The Future of Europe
@Hitler Look up the German Turkish worker program, which happened at the same time Germans were adopting contraception. If no one was hiring the immigrants then they wouldn’t be coming as fast as they are. It’s the same thing here in America, immigrants get hired at a cheaper price than natives.
@NateHiggers yes, pro-european leaders are treated like shit, they are threatening Hungary now, because they refuse to let aid go through their borders to help Ukraine. Right decision, see these maffias making millions in the Netherlands for example since war began.
There is indeed fear of Europe becoming aware of our nature, will to keep countries as centralized as possible because this way our inmaterial richness that is cultural diversity stays ignored and destroyed in so many cases. People becoming aware of who they are would go against globalist plans that indeed, are running free all over Europe. If we take a look over the fence... Let's say it is easy to connect the dots, across the Atlantic and back.
@alpine-raspberry from my point of view there was never good intentions behind the creation of this current Union. It was all done to be able to control Europe through the Dollar. If done right and preserving sovereignty we wouldn't be the beggars of world's economy, we would be in fact strong partners with anyone that wanted to stablish monetary relations. Things could have been done right... They were not because of transatlantic interests i believe.
I'd really like to thank Hitler, AdolfHitler, NateHiggers and HateNiggers for their fruitful threads and discussion thus far into the forum.
@dan-saintdominic There is never a need to mention the average age of a nation in this context. The people who come to the west are unemployed and need healthcare. The NHS problem in Britain for instance, have gotten worse and not better because of mass migration. Mass migration worsens everything, and there is no excuse for having mass migration of apes from the third world. The ones that can work, should not be welcomed to do shitjobs either, as some retard degenerate might mate with them.
@dan-saintdominic Do the "just go back to church" bros not understand that if that was the solution society would have never gotten to the point that it is?
@hypermensch Go ask them cause I didn’t say “just go back to church”. That would help as a start point, but Many People were/are going to church for decades without being educated of what the right thing to do is and/or choosing to do the wrong thing.Its about adopting the whole truth of the Catholic faith. One of the main complaints is about declining demographics in Europe, yet one of the main driving forces in this is both birth control, abortion, promiscuity, and the excesses of free market capitalism. All of those have been condemned for ages by the authorities established in the Church by God, and, not only have they been refuted, but there’s a perfect point by point rationale and human logic behind all of it.
The future of Europe is this:
In short, all of us (western petty bourgeois) are way too comfortable and the ruling class do not like it, we will be launched viciously into the working class where possible, and killed where necessary. This is also what this migration is about rather than only bringing in human capital; it's done so they have better slaves that aren't used to the comfort we are.
@dan-saintdominic While christianity may solve some of our problems, it is fundamentally no solution to the demographic problem in Europe. Christianity would for sure make our societies less degenerate, reducing abortion, promiscuity, homosexuality, bithcontrol and the likes of which you mentioned. Christianity does however not care about who its followers are, be it black or white, wishing to expand across borders and ethnicities. While christianity may offer great traditional values that would be helpful for Europe, it does not solve the demographic problem. I may be wrong, but there would be no mass deportations in the name of christianity. Only one thing may save Europe, and that is a common European identity. I don't think christianity cares for European ethnostates, but nationalism does.
Christianity has thought us to be shameful and way too kind. This is the exact reason we allow our countries to be exploited day in and day out. Stand up for the uniqueness of, and love for your people, not for the shared common god.
@NateHiggers Have you ever read about the Crusades? Catholic Europe defended its boarders from hostile invaders over centuries and centuries. Also in history there have been Catholic societies that deported hostile groups, like in 1492 when Queen Isabella deported all non Catholics in Spain.
I can also show you where many Pope’s have said that it’s good for nations to see their particular peoples as something to be preserved. “ It is quite legitimate for nations to treat those differences as a sacred inheritance and guard them at all costs. The Church aims at unity, a unity determined and kept alive by that supernatural love which should be actuating everybody; she does not aim at a uniformity which would only be external in its effects and would cramp the natural tendencies of the nations concerned. Every nation has its own genius, its own qualities, springing from the hidden roots of its being. The wise development, the encouragement within limits, of that genius, those qualities, does no harm; and if a nation cares to take precautions, to lay down rules, for that end, it has the Church's approval. ”- St. John XXIII
Your priorities are just way out of wack. It may be the case that hostile groups would need to be deported, but it’s much lower on the scale of things that need to be fixed. You just mentioned so many things like sodomy, abortion, promiscuity, and birth rates which would improve, but you’re focused on a much smaller issue in the hostile immigration? And a lot of the issues in immigration are coming from governments not taking law and order seriously, not deporting hostile people, etc.
You’re talking about a “European identity” but that’s what you’ve had growing continually for the past 150 years and during that same time is when you see some of the worst wars ever recorded, pornography, promiscuity, abortion, depopulation, etc.
@dan-saintdominic "Its about adopting the whole truth of the Catholic faith. "
Again, if this was the solution the current situation would not exist. -
@dan-saintdominic Are you talking about the crusades against the muslims? You are essentially proving my point, christianity will only fight for and defend its own ideology against another ideology, not caring about who the people following that ideology are.
Second point is great, but as of today, your catholic pope may just be one of the most spineless men in Europe, borderline woke. Christianity is not helping Europe today. Christianity is not even tough enough to help itself, trying to stay relevant at all costs. I am from a protestant country, so I won't speak for you catholics, but we have gay priests and priestesses in Norway today, waving the rainbow flag in the name of Jesus. You are all charlatans.
