Cool outcomes with Niacinamide on Testes
@LetTheRedeemed - Your a ballsy experimenter.
Just for clarification, the alcohol must have been ethanol and NOT rubbing alcohol.
People use vodka as a deodorant. has been found to inhibit fungi.
Modulation of histone H3 lysine 56 acetylation as an antifungal therapeutic strategy (2010)
@tubert 5850mg of niacinamide in a 2fl oz spray bottle of vodka was the densest I could go with it before it leaves standing powder residue where I spray.
@DavidPS haha yep. And yes vodka. Thanks for the info!
@LetTheRedeemed what proof of vodka? do you think 100 proof is enough?
@gloryus classic 190 proof! The less alcohol the less niacinamide gets dissolved.
Not a big deal but that’s almost twice as much as 100 proof so it plausibly works twice as fast.
@LetTheRedeemed Even though ethanol has it's own anti-microbial and drying effects, niacinamide can dissolve at 100% concentrations in water; e.g; 1g per ml of water or 10 g per 10 ml of water. Therefore, water can be used as a solvent to maximise the amount of niacinamide applied.
@alfredoolivas oh cool. Good to know, thanks!
@LetTheRedeemed kudos on the bigger balls, etc. I might add to reevaluate what shower soap you were using. Itching ain’t right! Or you might be wearing some synthetic fabric plastic undies? Or… just question everything is my message I guess.
@LetTheRedeemed Do you perceive any signs of higher testosterone?
@LetTheRedeemed thanks!
@dapose yeah good question. I may post about it sometime, but I had more emotional stress than I ever had in my life last year, and all kinds of old issues came back. At the same time I got the itching down under I got raised rashes all over my body — this during seasonal allergies which was pretty bad as well…
I also developed little fibrous papules on my nose. Skin generally got worse. Everything went down hill pretty fast. Sleep, which was a long fought victory, got way worse. Icecream tasted like yogurt and oj tasted like lemon juice at times last year.Supposedly, you can become susceptible to infection to anything when your immune system/metabolism is compromised enough.
Bottom line, you can be doing everything right, but if you can’t maintain peace in your life it can literally give you cancer and kill you.The supplements that did the most noticeable improvements during this time was topical progesterone for rashes, fat solubles and cypro before bed for sleep, and lots of sugar lol.
This wasn’t enough, I had to meet with mentors in my life just to give me lightness of heart and like clockwork I’d stop pooping blood.
@BearWithMe I don’t know. My sleep is all over the map which could make it hard to tell. I am doing other good things like upping t3 and cholesterol… my muscle repair after working out has seemed a little faster than years ago when I’d work out… it could be one or the other or both.
Very Cool. I have tried to use niacinamide in coconut oil for toenail fungus, which wasn't very effective (using povidone iodine now to good effect). It didn't occur to me that I might've had more luck with a solution in liquid.
@Rah1woot right I didn’t know until last year that different things absorb in different mediums.