What I have never fully understood is why when i take things that boost androgens that if I don't take vitamin A I get bad acne, this also happens when I take thyroid. I think it is because androgens and thyroid increase cell turnover so the neeed for vitamin A also increases.
Posts made by Verdad
RE: Whats the deal with "Vitamin" A?
RE: Whats the deal with "Vitamin" A?
@TheSir I recall on the Ray Peat forum the discussion of a study that showed people who had supplemented 100,000 IU a day for a prolonged period of time who had no issues.
RE: Whats the deal with "Vitamin" A?
I've been taking about 90,000 units when I also supplement things that lower cortisol and increase androgens. If i don't take the vitamin A when i supplement these things i pretty reliably break out in acne.
I have not had any problems. According to the anti-vitamin A crowd I am just storing this in the liver and eventually it is going to get overloaded or something and dump into my body and kill me.
I'm very skeptical and I trust people like @haidut then the cultists of the anti-vitamin A movement
RE: Endurance exercise causes (peripheral) hyper-cortisol state
Fascinating study thank you for sharing Haidut. I guess this would partially explain why so many people after they stop exercising very quickly gain all the weight that they lost.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@Not_James_Bond Obviously the craving is for sugar, he is completely out of touch with reality.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
Look at the insane nonsense he is spouting. A guy asked why he craved chocolate if it had copper in it which is a poison here is the enlightened response from Charlie. He basically says that you crave more poison the poison you have (copper being the poison) what utter and complete nonsense! Explain to me how that biological process works please.
Charlie is claiming that craving chocolate is a sign of copper toxicity?! What utter scientology backwards thinking is this. The guy seriously must be having a full on breakdown.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@GreekDemiGod Its more mad than that. He is saying that tumors are just build up of toxins and that when the toxins are removed the tumor goes away or some other such nonsense. Charlie seems fully on board with it of course. Is there any real evidence to back it up other than it sounds good in a very simplistic reductive way of thinking...you already know the answer of course not.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
Someone asked the obvious question about vitamin d, calcium, fructose and look at his response.
So vitamin D is not a toxin but supplementing it is a toxin so if we post a study about supplementing Vitamin D will that get us banned?
Again everyone going to be walking on eggshells unsure of what they can and cannot say, one day it will be ok to talk about vitamin D the next day it won't total and utter shambles.
I hope he keeps going because the more he talks like this the more people will leave for greener pastures. I was holding out hope for a long time that he may come to his senses but i just don't see it now.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@Truth I think that he likely will change the name to I don't know, "the great awakening forum" or some other equally cult like nonsense. I just hope he doesn't purge all the great info there is on there. He is in full paranoia mode from what I've read. He thinks everyone is about to attack him and bring him down. These are all symptoms of biological stress.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@Truth I hope I'm wrong but I think there is nothing that will change his mind. By the way before long it will be you can no longer post positive posts about Vitamin D, Calcium, Dairy etc. Everyone will be walking on eggshells afraid of getting banned and no one fully knows what the rules are so people will just stop contributing. It's complete forum suicide.
RE: New "Mission" of RPF
@Truth I knew he was eventually going there. Cults and dogmatics always end at this point. They know they cannot fully defend their position so they just shut it down.
The RPF is officially dead @Charlie you are an absolute disgrace! I can't believe i supported you all these years and gave you money. No doubt the forum will now collapse into oblivion as everyone is essentially walking on eggshells afraid of getting banned. Free discussions of ideas are now gone.
I see he still has the motto "perceive, think, act" on the head of the website what hilarious irony.
RE: A combination of vitamin B1/B3/B7 and aspirin, has curative effects on human mantle-cell lymphoma
Very glad to see you here Georgi!
RE: Question for Charlie at Ray Peat Forum on his insults against Milk and Fructose (Honey)
@brad brilliant thanks for letting me know
RE: Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here
@questforhealth Feel like its going to happen to everyone but the fanatics eventually.
RE: Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here
@questforhealth Careful, I'm guessing you will also be banned soon for criticising him on this forum. I tagged him in the previous post in the vain hope that he will realise that he is basically killing the forum and almost everyone is eventually going to leave. He will literally be ruling over the rubble and ashes of what once was.
Ozymandias comes to mind,
"I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.” -
RE: Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here
Look at this BS. The level of delusions of grandeur is unreal!
"Mockers are being dealt with accordingly, you will need high integrity and the upmost respect to participate here. Moving forward only those with Great Honor and dignity will walk these halls."
This is a health forum, not the halls of the Vatican.
@Charlie Charlie do you realise how utterly unhinged you sound?! Clearly you don't but I do I have met people in cults before this is no different.
RE: Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.
Another one bites the dust for the deeply offensive statement "quick drink the coolaid".
Was he really going to get in the way of the great awakening @Charlie ?
RE: Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.
Two more members just banned for the most tame posts ever in response to Charlies Mad cult like announcement about how eating low vitamin A and beans is going to start the rapture.
Atman and peter88. Atman had been a member since 2016 what a complete and utter jerk @Charlie is for banning him. People who have helped contribute for years and he makes the most tame joke ever and he gets banned. Very Christian of you charlie if the Christian is Joseph Smith or some other doomsday cult.