q4h. Speeding is a hazard. Rest your weary heart at once.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
q4h. Speeding is a hazard. Rest your weary heart at once.
Why would it matter.
Go to bed q4h. Sleep well. Sweet dreams.
And tomorrow. Perhaps you should do nothing but hear the birds and the breeze.
@zawisza said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Someone should start thread about peaty cures for schizophrenia because you all are mentally sick.
You should probably be more careful with your blankets, improve your sense of humour and pay more attention. Sunshine.
Please forgive my resistance to walk back from this post-conspiracy arc. But there really is something to be said of the phrase "it's just business".
Three sleeps. I'll be back.
Ahhhhhh to be "young" again...
Eat sugar and keep calm.
Walk. Don't run.
Trivialise and extrapolate C-Mex
This could be something far more complex and specific to you. I'm only here for an angle.
When I've gotten myself in this kind of comfortably numb state, it was because I wasn't respecting a rhythm.
If you're looking in to it, please cross check with anything Ray might have said about it using these tools or other methods.
I'm doing this to try and make a grander point. But it's a very stop-start process and there's a lot to it. I'm not ready to make statements as if I know what I'm talking about it.
@Peatful said in Charlie's Motivation? His New Avatar Is Holding A Gun In It's Mouth! Savior Complex? Businessman? Or Has The raypeatforum Owner Lost His Mind?:
Thor may be their handler
Not a chance (to my mind). Crash course on the farm or not. This man-child is shit up a creek without a paddle. Literally trying to play grown-up.
He's probably got a StarNow page somewhere. And last decade we'd be calling him a crisis actor. But there'd be a difference between him knowing what he was mixed up in, and not.
"open"gapps is just a repack.
Warning. MicroG is a ballache of epic proportions. For this reason I don't bother.
Probably not really, in my opinion at least.
But a cultic belief around its significance may be far more troublesome than the actual thing. Particularly one that may see it as a grant or a license.
Aside from that. I can't help but subscribe to the idea there may be a bioenergetic basis to astrology. To a small extent at least. We're colloidal. Influence on our structure is probably vast and ever so subtle. As much as it is near and ever so stark.
I don't know. And this isn't an area I want depth around. I'd rather feel it than know it.
@Peatly said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@ThinPicking said in New "Mission" of RPF:
I wonder if there is a link between Sander van der Linden and Cambridge Analytica? Just thinking out loud.
Probably. My interest is piqued, thank you.
@Peatly said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@ThinPicking said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Fascinating how some of the brightest minds in the country end up as change agents. They walk among us
Runners with scissors. So to speak.
I (think I) can see how it happens.
@Insomniac said in Charlie's Motivation? New Machine Gun Avatar. Savior Complex Or Businessman (raypeatforum):
But I think it's newsworthy as people debate his state of mind that his lion avatar now has a machine gun in it's mouth which is a sign of someone coming unhinged to me. It's a HEALTH website so it seems really out of place.
Should devil’s night arrive in Florida when the type is particularly low or otherwise intoxicated. They’ll struggle to to land bullets in all but carbon copies of themselves, preferably avoiding receipt of one from another, without turning the gun around and shortly before getting the picture.
He’s angry. And misdirecting the source. In my faultful opinion. As am I, to a lesser extent. Still working on it.
Throw him a reference in a prayer if you can.
Life itself is strange. Upon detection, you may leave paranoia at the side of the road.
@Insomniac said in Charlie's Motivation? New Machine Gun Avatar. Savior Complex Or Businessman (raypeatforum):
Maybe he really feels he's leading people in the right direction. He comes across as a pretty genuine guy and he seems to be following his own advice and protocols.
Opinions appreciated. I can't figure it out.
I'm inclined to agree. But not without some chronic mitochondrial dysfunction, resulting cardiac and neurological dysfunction. A cult based superiority complex and general obstinance. No one's perfect, he's not beyond the pale and there may be a lesson or two in all of it.
It's all in the other thread but I understand the confusion.
