@what-about-bob said in Is a slowing pulse and lowered body temperature while dieting a problem?:
@Insomniac what is ideal weight. ? BMI numbers are NOT realistic especially for older people, where studies show higher BMI studies show longer life span 29.9-32.....obesity paradox....”overweight” and fit. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/being-a-bit-fat-can-be-healthy-but-the-medical-profession-doesn-t-want-us-to-know
That's complete nonsense, unless we're talking about people with a normative level of body fat. A BMI of 29-32 is not healthy because an above-normal BMI implies a high level of body fat, which inevitably leads to metabolic disorders over time. High body fat levels impact physiology in various ways, but perhaps the most serious issue is the localized mechanical pressure it causes. This pressure increases pro-inflammatory cytokines, which inhibit glucose oxidation by impairing insulin sensitivity. This is critical because it is at this point that metabolic syndrome begins. Moreover, there is an increase in lipolytic enzymes and chronically elevated free fatty acid (FFA) levels in the serum, which, when polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are overrepresented, becomes catastrophically detrimental.