Cool outcomes with Niacinamide on Testes
I use niacinamide dissolved in alcohol for deodorant with success (in spray bottle).
Got jock itch during allergy season… used the spray to kill it, and it worked pretty quickly. I read niacinamide kills the jock fungus so I’d like to think it’s not just the alcohol.
A Cool side effect was bigger and heavier testicles.
Could there be any downsides to this?
@LetTheRedeemed what's the deodorant formula with niacinamide? I guess what % is the alcohol solution?
@LetTheRedeemed - Your a ballsy experimenter.
Just for clarification, the alcohol must have been ethanol and NOT rubbing alcohol.
People use vodka as a deodorant. has been found to inhibit fungi.
Modulation of histone H3 lysine 56 acetylation as an antifungal therapeutic strategy (2010)
@tubert 5850mg of niacinamide in a 2fl oz spray bottle of vodka was the densest I could go with it before it leaves standing powder residue where I spray.
@DavidPS haha yep. And yes vodka. Thanks for the info!
@LetTheRedeemed what proof of vodka? do you think 100 proof is enough?
@gloryus classic 190 proof! The less alcohol the less niacinamide gets dissolved.
Not a big deal but that’s almost twice as much as 100 proof so it plausibly works twice as fast.
@LetTheRedeemed Even though ethanol has it's own anti-microbial and drying effects, niacinamide can dissolve at 100% concentrations in water; e.g; 1g per ml of water or 10 g per 10 ml of water. Therefore, water can be used as a solvent to maximise the amount of niacinamide applied.
@alfredoolivas oh cool. Good to know, thanks!
@LetTheRedeemed kudos on the bigger balls, etc. I might add to reevaluate what shower soap you were using. Itching ain’t right! Or you might be wearing some synthetic fabric plastic undies? Or… just question everything is my message I guess.