Assumimg I have dysbiosis gut is made worse by any soluable fiber and insoluable
"The normal intestine contains about 95% of the serotonin in the body (and the brain normally contains only about 1%), and in the normal person only about 1% of the dietary tryptophan is converted to serotonin. But in an advanced case of carcinoid, 60% of the tryptophan can be turned into serotonin. Especially if the tumor has invaded the liver, the serotonin won't be destroyed by the liver in the usual way, and will circulate in the bloodstream at high levels, producing symptoms of flushing, sweating (sometimes dark-colored), diarrhea (serotonin stimulates small intestine smooth muscle, but inhibits the large [Bennett & Whitney, 1966]), nausea, anxiety, reduced urination, muscle and joint pains, and, in late stages, very often cardiovascular disease (especially inflammation, fibroma and calcification of the valves in the right side of the heart) and aggressive behavior (Russo, et al., 2004) and psychosis."The bioenergetic context is not saying there is never a context for serotonin. There is a study in dogs showing high thyroid causes MMC independently of the presumed gut regulating hormones... implying it also has a role in gut regulation - likely a synergism at play.
Ray also stated that in a compromised intestinal state the gut can over produce serotonin, and with weakened gut, the serotonin crosses the intestinal barrier into the blood stream (not just endotoxin does that) - ergo staying away from fermentable starches and including antibiotic foods is crucial in such a state.
Food for Thought
"Following the recognition that the SSRI drugs were causing osteoporosis, it was discovered that the serotonin produced in the intestine causes bone loss, and that inhibiting intestinal serotonin synthesis would stop bone loss and produce a bone building anabolic effect (Inose, et al., 2011). One group that had been concentrating on the interactions of genes commented that, recognizing the effects of intestinal serotonin, they had suddenly become aware of 'whole organism physiology' (Karsenty and Gershon, 2011)."In previous newsletters I have talked about the ability of intestinal irritation and the associated increase of serotonin to cause headaches, asthma, coughing, heart and blood vessel disease, muscular dystrophy, flu-like symptoms, arthritis, inflammation of muscles and nerves, depression, and inflammatory brain diseases."
- Gastroenterology. 2011 Aug;141(2):439-42. The importance of the gastrointestinal tract in the control of bone mass accrual. Karsenty G, Gershon MD
All technical debate aside, I can only assume you've not experimented with thyroid hormone much (or were relatively healthy compared to many extreme cases), as this is a very commonly recognized impact from it's use for a whole lot of people - including myself. To discount that, is to discount the success with digestive function and thyroid use for thousands of people.
Thyroid disorders and gastrointestinal dysmotility: an old association:
Gastrointestinal motility symptoms may be closely related to thyroid diseases. Sometimes, such symptoms are the only thyroid disease-related clue although the degree of the symptoms may vary. The exact mechanism of action of thyroid hormones on gastrointestinal motility is not completely understood, however, a clue lies in the fact that muscle cell receptors can be directly acted upon by thyroxines. Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism can cause impairment of gastrointestinal motility, modifying structure and function of pharynx and esophagus, and regulating esophageal peristalsis through neuro-humoral interaction. In hyperthyroid patients, alterations of postprandial and basic electric rhythms have been observed at gastro-duodenal level, often resulting in slower gastric emptying. Gastric emptying may also be delayed in hypothyroidism, but an unrelated gastric mucosa-affecting chronic modification may also cause such pattern. Hyperthyroidism commonly show malabsorption and diarrhea, while hypothyroidism frequently show constipation. In summary, it can be stated that symptoms of gastrointestinal motility dysfunction can be related to thyroid diseases, affecting any of the gastrointestinal segment. Clinically, the typical thyroid disease manifestations may be missing, borderline, or concealed because of intercurrent sicknesses. Motility-linked gastrointestinal problems may easily conceal a misdetected, underlying dysthyroidism that should be carefully analyzed. Here, we aim to elaborate on the associations between thyroid disorders and GI dysmotility and the common clinical manifestations associated with GI dysmotility.
