Experiments with transdermal hormones
Progesterone and DHEA both convert to DHT. I was talking to a guy who was taking DHEA and Pregnenolone 1:1 and said it had positive effects on him.
How is your experiment @metabolicmilk ?
@Kilgore this man ripped off pansterone and sold it.
the reviews are good though, even doubled Testosterone in one person
@wester130 At first circa October of 2023, that immitation product was even called "pansterone" and his whole website was called "pansterone.com". I wouldn't trust that company, given he was trying to impersonate IdeaLabs. Just my personal opinion.
@alfredoolivas i agree
I've finally gotten around to trying T in 95% alcohol + IPM. Started with 50mg T. I'll check in later if I notice anything.
Only thing different so far vs. DMSO is that I don't notice any crystals on my skin after drying, and of course none of the nasty DMSO smell. So I think that's a good start.
Looks like 70% alcohol + 30% IPM doesn't allow for T to penetrate the skin in my case. Same as DMSO. It also dries incredibly fast (within seconds). I could try throwing some MCT oil in there to prevent the quick drying but I doubt it would make a difference for penetration.
@Crypt-Keeper It's probably the concentrations you use in DMSO; I use 5% DHT in DMSO (50 mg DHT per ml of DMSO), and it absorbs perfectly fine, no crystals. T seems to be a lot less soluble in DMSO than it is in ethanol
@alfredoolivas I've tried the following:
- 50mg DHT / ml DMSO
- 100mg T / ml DMSO
- 100mg T / ml 95% alcohol
Both DMSO solutions leave visible crystals / white residue on the skin after drying. The alcohol solution didn't have any visible crystals on the skin after drying, but there is residue on my dark-colored undershirt.
In all cases the solutions were completely clear (no crystals) in the dropper bottle, so I think they're being dissolved well.
Okay, either DMSO doesn't work well or DMSO solutions are hard to heat up to the point where you can dissolve the hormones. Either way, this is a valuable lesson. Thanks for sharing.
Here is my method if you are interesteed: I put 1500mg of DHT inside a 30ml Idealabs dropper bottle, and using a funnel, I put 33 grams (30 ml) of DMSO inside the bottle too. I simply heat up the bottle for 12 seconds using a 1000W microwave, and it comes out maybe 60-70 degrees celsius and perfectly dissolved; I shine my light from the phone, through the bottom of the bottle, and if you look down the neck of the bottle, into the liquid, the light illuminates any undissolved particles if there are any.