Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside)
Well, Trump is in the Illuminati (like me), and we have special health secrets that make us a lot healthier than the plebs.
If you followed his same diet, you wouldn't get the same results for that reason.
It is what it is.
@JamesGatz said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
we have special health secrets that make us a lot healthier
It shows.
The biggest comeback since Jesus! -
This is inspiring to think about.
You want to be wealthy, and be the boss, so you can delegate overly stressful tasks, have the best healthcare and quality food...
And consider how he is able to speak his mind, and be who he is. It seems very health promoting--he's got a good vibe in that way. He expresses himself. Most people do not express themselves like that. Being big and rich lets you be more self indulgent, less neurotic. Not being micromanaged by the people around you.
We probably have a lot to learn from him.
Also, I'm pretty sure he has some kind of brand deal with McDonald's, so I would take that article with a grain of salt. I'm sure he eats it (for photo ops), but every day? I seriously doubt it.
I recall CNN reporting ~5-6 years ago that he was on the "steak and ice cream" diet. And they were talking about that like it was such a bad thing.
Where'd he go??
James Gatz, come back, homie! Peatworld needs you!
@Luke said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
The biggest comeback since Jesus!I guess the post was slightly premature.
Donald Trump graduated first in his class in Finance from an Ivy League institution. He must have an IQ over 145, he demonstrates exceptional intelligence, even if he is not traditionally considered an intellectual.
Good times often lead to good health, and good health is the greatest human experience. Trump has enjoyed a largely positive trajectory throughout his life, which suggests a remarkable alignment of circumstances. He was chosen by God, given the extraordinary nature of his life. His vitality and success may be attributed, in part, to his strong Aryan genetic heritage, which reflects resilience and vigor.
Trump appears to live life with enthusiasm and purpose. He is a man on a mission, abstaining from alcohol and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. He has built a large family, with many children and grandchildren, and has avoided overexerting his body with excessive physical training. Instead, he spends time outdoors, golfing—a sport he both enjoys and excels at. This routine likely contributes to his steady stress levels, with the exception of the period when he faced near-bankruptcy.
I recall reading Ray Peat's essay "Intelligence and Metabolism," where he highlighted Bertrand Russell's ability to embrace new interests and relationships well into old age as a sign of robust health and a nurturing upbringing. There are striking parallels to Trump, who, in his later years, married a youthful and beautiful woman and embarked on a presidential campaign. This decision reflects a childlike curiosity and optimism about the future, as well as a life-affirming worldview.
Einstein once said, "God does not play dice with the universe." Trump's exceptional health and vitality at this stage of his life are not mere coincidences but part of a larger, purposeful design.
@Norwegian-Mugabe Einstein was arguing against the Copenhagen interpretation here, working to develop Bohmian Mechanics as a derivative of Pilot Wave Theory. Suggesting instead that it is reflecting Trump as a Holy Savior of America is exactly the kind of mystical obscurantism that works to actually further develop America's H1B fascism: e.g., see the rapid rise in migration to the UK right after the conservative Brexit program, on the order of 4x, in spite of their proclamations against migration while running. Money talks.
One can't eat The Leader's supposed Alignment with God, nor sleep underneath the roof of His Aryan Heritage.
Without materialist analysis, all one has is emotional hysteria.
@Rah1woot said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
materialist analysis
emotional hysteria
Sure would be handy.
@Norwegian-Mugabe You've made some good points about good fortune.
@Rah1woot said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
There's a book 100 Authors Against Einstein which is, as described, letters from 100 scientists/professors mostly German and German Jews who had big issues with General and Special relativity. The short is it was a speculative ideology or framework being pushed through dogmatically without criticism. Very interesting story, involves politics, race, religion, money, usual suspects. Modern science / Western Civilization is still suffering the consequences of "relativity" if you ask me.
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
where he highlighted Bertrand Russell's ability to embrace new interests and relationships well into old age as a sign of robust health and a nurturing upbringing. There are striking parallels to Trump, who, in his later years, married a youthful and beautiful woman and embarked on a presidential campaign.
Maybe Russell was bright and vital, but he was seriously shortsighted. Wittgenstein is a far more vital character in my opinion. Worked in a hospital; wrote some of his works in a hut in Norway; designed a house in Vienna; stood his ground at Cambridge, briefly in WWI too. He was wealthy, but I feel his creative output and life experience is somewhat genuine at least from my hopeful view of recorded history. Trump married three times (?) to vapid super-models. He's a billionaire obviously very securely in the Epstein club. No high intelligence on display - and I used to think he was going to help America.
Like that Gatz fellow said, Trump, Kissinger, and celebrities surely can get piles of miracle drugs and life-extension therapy. What even is the discussion? Billionaires aren't going to help real people.
@Corngold Russell did nothing of value. He still lived a Peaty life and he seems to have enjoyed himself and his friends wives. The best thinker of the 20th century was Heidegger.
There is no point in only analyzing the world from a materialistic point of view, as there is more to this world than material. Anyhow, this is not what this thread is about. Kilgore is correct, Trump has superior Aryan genes. Clean bloodline.
There is no point in only analyzing the world from a materialistic point of view, as there is more to this world than material.
Then you must discard Peating: it's the virtues of soybean oil and running in circles that "go beyond the material". India too is highly fixated on race background and secret super-material inner purity, and it is a dump for that reason.
“Lysenko represents the truly materialist scientific methodology. Western genetics represents the rationalist reductionist view of reality. This is why they had to remove him.” -- Ray Peat
@Rah1woot said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
then you must discard Peating: it's the virtues of soybean oil and running in circles that "go beyond the material". India too is highly fixated on race background and secret super-material inner purity, and it is a dump for that reason.
“Lysenko represents the truly materialist scientific methodology. Western genetics represents the rationalist reductionist view of reality. This is why they had to remove him.” -- Ray Peat
Yep. We think mind and environment can overcome genetics (with the help of pharmaceuticals). Or, conversely, we think genetics determines everything and work within these imposed limitations (using gene therapies and pharmaceuticals).
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
Russell did nothing of value. He still lived a Peaty life and he seems to have enjoyed himself and his friends wives. The best thinker of the 20th century was Heidegger.
There is no point in only analyzing the world from a materialistic point of view, as there is more to this world than material. Anyhow, this is not what this thread is about. Kilgore is correct, Trump has superior Aryan genes. Clean bloodline.
I'm going to discard this sentiment. Don't care for Russell, but cheating isn't virtuous. Heidegger I think still pales in comparison to Wittgenstein. A lot of "serious" analytical types write off Ludwig for obvious reasons. Yet countless artists and musicians point back to his work.
You could call this serotonergic / psychological escapism. But, on the other hand, it shows language as the major cucking of mankind and thought. Humanity is about humanity in the literal sense of the word "about." But language is not about language. We have to understand that people are using language and thought, and that is what is shaping language and thought, which makes language "about" language. In other words, Heidegger is writing for a particular time and place. He should be read more like a novel or a painting. Germany became (or were always) incredibly autistic and detached. Trump is basically a clown.