The metabolic activity of most of the body organs is regulated by thyroid hormones (Pirahanchi et al., 2024). Hence, it is quite common to find thyroid diseases in the general population. Iodine-replete communities show spontaneous hypothyroidism prevalence of 1%–2%; it is also 10 times more commonly found in women as compared to men while older women are more likely to be affected (Vanderpump and Tunbridge, 2002). In women, hyperthyroidism prevalence is between 0.5% and 2% in iodine-replete communities; and is nearly 10 times more than in men (Vanderpump and Tunbridge, 2002). Nearly 8% women and 3% men are affected by subclinical hypothyroidism, defined by normal levels of thyroid hormones and high levels of serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (Fatourechi, 2009). In absence of TSH-secretion inhibitory medication or any diseases (non-thyroidal illness, hypothalamic, or pituitary), almost 3% of the population is affected by subclinical hyperthyroidism, defined by normal levels of thyroid hormones and low levels of serum TSH (Fatourechi, 2009). Thyroid disorders can be linked with gastrointestinal (GI) diseases or GI symptomatology (Kyriacou et al., 2015). Alternatively, non-thyroidal disorders can also be associated with GI diseases, resulting in thyroid function disruption.
Physiology, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone:
Once T3 binds to its receptor in the nucleus, it activates DNA transcription, followed by mRNA translation, and new protein synthesis. These new proteins influence many organ systems, promoting growth as well as bone and central nervous system (CNS) maturation. T3 and T4 act on almost all cells in the body to increase the basal metabolic rate. Specifically, they increase the synthesis of Na?/K?-ATPase, leading to an increase in oxygen consumption and heat production. They also act on B1 receptors in the heart to increase heart rate and contractility through increasing the number of beta-1 receptors on the myocardium such that the myocardium is more sensitive to stimulation by the sympathetic nervous system. Thyroid hormones also activate metabolism, with an increase in glucose absorption, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, and protein synthesis and degradation (net catabolic).[5]
One would infer that proper glucose metabolizing and protein synthesizing intestinal walls, maintain integrity of the barrier between the material in digestive transit, and the bloodstream. That's why I included the above study.
@LetTheRedeemed said in Assumimg I have dysbiosis gut is made worse by any soluable fiber and insoluable:
ot think coffee and sugar is doing me any
for my skin..
my feeling good, and bad skin can be seperate, same with constipation, i can feel great with it or without it. Never have felt good with diarrheaa though but thats very rare
Just noticed your posts. Good Peat quotes. Thank you. -
@LetTheRedeemed said in Assumimg I have dysbiosis gut is made worse by any soluable fiber and insoluable:
@Mossy found this:
Some studies show it just about negates the value of the milk you have with it, so you probably have to eat extra milk--more than you think--but two quarts of milk takes care of just about everything. — Ray Peat
This just hit me — 2 quarts of milk per serving of oat bran! That Peat quote notes "...the milk you have with it...", which implies not just 2 quarts of milk in a given day.
@Mossy yeah, the oatbran recipe calls for around a half cup or so, and he’s saying that the nutrients, like calcium, in a half cup doesn’t cover it.
@Samyo if you’re suffering from a nutrient deficiency that could be contributing to the acne. You’re eating something that’s good for your metabolic rate, but with a nutrient deficiency like lack of vitamin a, you can develop acne. Ray talked about research showing that a faster metabolism burns thru nutrients faster and that causes some issues with skin. Weekly liver and a few oysters should hit those nutrient requirements.
@Samyo You probably have a high pH in your intestines, which promotes the growth of opportunistic bacteria that, by fermenting fibers, release high levels of endotoxins.
@LetTheRedeemed I just got my 2nd blood test results
Ferritin levels now at 388, it dropped from 488 I ate more meat prior to the first test, and less on the 2nd test..
