Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside)
The answer is simple: a large scrotum, a lot of sex, a lot of will to live and adequate medical care.
His cells love life.
And yet, it could all be an illusion of a few drugs that keep him functioning at a high level until the last moment, with close monitoring of indicators and deficiencies
@sharko said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
The answer is simple........................
And yet, it could all be an illusion.......................That's how I feel about almost everything I hear or read.
One reason Trump is defying the standard aging at his age is he doesn't drink or smoke.
People WAY underestimate how bad alcohol is for you and how it ages you. It's fucking poison. There is no health benefit to drinking alcohol. Anyone who tries to post studies/or articles about how it's good, is a coping alcoholic, just like those who try to find proof its good.
@Hearthfire youre coping with your idea alcohol appreciation is coping
I know what it's like to be on drugs like Ritalin for example. It is possible to function as an emotionless superman even with a body that is already half crumbled from the inside, any problem or pain does not exist at all - until the last moment. For me it was combined with extreme chronic stress as a result of hard work with the brain and a very bad lifestyle and when I threw away the pills, I found half a body that needed to be restored to health with the help of the knowledge of the amazing Ray Peat.
@sharko Ray's ideas shook me enough to review everything I believed and overall they were very helpful but not always.
I'm glad you've healed and no longer depend on so many chemicals.
@Hearthfire I think people tolerate alcohol. It's not essential. Not a fan of it at all, it's a solvent.
@Insomniac said in Donald Trump defies the laws of aging. An obese, garbage food eating insomniac conquered the world at 78 (politics aside):
@sharko Ray's ideas shook me enough to review everything I believed and overall they were very helpful but not always.
I'm glad you've healed and no longer depend on so many chemicals.
thanks! I did not implement changes according to Ray's ideas, I used them as well as the research of other forum members (RPF) to complete my own research and insights. Most of Ray's information is correct, but it is not presented in the form of a guide so most people make a lot of nonsense.
Regarding the reanalysis of our beliefs - totally, today I am a strange bird in my environment, I dare to question the lie of reality. And no one is even interested in hearing about another possibility, even if it contains evidence that cannot be ignored.