Why are you all so religious
@fiester said in Why are you all so religious:
Hi, Catholics are not Christians.
Catholics were the first "Christians." Christians are just followers of St. Paul aka Saul the Pharisee and a spin-off watered down version of Judaism for non-Jews. The King James Bible is an occultic/alchemical text translated by John Dee and other astrologers and rabbis. Catholic "feasts" and fasts are nowhere in the New Testament... because the festivals and sacraments are just the older Jewish festivals spun into a Jesus-Sol-Invictus-myth.
It's clear: there is no "Catholic Church" in the New Testament. Their claims are just as dubious as the claims made in the Gospels, and those of St. Paul in his whimsical letters. Many of the first popes and bishops were Jewish; the Jesuits were basically all Jews in Spain who "converted" to Catholicism. It's just an incredible coincidence that Jesus and Muhammad are also indebted to the Torah which brings everything back to Jerusalem, the center of the world.
So the question is "what is a Christian?" Jesus, assuming he was real, was a Jewish prophet and/or THE Jewish Messiah which is a requirement for a Christian to believe. The Christian is "grafted" into a Jewish mythology.
The worst argument I see is Christians trying to disprove/criticize Islam when the origin is almost identitical: a book or books, about a prophet. The narration is slightly different as Jesus is often "interpreted" by other characters whereas Muhammad tells a first person account, like Joseph Smith later.
@Hando-Jin said in Why are you all so religious:
I just get bored of so many threads turned into a bible study group. I think it's bad manners.
Religious people being oblivious to how overbearing they can be is nothing new I suppose.
I'm also genuinely curious as to why 'peaters' bother with religion when it's obviously of so little practical value.
It is boring when people never zoom out to a broader perspective. Saying the world began 2025 years ago (or 6,000 years ago) is very limiting.
@yerrag the Holy spirit and a spirit are 2 different things. The Holy spirit has it own individuality like the angels or bla bla
A spirit is like or soul is considered a spark.
@CO3 said in Why are you all so religious:
What a joke. They busted a gay sex party IN THE VATICAN LAST YEAR. It's a vile, corrupt institution and the only reason there has been any decrease in these activities is because light has been shed on it so many countless times. You have ZERO understanding of this phenomenon if you say they found out and then put a stop to it. They were shuffling around priests for years. There were scandals year after year, and again and again it implicated higher and higher positioned people that would just move around the offenders.
Yep. When I tell people about this they just ignore it. Like, if this was going on in your community's Catholic Church, what would people do? When abuse scandals happen they just relocate the priest. And let me tell you... campus / college priests are suspect. I know one was selling or doing cocaine too, and that was hushed up. Lmao, you can't make this stuff up. I'm sure others have done far worse. Read about Chicago, Bernardin who helped the LGBT movement, and others - over 80 priests or bishops accused of abuse in Chicago alone!
https://www.bishop-accountability.org/il_chicago/ -
@Tahodama said in Why are you all so religious:
Frankly I'm amazed no one's mentioned the elephant in the room, which is that high metabolism individuals will feel strained from only 1 meal and 2 snacks per day during fasting periods, and how little Catholic authorities will do to accommodate this.
They don't want anyone to rejoice to early! Prepare, prepare. The Sun won't reach equinox until another week or so. Then by Easter we can say "he is risen!" as the Sun will continue to rise until the summer solstice.
I don't buy "ancient" stuff but this is exactly what it is. It's ancient whatever Babylonian-Sumerian-Judaic astrology at a high level. Fasting is a way of depleting our energy. -
A Jehova's witness dude came to my door the other day, he was nice and friendly, and I didn't feel threatened or scared of him, though I noticed his eyes seemed reptilian. It could have been the sun being out fully that day, but idk. I'm not judging him, I rather like him tbh, I just noticed this.
With humour.
@sushi_is_cringe said in Why are you all so religious:
I noticed his eyes seemed reptilian
@sushi_is_cringe said in Mind reading algorithm - How to rid Microchips Nanotec etc?.....:
I live in my own imagination