B12 went up for 982 to 1044
And my folate levels were on the low side at 4ug/L I dont eat any green veg, I use to.
She said to eat more green vegetables
Everything else is in range
Any of these known to cause constipation? skin rashes/inflammation/smelly sulpur armpits?
Its not acne, I think more Seborrheic dermatitis
bump bump
You lack potassium and a useful substrate for the intestinal flora
- Potassium:
The ratio between sodium and potassium will determine fluid and electrolyte dynamics, blood pressure activity, nervous system output and energy production and utilization. - Fiber
25-30 g fiber is required to optimize microbiome. But not now.
Sulfur odor is the sign the second part of your colon is invaded by phila which have nothing to do there. - Consequence:
Your adrenal glands react to this situation.
Connection between the brain and the stomach through the vagus nerve.
PS: I'm not going to develop, and how to deal with. Guess why!?
NB: Of course, if you suffer from gut irritation, you’re not starting with adding insoluble fibers.
We need first to calm down the overexpression / the overgrowth of some bacteria where they shouldn’t be.
In summary: Weaken – kick and push out.
Coordinated and planned tactic, which results in a structured scheme:
Weaken (deprivation of resources but not complete abstinence)
Organize to knock out (limiting the ability to adapt)
Machin-gun (with increased die-off) + assistance to evacuate LPS endotoxins
Consolidation (nutrients useful to ensure diversification of commensal bacteria + enhancing peaceful communication through the vagal nerve between the brain and the stomach).
Occupy the place (diversified menus and possible contributions of specific strains depending on the terrain, e.g. if you suffer from allergies / histamine intolerance or not. - Potassium:
Ferritin levels now at 388, it dropped from 488 I ate more meat prior to the first test, and less on the 2nd test..
I am definitely not the blood test whisperer, but I believe ferritin under 40 is great, so you may want to lower it. Maybe that could negatively impact your liver, causing some symptoms? Iron causes oxidative stress. Eggs and milk are food sources that lower iron, copper helps iron metabolism, so that’s good to consume with sources like liver/oyster. Aspirin is good at lowering iron — always take with vit K.
Any of these known to cause constipation? skin rashes/inflammation/smelly sulpur armpits?
I don’t know about that particularly, but I know that your symptoms generally point to stress hormones. Without more competent blood reading by someone like Danny Roddy or Jay Feldman, I’d focus less on fixing those symptoms with nutrients or supplements, and more on fixing the metabolism that promotes those symptoms (yes they can point to causal factors).
I’d focus more on fixing the gut, liver, and thyroid — that seemed to be Ray’s principle concern. He believed that nutrient wackamole was a lesser solution, and often misguided. Yes, A, D, K, mag, cal, copper, etc deficiencies can cause metabolic annd other issues, but that’s fixed easily with food.
Its not acne, I think more Seborrheic dermatitis
You could try something topical for that in the meantime to manage symptoms or hopefully kill a potential infection, but it often comes down to compromised metabolism in the skin that makes one susceptible to infections like that.
@LetTheRedeemed said in Assumimg I have dysbiosis gut is made worse by any soluable fiber and insoluable:
Ferritin levels now at 388, it dropped from 488 I ate more meat prior to the first test, and less on the 2nd test..
I am definitely not the blood test whisperer, but I believe ferritin under 40 is great, so you may want to lower it. Maybe that could negatively impact your liver, causing some symptoms? Iron causes oxidative stress. Eggs and milk are food sources that lower iron, copper helps iron metabolism, so that’s good to consume with sources like liver/oyster. Aspirin is good at lowering iron — always take with vit K.
Any of these known to cause constipation? skin rashes/inflammation/smelly sulpur armpits?
I don’t know about that particularly, but I know that your symptoms generally point to stress hormones. Without more competent blood reading by someone like Danny Roddy or Jay Feldman, I’d focus less on fixing those symptoms with nutrients or supplements, and more on fixing the metabolism that promotes those symptoms (yes they can point to causal factors).
