Does progesterone decrease libido in men?
Posts made by Alomongerpete
RE: Peat did not believe in the androgenic man?
RE: Help with EU Sources
@alfredoolivas I've taken Tiromel as well and my experience is Cynomel is much cleaner.
RE: Pro Metabolic Substances Tier List
Fascinating list. Thanks for sharing. Where do you get your Cabergoline from? Thanks.
RE: Awful brain processing speed
Taking thyroid (T3 + T4) increased my brain processing speed.
RE: Journey to Hormonal Optimisation
Main issues for a while have been feeling ill on a regular basis. It seems to be lodged close to my tonsils and think it's leading to fatigue and low mood. In the UK it's not common for the NHS to swab your throat and test it, they just love to prescribe antibiotics based on symptoms or tell you to rest if you have a virus. It's quite frustrating. I know Ray was quite an advocate for antibiotic use but I think the potential downsides are significant and feel like my immunity went downhill last year when I did two courses of antibiotics, having never done any my whole adult life.
I did a blood test on Tuesday so should get results soon:'ll then be doing a consultation with a private doctor and want to discuss these issues as well as potentially having an intro to a TRT clinic.
I did a mycotoxin test last year which came up high in ochratoxin so I've been trying to detox that via home farinfrared sauna and activated charcoal plus bentonite clay.
RE: Journey to Hormonal Optimisation
Daily waking temp today was 36.6 degrees C (right ear) and 36.4 (left ear). I use a Philips In Ear Thermometer as it's more convenient than some under arm analogue one.
Peak temperature yesterday was around 20:00 with 36.7 (right) and 36.5 (left). I woke up with an erection which has been quite rare in recent months. Appear to be less bloated in the stomach and noticeably lower retention of water in the face.
Upon waking I mix an electrolyte powder that also contains creatine and ribose with a prebiotic supp that contains pre-hydrolysed guar guam, with Quali-C and l-glutamine.
RE: Journey to Hormonal Optimisation
@ThinPicking I urinated less yesterday and was much less thirsty than usual.
RE: Journey to Hormonal Optimisation
@ThinPicking It wasn't at all precise. Just did it with scissors. Swallowed it for water but have sipped OJ around the time of it too. How does one know when they've taken enough thyroid hormone?
As the day progressed and I took more small doses, I got some great dopamine highs. I started spontaneously smiling and laughing and music became more enjoyable. I haven't felt crazy productive energy like "wanting to clean the house", like Danny Roddy talks about but it's been very pleasant with no real adrenaline boosts.
Journey to Hormonal Optimisation
I'm a 37 year old man living in London, England. Convinced I have some thyroid issues with me ticking almost all of the symptom boxes including dry hair, hair loss, fatigue, chronic infection, cold hands and feet, low libido and appetite.
Today some Tiromel (T3) 25mcg tablets arrived, as well as Levotiron (T4) 100mcg pills. I cut up the Tiromel with scissors into roughly 8 pieces and took one small one, probably slightly less than 3mcg. This was after eating a lunch with lots of rice and eggs. Just made me feel drowsy like I could do with a really deep sleep. Anyone else had this from T3 meds? What does this mean?
I'll write more about the various things I do for my health later.
Thanks for reading
RE: Temperatures
Is it normal for the left ear to be colder than the right or is this a sign of something?
RE: natural deodorant
In the UK I've been using Fussy Deodorant and it's very effective.
RE: Hating everything everywhere all at once
@IkeIkeforever 182cm is 5 foot 11.7 inches (or 5.9 feet) but not 5 foot 9.
RE: Thermometer
@BeamsOfEnergy I thought Ray was more into underarm measurements to test thyroid function?
RE: What are the thyroid sources now?
I've been trying to use Farmaciadelnino but their Bitcoin transaction fee is around 70% of my order price. Am I doing something wrong or is this standard for them?
RE: Intense adrenergic response to dating
Perhaps need to address it more via mental health therapies than trying to medicate with supplements, if you're usually calm in other scenarios.
Can someone recommend a good and reliable thermometer to use for temp measurement as a proxy for thyroid function? Thanks
RE: Bloodwork shows elevated TPOAb (Hashimoto's disease)
I think high dose iodine really did a number of me so I definitely would caution supplementing with iodine.
RE: Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?
Isn't Vitamin C not from whole food sources (ascorbic acid) problematic because it reduces copper?