Silicon the dietary nutrient
Peat said at first it isn't worth trying to maximize and then later on apparently seemed to tacitly accept its importance but said that we get enough in diet.
anyone remember MrHappyOz of the nootropics world? He is pretty well known now and is a published author with work for treating post-viral illness and chronic fatigue. His protocol explains how silicon is essential for optimization of health after illness and via some sort of testing known as oligoscan has shown that Silicon in particular is low in the chronic fatigue / post viral illness type disease model. I think in things like Ehler Danlos too. It is apparently used highly to detoxify microbial waste products so gets used up when detoxing.
Anyways, some interesting studies I've found show that silicon makes copper and ceruloplasmin work better and that it contributes to better tissue and bone health, especially in conditions where other nutrients are deficient. as in having enough silicon in diet abolishes the bad effects of other low micronutrients.
it is highly present and bioavailable in things like whole cucumbers (the knottier the better), green beans (in the shell), bamboo shoots (!!!), oatmeal (especially the bran portion), whole grains, and beer. Other foods can measure as having a lot but apparently aren't very bioavailable, such as bananas.
Apparently East Asians get a ton of it in their diets compared to westerners and maybe that explains the youthful look many of them have. And might explain why carnivore anti-plant food people tend to look rougher and gruffer.
I've wondered about Peat's views on silicone, as on the RPF there are several threads on it. I know at one point I've heard a more direct Peat quote on it — for I'm on some of those threads — I just can't recall it. I did try making silicon water, which is supposedly the cheapest way to get it; and seemingly very close to the natural makeup of Fiji water.
The last post on this thread paraphrases Peat as saying silicone is like powdered glass and will tear up the gut:
Here is a thread started by Haidut where he notes silica as being "risky" and that it "activates the endotoxin receptor":
Like many things, it's hard to conclude ultimately; though, Haidut is clearly against it.
@Mossy theyre talking about silicon dioxide as a food and supplement additive, which has low bioavailability anyways.
someone posted some emails from Dr. Peat where he eventually admitted that it’s a nutrient and that a good diet has enough of it
i dont think peaters get much tbh as it is mostly in plant foods
I'm interested in silicon too now.
I'm wondering whether boiling diatomaceous earth in water and then filtering with coffee filter for example, to keep the water only, could produce a non dangerous way of supplementing it.
Diatomaceous earth contains other chemicals besides silica. From Wikipedia - Diatomaceous earth
The typical chemical composition of oven-dried diatomaceous earth is 80–90% silica, with 2–4% alumina (attributed mostly to clay minerals), and 0.5–2% iron oxide.[2]
@NNight I would just eat the foods that are bioavailable in silicon. boiling rocks to make rock tea sounds kind of gross
What form of silicon were the chickens given in this study?
Anyone ever used Orgono G5 siliplant Living Silica? It’s a silica supplement. I really liked it when I used it a few years ago before I discovered Peat and Haiduts thoughts on silica so I stopped using it. But I did notice joint improvement and no gut stress issues. This product claims much better silica absorption than from green beans or banana.
@dapose said in Silicon the dietary nutrient:
Anyone ever used Orgono G5 siliplant Living Silica? It’s a silica supplement. I really liked it when I used it a few years ago before I discovered Peat and Haiduts thoughts on silica so I stopped using it. But I did notice joint improvement and no gut stress issues. This product claims much better silica absorption than from green beans or banana.
Test results with monomethylsilanetriol
(MMST) supplementation in healthy adults demonstrated silicon absorption within 30 minutes of ingestion. Surrogate markers of silicon bioavailability showed 64% of the consumed MMST serving was excreted by the subjects compare tp 43% of a cooked green bean serving and <4% for the ripe banana serving. Results available upon request during normal business hours.That was from the product label.
@DavidPS thanks.
Seems quite logical as aluminum can be "chelated" by silicon. -
@NNight I used to mix DE with water then let it settle and only drink the clear water layer. IIRC the silica is turned into a different water-soluble form?
@dapose said in Silicon the dietary nutrient:
Anyone ever used Orgono G5?
Yes, I've used G5 organic silicium. Fine. Thé one from Ireland. Useful if deficient.
I've made a post on my forum on different forms silicium and test from Dr Willems. I can give a link if interested about "the hype" and the different molecules. -
Beer has quite a bit of bioavailable silica:
@wrl did you find it useful ?
@NNight this was many years ago, I don't recall!
As for absorption, silica does not absorb as silica but rather as orthosilicic acid. This is produced by the reaction of water on silica, though the presence of acid increases this conversion.
The absorption of silica is very poor so I found the best way to take it is by adding [DE] to water to begin with. I put a large spoonful in a gallon of water and let it settle out. Once it settles out you cannot taste it. The water will dissolve a tiny amount of the silica to form the orthosilicic acid. The more pure the water is to begin with the more it will dissolve.
By adding it to a large volume of water you will also get more in to your system as opposed to supplements. If you take a capsule of silica the vast majority will never be absorbed and will just pass through your system. When added to water and drunk throughout the day you will absorb a little each time you drink your water. So in the long run you will end up with more silica entering the bloodstream for use by the body. -
@dapose they determine bioavailability by measuring excretion (urinary?), if less is excreted they say it is less bioavailable. It sounds like they are assuming that when the kidneys are excreting more that means more made its way into the blood. Yet what if the form in banana is actually absorbed and taken up by the cell more, therefore less is available for excretion. Would have to measure feces levels and compare with urinary. When urinary levels rise feces levels should fall and vice versa. Probably not worth running with this further analysis, just a thought.
I'm using this currently, been using it for about a month. 70% silica content. Specifically for it's hair benefits. I think it's helping the vellus hair growth regrowth I've been experiencing.
I take it as supplement and I put it in my hair growth shampoo.Also noticed my shits have been a lot better, seemed to start happening after I started taking this. Nothing else in the diet changed.
I mean, think about it. Gorillas eat this shit, it's the bulk of their diet. Look how massive, muscular and healthy they are. Hair growing all over.
Sometimes it really is as simple as looking at nature and drawing a logical conclusion. Good for monke = good for me. -
Ok, good to know.