I’d focus more on fixing the gut, liver, and thyroid — that seemed to be Ray’s principle concern. He believed that nutrient wackamole was a lesser solution, and often misguided. Yes, A, D, K, mag, cal, copper, etc deficiencies can cause metabolic annd other issues, but that’s fixed easily with food.
Its not acne, I think more Seborrheic dermatitis
You could try something topical for that in the meantime to manage symptoms or hopefully kill a potential infection, but it often comes down to compromised metabolism in the skin that makes one susceptible to infections like that.
Ive been ray peating for like 7 years now I eat all the peat recommended foods, not much more of his recommendations left
I think the seb derm is from coffee alone, I notice the redder with more coffee
You might research how L. Reuteri bacteria can help SIBO. The Lifeway kefir contains this bacteria.
Also, you might look at probiotics that contain Rhodopseudomonas palustris. This bacteria is able to entrain bad bacteria into becoming good bacteria, that is bacteria that normally create toxic metabolites will start creating nutrients and antioxidants instead. Some products that contain R. palustris are SCD Essential Probiotics and TeraGanix Pro EM-1. I recommend the SCD product over the Teraganix, but both will work.
@Samyo I think that eating as per his recommendations is not the answer to automatically fixing problems. I think that’s why he rejected “building a diet,” as it’s reductionist. Everything you’re describing is pointing to gut bacterial issues, and possibly liver issues. And ferritin that high isn’t Peaty…
I’ve found in my own efforts for the first 2 years, that I would cobble together foods that Peat approves, but my issues didn’t get resolved — and what mattered more in my instance, was the ratio of foods (high carbs/lower my protein), but it could be anything else depending on your context — I may as well have been eating pea powder for my protein source instead of the highest quality beef, and would’ve done better if I got more fundamentals right, and actually addressed my gut with antibiotics, my iron toxicity with blood donation and about a year of aspirin use (with vit K) and my thyroid with getting my cholesterol up and then adding cynoplus/cynomel. I’m doing better now than at any point in my past and I’m eating a fast food burger once a week lol.
@LetTheRedeemed said in Assumimg I have dysbiosis gut is made worse by any soluable fiber and insoluable:
rritin th
Shall i stop meat then
4l of milk wont bring it down
@Samyo no don't stop meat. Just go back to basics and contextualize your symptoms in relation to Peaty Principles. If you need help go to Danny Roddy.
Reach out to him here and set up an appointment: -
@Jennifer said in Assumimg I have dysbiosis gut is made worse by any soluable fiber and insoluable:
until I switched to eggs from heirloom hens
I've been noticing heirloom eggs at the store. Are you getting yours direct from a farm or store; also, do you still feel like this is a difference maker for you, digestion wise, over non-heirloom eggs?
@Mossy, direct from the store. It was a difference maker when I ate them cooked, yes—I’m currently experimenting with a raw diet and only eat the yolks. I experienced bloating from non-heirloom eggs, but never the heirloom. I question if it has more to do with the hens’ diet. In the pictures below, the two eggs and two egg yolks at the top are heirloom and the egg and egg yolk at the bottom are non-heirloom. The pictures don’t do the color justice. The yolk of the chocolate colored egg is almost red, the yolk of the blue is just slightly lighter and the yolk of the non-heirloom is a tangerine orange. To get such dark yolks, the hens’ feed likely contains natural colorants like marigolds but setting color aside, the flavor is also more pronounced. The heirloom is just better to me all-around.
@Jennifer Thank you for the detail. As opportunity allows, I will try them. Currently, eggs are scarce and the heirloom which were available just several days ago are not. I did read about colorants being used, but if the taste is better and the digestion, I could see value there. For cooked eggs, I've noticed a difference in texture and taste to the whites as well — I'll look for that with heirloom when I get a chance to try them. I understand why you'd want to avoid the whites raw.