No offence but there are so many things wrong with this thread...
First of all you dont really seem to understand what is the role of and what effects DHT should have.
The health goals you describe are too generic and can be achieved with an appropriate diet, lifestyle and substances much safer that DHT. They are not exclusive to DHT and some of them are not even part of its effects.
Secondly noone and i repeat noone, should be taking DHEA in their 20s. Endogenous DHEA production peaks at this age and any exogenous administration will convert almost exclusively to estrogen. Which brings me to the next point: why are you taking DHEA while being 20-30% bodyfat? Adipose (fat) tissue already has increased aromatase expression so at this bodyfat there's no doubt the DHEA you're taking is converting to estrogen.
This is also confirmed by you jacking off so many times, since estrogen is excitatory, and causes insatiable, degenerate libido.
Which brings me back to my first point. DHT is a potent anti-estrogen and such should powerfully decrease the estrogenic libido, to the point where you hardly get any urges to jack off. But you dont seem to neither understand that nor be able to distinguish this effect because of the DHEA.
The other substances you're taking are a lot safer but are still blurring the true effects of DHT. If you're taking NDT, progesterone, pregnenolone etc, it is not really a DHT log, is it?
I would only keep thyroid or pregnenolone from these.
Furthermore 10mg transdermal DHT is very low, and despite being in DMSO you're absorbing at most 5-6mg depending on the area you apply. It's highly unlikely that this amount is going to have any significant effect in body composition, androgenic features and the such. Especially with that much body fat, 25-50mg/day is probably better. Do not worry about suppression, it happens at 200mg+ and at these lower doses it actually stimulates its own synthesis.
Finally as Ray has said it's important to have all the other things in place, like thyroid, calcium, magnesium, protein, vitamin D, vitamin E etc before messing with hormones. Like if it hasnt been at least 1.5 year since you ate oatmeal and pufa, you shouldnt take any hormones. "Master" the basics of peating first and then dabble in the bulgarian so to say stuff.
This is my 2c, again not trying to bring you down or insult you, these are just my thoughts as ive been in similar situation before. Good luck