P.s. Your avatar may be somewhere in this image @Insomniac.
@questforhealth said in New "Mission" of RPF:
or maybe its not so bad idk
This. There's nothing new under the sun really. We're just changing lenses. The angle on this one, somewhere between packet switching and corporate law, is probably far too wide. Don't sweat it q4h. Sleep well, shine and don't let anyone put the light out in a way three sleeps can't fix. At no one elses expense. I'm guilty by the way. Avert or correct that.
Walk, don't run.
@questforhealth said in New "Mission" of RPF:
This whole thread is making me think we should all just get off the internet
Once or twice a day at least. A week at a time from time to time. More if you can. Get bored. Remember.
@questforhealth said in New "Mission" of RPF:
trust no one at this point
Trust is the removal of attention for the discernment of Truth. It's context dependant at all times. And you can defer it to God.
Be careful with cynicism. Because it's also a feeling. If you don't trust where you ought to, you won't be trusted. And we need it.
According to a strangers pet rabbit, who's handy with a perfectly legal and public DNS recon service. There may or may not be a 777 subdomain unprotected by cloudflare, that indicates hosting in California.
A Linux/FTP joke or occult reference. Who knows.
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@BioEclectic said in New "Mission" of RPF:
As a lifelong student of history, rewriting and erasing is visceral.Large smear campaigns are bad enough but the time to really worry are when names and bodies of work begin to disappear (has anyone tried to research Gilbert Ling a second time lately, without resorting to books?). I can name and discuss estoric historical examples all day long.
The web and digital are both great and terrible places to store information btw.
They're actually doing more than just erasing the likes of Gilbert Ling, pushing what advances our station as humans by depriving us of revolutionary knowledge, but also depriving of access literally to tools to apply such knowledge to improve our health.
I know. Just my experience with using hundred dollar devices made by Chinese companies from Shenzhen speaks volumes.
One of them is a ring that takes very accurate measurements of oxygen saturation and displays them in a chart. To visualize what the fluctuations in spO2 that even in the ICU (where I had the serendipity to be confined in due a stroke of luck- a perfect storm that landed me there) I cannot see with all their expensive monitoring devices there.
I am constantly adding these tools. So I'm aware when future versions of software such as apps become dumbed down and become toys for the average consumer.
I have spent the past two days trying to make an app work for the O²Ring, which I had been using for the past 3 years, and learning a lot from using it as it relates to my health. The insight I got from it has been invaluable. I know because during my confinement I spoke about my findings with my attending doctors and they could not relate to what I was showing them.
The new app for the O²Ring has been dumbed down, and I had been using older versions of the app for a while already. But then all of a sudden, the old apps started crashing. I kept on installing and using older and older versions of the app, until the oldest version In could find. All crashed. In my old phone as well as in my newer android phone. Such that it rendered my O²Ring practically useless except for the newer apps giving very little information amidst all the eye candy in user interface design. It essentially making an app meant for users of the Oura. Simplified and meant for the user to accept the expertise and AI involved in interpreting the data for him.
Unless I can write my own app and have access to the APIs, which are protected by IP (intellectual property) laws, my exploration deeper into applying what we know of bioenergetics from the likes of Ling and Peat on my own with low cost but powerful devices from the Chinese will become more and more difficult.
The only way all the old apps would keep crashing, I believe, has to do with the Android software that has lately been seeded with code that makes even old apps crash. I think in this area the powers that be are beginning to insidiously make the masses paupers in using low cost and empowering tools to better their health. Such devices are lately becoming more commonplace, and the sensors used are getting cheaper as they become more accurate. They are now nipping this nascent wave in the bud.
Another sign to add to what is happening to RPF as they start corralling us like cattle into the feed lot.
I hate this crap so much.
But more importantly you may have more tangible need than most. You may wish to check out "Apktool" (assuming this is on Android) which could allow you to reverse engineer these Chinese IoT monstrosities. Or farm the job out to a wizard on Mechanical Turk or similar service. Or ask nicely the people at the XDA developers forum.