@dan-saintdominic said in The Future of Europe:
Your priorities are just way out of wack.
Absolutely not. We should most definitely start by deporting every immigrant in Europe. If the people stay in Europe, they will multiply, and they will become more resistant, gain greater influence, seat more positions of power etc. The other points you mention, yes, that needs fixing too. These things are simply solved by going back to a more patriarchal society. It was not christianity that held the sodomy and promescuity at bay, that has always been the men. You fail to realize that high European culture all arose after christianity gradually lost its influence. Christianity is nonsense, people are king. Christianity kept Europe in its dark ages for centuries. If it were not for brave men having the guts to challenge christianity, no high European culture would have risen.
European identity for the past 150 years? No, we have had the rise of national identity. These identities clashed, but with good help from our fellow jooz, putting us up against each other. I want European identity to rise, so we can fight this evil together, and then, Europe may fall back into national identities.
Adding a little text: What I want to emphasize is that Europe is Europe not because of its religion, but because of its people. The greeks were not christian, the roman arguably implemented christianity as a tool of power. Look at christian latin America, it is in a mostly laughable state, despite being more christian than any place in modern Europe. What latin America does have however, is a mongrel population, reflected in the state of their countries. Yes. Great things has sprung out from christianity, and christianity has funded and been a huge inspiration to great artist like Michelangelo, but at the end of the day, christianity is enslavement of the masses, and power to the few, and I will not stand for it.
@hypermensch Its because people have rejected the truth and stopped practicing their faith. All of the things that you mention that are genuinely evil are directly opposed to the Catholic teaching. Unless a government comes into force those teachings on to people then its pretty much up to them to decide for themselves to follow or not.
@NateHiggers "Christianity kept people in the dark ages".... so long as you dont take credit for the glories of the years between 500-1700 (and all of the working class accomplishments from 1700-1970) in Catholic Europe, thats fine by me, since right after the"Dark Ages" ended in certain countries in when you start to see the unforeseen filth creep in. Not even to mention that the near majority of the labor force the fueled the whole industrial revoltion in France and America were Catholic immigrants from Ireland, Italy, and Germany who were very devout.
Look at all the great achievers that you seem to only credit their racial identity to. They almost all exclusively were DEVOUT catholics and carried out its teachings.
Nationalism rose since the 1800s and that when you see all the sodomy, abortion, feminism, contraception come into the picture. By all means, take credit for those things if you think what has happened is much better. Go read what the filth that happened in the French Revolution, a nationalistic movement.
The funny part in all of this is your whole "enslavement of the masses" is the exact stuff that is being peddaled in universities by the modern people who support abortion on demand, democracy, sodomy, and contracpetion. Youre so influenced by them while claiming to be opposed to them.
Latin America has only converted to Catholicism for a few centuries. Also, liberalism started creepin in almost immediately in the 1700s.It takes more than a few centuries of Catholic faith in order for a society to be transformed away from the demons that enslaved that society for thousands of years. Europe didnt start to prosper architecturally and agriculturally for a few hundred years after it had converted. But once Catholic governments were implemented, you see the great rise in socities increase almost exponentiallly after a few hundred years. Yet you ignore how much progress theyve made in that short amount of time. They went from doing human sacrafice to having quite good economies within a few hundred years. And the expedition for this was started by the glorious Catholic Spanish empire under Queen Isabella and Christopher Colombus.
Someone who has that disordered attraction is not a criminal. Its true that God loves everyone, if you have a problem with that then go read the bible. Its ironic that you snip the quote right before where he said that its also a sin to do such acts. Which he has repeated a few times.
Do me a favor. You ahve thousands of years of what Europe was like before Catholicism came into the picture. How come Europe accomplished in those thousands of years feats of a magnitutde that Catholic-based societies were accomplishing in a few years throughout the 1800-1900s? Why are your fertility rates an abomination just so coincidentally at the same exact time that society stopped following Christian principles? Why are mothers murdering their offspring, allowing their children to be whores, and abandoning their grandparents in nursing homes? Surely you should be having all the glory ever right? You have a euroepan union for the first time in history. and even "better" for you, it doesnt hold to the "enslavement of the masses". Where is the glory? Where is the beauty? Where is the truth? You have a lot of explaining to do.
Optimism is cowardace. Something needs to be done regarding the immigration numbers, or there will not be a Europe by 2050. Discussing health and religion is of secondary importance.
I think one of the best tactics we can use is to turn jews into white nationalist. Jews are revolutionary by nature, and radical thought can appeal to them(I can save her). Jews are European after all.
Another important tactic is to simple be contagious. This is a mass age. We need to reproduce at a high rate, and we need to be appealing. This is why we should practice eugenics. Yes we need to stop migration at all costs, but we should also aim to have five 125+IQ children each. These children should also be athletic like Håland and be indoctrinated towards ethnonationalism.
@NateHiggers Ok, but if "being a true catholic" is all it takes, how and why did people spontaneously end up rejecting the "truth"? Are you not seeing the problem with your argument?
Norway has become a gay post-literary God-forsaken Arab obesity brothel.
So much love and kindness in this thread. I like how you all appreciate Ray's view that people are not the sum of their genes, but shaped by their environment and culture.
@eugene least racist peater