidic urine. as long as the saliva pH is one point higher, and as long as at night you can see the urine pH settle back to 6.4.
When it doesn't, you can supplement with breathing carbogen, or drinking carbonated water, or taking baking soda, for the time of stress that creates the acidic situation that your lungs and kidneys cannot correct enough of at night.
But don't depend on carbogen breathing/carbonated water drinking/baking soda intake too much, but make it your job to identify underlying issues that create an internal acidic load and fix them instead.
So buy your Hydrion urine and saliva pH strip, check your urine and saliva pH, and from knowing your acid base balance status, you can get some help in tweaking your way to better health.
@sneedful I eat just like this but I’d say he’s not great at presentation? It’s very Peaty and optimal for health, although I don’t drink coke! For me it’s usually orange juice or fruit.
@sneedful What does your diet look like?
normal food that normal non-cringe, non-midwits eat. i dont eat fucking liver with macerated mushrooms and parmesan cheese, and then for variation just swap out the liver for ground beef. do you think someone who eats like that unironically, is not a sociopath? who the FUCK sits down to a bowl of ground meat and parmesan cheese three times a day and unironically posts it with the word “inspired” in the headline? are you FUCKING kidding me? what the flying fuck kind of wankstain with no self awareness does that? do you remember the episode where danny had his prostitute thai girlfriend walk around the back of the scene in? do you think that wasnt planned? we are talking about a sociopathic twerp who literally unironically was some part of an alleged online harassment campaign against some poor shizo dude and then when questioned on it danny says “i hope they get the help they need”. yeah ok danny you really convinced me you had nothing to do with it. riiiiight
danny has never done anything of value creatively. his book sucks, he never gleaned anything new out of ray that ray didnt already talk about on the herb doctors etc, and he never engaged ray (or georgi for that matter) in a deep line of questioning. he would ask a question, they would answer, and instead of following and expounding, danny would make his awkward laugh and switch to the next question.
has danny ever written a not cringe song? ever? did his band ever put out anything that isnt cringe ????
look at the “retarded” (borrowing a word danny likes to use lately) stuff he posts on twitter. bags of pharmaceutical powder is cool but danny would probably not hesitate to repost ray’s line about avocados being dangerous.
danny willingly pushing the memes that associate ray with hitler, posting his muh two weeks muh politics crap and INSISTING others believe in the same things he does regarding it, is fucking pathetic. he is such a gosh darn midwit. he made a career out of like weirdly slowly morphing into ray in a weird way but making it so the contrast between his creativity and ray’s is just so apparant as a result. it would be one thing if he stuck to providing a platform for people to discuss things on his show but seeing danny call people retarded and INSIST on his mubt two weeks muh le presidental elect potential tragedy muh something is happening muh le prepper and if u dont prep u r retarded!!!! is just cringe af
the way he has been low key bashing georgi’s products since the spat and make up (danny still seethes about georgi associating with mercola, obviously) is cringe as well.
i know what youre about danny. i know what youre like. you dont fucking fool me you twerp prick
i would not post something like this if the nigga danny stayed in his own lane. but he just had to push the cringe and judge others who dont follow it -
@Peatful dude danny is a fed even if he doesnt know he is a fed. literally unironically retweeting ray with a hitler mustache and the caption ray putler is really not what a federal agent would do riiight
but since danny is such a fucking midwit faggot he doesnt even know he is a glowie. hes so fucking stupid that he does their work for them without even getting paid for that part . you could even say he does it, for free.
dude danny if youre reading this. you live in fucking rural mexico, a country of brown people, and you post the stupid shit you do. when do you visit your mom? do you ever? you fucking retard
@sneedful what do you hope to achieve here?
@vocedilegno um calling out bitch ass niggas , what does it look like?
@Gaston this is the way
@sneedful After reading your completely unhinged rant I now like Danny Roddy even more.
@brad hear hear
Seek assistance. Take aspirin and eat more salt.
When you're a bit better. Pay Roddy for healing consultation.
@ThinPicking blended, boiled mushrooms, and liver, might be exactly what mr snudfill needs.
I second a Danny Roddy zoom sesh @sneedful!